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Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News


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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News Brilliant count me in just a note on the payout structure, could it not be made so that the top 15/20 get paid i know this will reduce the top prizes a little and would mean small payouts for those lower finishes but would ensure some of us less proficient players have an interest and maybe keep the fields up towards the end of the series when only a few of he regulars will be in contention of the top 6 places eg 200, 100,50,30,25,15,15,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5 yeah i know this doesnt add up to $500 but you get the drift

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News i couldn't make the last dollar up, was really dissapointed not to be able to play, but the girlfriend went on tilt and lost my last $35.:puke but its the start of a new month and i've got my $70 raked hands bonus.:nana so i can't wait to play in the new tourny, sounds great. and i'll have to try and build up a new girlfriend proof bankroll.:eyes iv'e never had to add to to my initial deposit and i'll be damned if i have to now. i suppose it's hard to insure against a bad run when i'm always taking out my winnings because i need them.

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

i couldn't make the last dollar up, was really dissapointed not to be able to play, but the girlfriend went on tilt and lost my last $35.:puke but its the start of a new month and i've got my $70 raked hands bonus.:nana so i can't wait to play in the new tourny, sounds great. and i'll have to try and build up a new girlfriend proof bankroll.:eyes iv'e never had to add to to my initial deposit and i'll be damned if i have to now. i suppose it's hard to insure against a bad run when i'm always taking out my winnings because i need them.
Erm... you could try a new girlfriend :ok But don't tell her I said that :$
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News ahhh yes bankroll management - been there done that etc took me ages to keep my poker account seperate to my betting account seperate to my living account! Worth it tho in the end, coz I don't worry about my BR anymore - it sits there and I get to lose it or double it with no affect on other finances - in the end this reaally helped me to become a better player as I wasn't scared of losing and could paly a more relaxed game Hope you get it sorted matey! Damo ps or do I what I did - let the missus have the $60 or so in my vc account to play with and I moved over to sporting :)

iiv'e never had to add to to my initial deposit and i'll be damned if i have to now. i suppose it's hard to insure against a bad run when i'm always taking out my winnings because i need them.
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News if it wasn't for the kids :tongue2 but seriously, she hasn't done bad. sometimes she's doing the winning when i can't. but she plays a lot when she's tired and distracted by the kids, and insists it doesn't make a difference.

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

ahhh yes bankroll management - been there done that etc took me ages to keep my poker account seperate to my betting account seperate to my living account! Worth it tho in the end, coz I don't worry about my BR anymore - it sits there and I get to lose it or double it with no affect on other finances - in the end this reaally helped me to become a better player as I wasn't scared of losing and could paly a more relaxed game Hope you get it sorted matey! Damo ps or do I what I did - let the missus have the $60 or so in my vc account to play with and I moved over to sporting :)
i agree if i hadn't had to withdraw, then i'd be able to play higher stakes games with less pressure on instant results, and get away from playing so tightly. there's less enjoyment in the game than when i first started playing and my finances (not poker related) were such that i didn't have withdraw. i had started on low stakes sit&go's with good results, then i advanced to the $20 then $30 and still making the money regularly. but if my bankroll is limited then a few bad games at that level will wipe me out, the same goes with cash games cos you can lose a big stack in 1 hand. i play for fun aswell as profit, but having to make the profit short term instead of long term takes a lot of the fun away, and the relaxed good play which maximises winnings. and ps i did give her $50 in paddy power (same network as VC i think) so that i didn't get on SO and have to make up for what the missus had lost before i could make any money for the day. but after a couple of weeks she was back on SO with $5 left on paddy power. thankfully i managed to bring it back from the dead, but only after some painful 50c and $1 sit&go's.
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

just a note on the payout structure, could it not be made so that the top 15/20 get paid i know this will reduce the top prizes a little and would mean small payouts for those lower finishes but would ensure some of us less proficient players have an interest and maybe keep the fields up towards the end of the series when only a few of he regulars will be in contention of the top 6 places eg 200, 100,50,30,25,15,15,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5 yeah i know this doesnt add up to $500 but you get the drift
Piston - I can see what your saying, and indeed we tried to achieve that (we did also consider winner takes all!!) ..... I think everyone should be in with a chance of top 6 with only the best 4 results from 9 counting ...... a few bad results won't count you out....... so that part of it helps give everyone a chance - for this event, will leave it as it is :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

i couldn't make the last dollar up, was really dissapointed not to be able to play, but the girlfriend went on tilt and lost my last $35.:puke but its the start of a new month and i've got my $70 raked hands bonus.:nana so i can't wait to play in the new tourny, sounds great. and i'll have to try and build up a new girlfriend proof bankroll.:eyes iv'e never had to add to to my initial deposit and i'll be damned if i have to now. i suppose it's hard to insure against a bad run when i'm always taking out my winnings because i need them.
Yeah, new gf... looots of girls who can play poker outthere :tongue2 ...but maybe ur current one can do other tricks... :nana
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News and thats the biggest hurdle and why I 'failed' last year - I had built my BR up to $900 from $100 by playing $3 & $5 STT and 10C cash - I played a couple of dozen hands at $10 and then went straight up to $20 & $50 winning them because I (thought) I was a great player, with nearly $1400 in the bank I stepped up again and I played a few $100 (won and lost and dropped $300 at the end), went back to the $50 and didn't win one, I finished out of the money in 14 straight games - it wiped my BR by 3/4's and I lost my confidence, so I was back to $200 before I knew it - I then couldn't win $10 games and stupidly wouldn't lower myself to play $3 & $5 ones...... So when it got back to $60 in September I closed off for a week, did lots of reading at 2+2 and found the suggested BR requirements for STT's - and so began the grind at $3 short handed and $5 short handed - and I am a much better player for it now - my BR is above the high point last year and I am playing $20 STT's again without worrying You cannot play for stakes above what your bankroll can support, regardless of how good a player you are (think you are!)- variance will wipe your BR out regardless of you playing your 'A' game as you will be outdrawn at some point. I learnt that the hard way, it cost me over $1000 :). So I hope any newbies reading this don't have the same problem I did! so learn from my mistake not your own :tongue2 Good luck TRNMF - get that bonus working for you :) Damo :cheers

but if my bankroll is limited then a few bad games at that level will wipe me out, the same goes with cash games cos you can lose a big stack in 1 hand. i play for fun aswell as profit, but having to make the profit short term instead of long term takes a lot of the fun away, and the relaxed good play which maximises winnings.
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