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how are you supposed to play against these morons?


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A $100 game. What are you supposed to do? EwaN is at seat 1 with 2150.00 chef29.o5 is at seat 2 with 2295.00 tripodes is at seat 3 with 3705.00 danno375 is at seat 4 with 1700.00 EwaN posts the large blind 100.00 danno375 posts the small blind 50.00 danno375: 9d, 9h EwaN: --, -- chef29.o5: --, -- tripodes: --, -- Pre-flop: chef29.o5: Call 100.00 tripodes: Fold danno375: Raise 400.00 EwaN: Fold chef29.o5: Call 400.00 Flop (Board: 6s, 4d, 3c): danno375: Bet 900.00 chef29.o5: Raise 1800.00 danno375: All in Showdown: chef29.o5 shows: 7c, 5c (straight to the Seven) danno375 shows: 9d, 9h (a pair of Nines) Turn (Board: 6s, 4d, 3c, Jh): River (Board: 6s, 4d, 3c, Jh, 8c): Mainpot: chef29.o5 wins the pot of 3600 with straight to the Eight (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) I know this is supposed to be in the bad beat thread but I have to ask..... How can these pathetic chancers keep doing this to me>? More to the point...... how come EVERY game I am playing the cards are coming out like this shite??? SPORTING ODDS IS FIXED I take out some cash and this happens every game. About three times I have taken a decent amount out and then hit a losing streak with w@nk like that

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

ahem....... Quote:
Originally Posted by danno375 I am always saying that your site is fixed, in truth I know it is vastly unlikely and I take the opportunity to wind people up with my rants!
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? The joy of a short handed game? He had already called so I'd imagine going another 300 to see the flop as you and him were the only ones left wasn't too difficult a decision. He just got incredibly lucky... Maybe you should consult an exorcist to see if that would change your luck?? ;)

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? If these things keep happening the answer is to only ever play an all in game every hand.... like the morons do.....but we know the morons will call any rubbish. So russian roulette poker?? not for me. Cashier????? Yes...can I make a total withdraw please...? Perhaps the only way ahead is to follow pro. Good bye and thanks for all the f@cking fish Back in retirement.

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? don't see what difference that makes, after the PF raise and flop bet Danno has only 400 left - so its an easy call Yes it was a bad beat - yes you were unlucky and yes get signed up with the twat in another game quick! :) Damo

did you maybe consider he had TT JJ QQ KK AA 66 44 or 33? maybe instead of accusing him of bad play (not saying he didnt) but maybe you should've noticed you were beat
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? I did consider that he might have a higher pocket pair.... If he had then good luck to him...i would still be pissed off as since I took out my cash i still play the same patient and considered game and still get a decent hand.... only to find that either the deal has given someone a monster or they call with rags and get lucky. However... to get lucky or to get a monster agains almost every decent hand is getting tiresome, costly and depressing. I know that any good hand can be beaten preflop but not EVERY hand. I know that it is probably not fixed but how many kicks in the teeth do you take before you stop subjecting yourself to this crap? I used to love poker but with this happening it drains you of every positive thought about the game. Instead of enjoying a win you sit there thinking " thank F@CK!" shouldn't be this way. and i am not joking that this happens every time i take money out. I play the same. A few weeks ago my bankroll was at $300. I played carefully, won a few, lost a few. eventually got it up to $2000. With minimal scrapes and bad beats handed out. By playing the cards i get and the players before me. I take out a wad and play exactly the same. Lose every single game. You tell me where to go? Do i go for russian roulette loose play? Play them at their own game??? problem with that is the software isn't even giving me a pair after the river! I know this is the luck of the draw but it makes my blood boil when i get a hand.......reasonable or rags......i fold and realise that i have chucked a full house on the flop! If I was to write a comedy about the unluckiest poker player I couldn't have been more accurate than to copy the crap that comes my way every time i make a withdrawl. Fed up of playing, peeping between my fingers with trips and watching the most unlikely straight wipe me out. Time for a new hobby.

