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So Live Help Are A Disgrace!!


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Please wait for a site operator to respond. chatinfo.gifYou are now chatting with 'Jonathan' Jonathan: How may I help you today? you: hi jonathan, im currently in chat with adrian, but heard nothing for 5 mins you: all i wanna know is how many raked hands ive played from 6th to 7th you: username is morlspin Jonathan: Thank you for your patience - I'll be with you shortly you: its taken 17 mins already, how much longer? im at work in the morning Jonathan: Sorry for the delay...I'll be right with you you: 23 mins, this is appalling you: 30 mins, is this what u guys call customer service? Jonathan: Thank you for your patience Jonathan: This will be checked shortly you: check now you: this conversation has been printed, and will be posted on www.punterslounge.com you: it took 2 mins earlier, why the wait? :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! morl - you may find an email quicker/more efficient (I know that's not the point you're making) If you send them an email when you go to bed, the response (and number of raked hands) will be there when you get up in the morning...

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! That is terrible, I thought it was bad when I had to wait 10 minutes before anyone answered me yesterday, 10 minutes I could have spent playing on the tables. I put it down to being lunchtime and there was probably only 1 person on duty. They also gave false information to pistonbroke yesterday. I'm sure most people talk to livechat to get raked hand numbers, these should be put on our account page and save a lot of time.

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! I was informed that Live Help was down when I tried to request my raked hands last night. I think I am glad it said that rather than sit there for half an hour! Edit: SO email service is crap too - emailed over 12 hours ago - and got jack back yet

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! I love how all those things "Jonathan" said seem like copy+paste sentences, as if they were prepared... Come to think of it, they probably are! And the nerve to say "Thank you for your patience, this will be checked shortly" after half an hour! Class! :tongue2

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! even worse all after 42 mins, he came back and told me this.... Im sorry, after checking all the known channels, i cannot find out how many raked hands you have played, an email will be sent to you with more informatin sometime tomorrow! Thanks for your patience in this matter THE CHEEK!!

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Re: So Live Help Are A Disgrace!! They are fokin useless, the live poker help :puke . Especially one guy called craig b. Never gave me an anwser to any questions and I had him more than half a dozen times. Two days ago I got him twice in 15 minutes. He left room on both occasions before I put my question down. I tried again and after waiting 35 minutes for an anwser (how many raked hands?) I left the room. Guys, the best way to find out raked hands is to call 08000 727 727. 2-3 minutes all it takes.

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