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? in which case I would seek him out EVERY time and sit at his table :) maybe he has been reading the shove-bot stuff at 2+2? Damo :cheers

And damo....... i found the bloke... a german chap... and got to his table to watch if he calls with rags every time. just in time to see him knock the third place out calling a raise on 9 6 offsuit.
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? playing the chimp is a great idea damo...... but not if he keeps getting so lucky. you can't knock the tw@t off his rubbish hand so you have to cross your fingers and pray for a favourable flop. like i said.... hit and hope is not how or why i played poker. (past tense )

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? so you would rather play against a TAG? rather than a LAG? I am in the queue matey, just wait and wait and wait, you will win by playing better cards than Kermit Damo :cheers

playing the chimp is a great idea damo...... but not if he keeps getting so lucky. you can't knock the tw@t off his rubbish hand so you have to cross your fingers and pray for a favourable flop. like i said.... hit and hope is not how or why i played poker. (past tense )
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? Hi Danno,just my view on the subject. Bad beats are part and parcel of poker! No one likes them but its a fact they happen and from my 15mths on the circuit they happen from freerolls to £22 tournaments to £120 tournaments. Getting bad beats against you is a good sign(although not at the time) that you were ahead and were out playing your opponent. Luck is another factor and we all need some luck along the way. Poker is a great game,but you have to except that you will get highs :nana and lows :sad I seem to go through patches when everything is going for me and then... :wall Keep going Danno because if you play your game...there will be more ups then downs.

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? Hi Jo. Thanks for the positive talk.... been playing for a number of years now. Have seen many things happen so I know about the luck of the draw and that I will get bad beat once in a while. But I don't know if people think I am exaggerating but I am getting busted in EVERY game since I took money out. Not just me mind you........seeing hands where someone flopped trips with one spade. Went all in.decent stack.....was called by 2. both had 2 spades. turn spade....river spade. I know this can happen and that the odds are not that slim but ffs...... how many times do we expect to get beaten with trips....especially after putting the other two chimps nearly all in and them calling needing 2 cards! Fed up of it update. jj busted by 10 6 making straight on the flop.

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? i just thought it was me , but EVERY TIME i draw money out i get an awful run of luck. and it's not just because i'm more confident of winning because i've made money, it's like i'm being set-up or something, or blacklisted. can't see any reason why though, maybe just to give the muppets a fighting chance. :\

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

i just thought it was me ' date=' but EVERY TIME i draw money out i get an awful run of luck. and it's not just because i'm more confident of winning because i've made money, it's like i'm being set-up or something, or blacklisted. can't see any reason why though, maybe just to give the muppets a fighting chance. :\[/quote'] Why would you be blacklisted? It's not like a sportsbook that if you're drawing money out you're winning from them. If you're drawing money from a poker site it's cos you are winning off other players, but you're still paying the house rake so they will be happy. If they were going to fix cards (not that I believe that at all) they would fix them for you cos they would want you to keep playing and winning.
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? i agree i put $150 in new account on inter poker i got to 1300$ in a week they would only let me withdraw what a put in on to my card $150 i ad to get them to send me a cheque after that the rest was gone in a day on a bad streak i felt i was playing well then ur down on your arse!!!!!!

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

like i said hodgey.............i don't honestly think it is fixed but i am running out of explanations. my point is...why carry on shovling money into games?
But you must have been doing something right to get up to $2000 in the first place. Were the cards fixed then?
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? exactly my point hodgey....i was doing something right.......playing the cards right......still playing same the only thing i can think is that i might be playing too tight. but when i get a hand and push some donkey has called with nothing and is slipping a fiver in gods pocket as i sit there come and watch the table in the sporting odds $20 tourney and see two things.... how much i fold now and what hands people are calling to win with.... it is a joke. mind you i am short stacked so i won't be around much longer

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

exactly my point hodgey....i was doing something right.......playing the cards right......still playing same
Well then I think Jomell post sums it just about right. You're gonna get runs of wins and losses. I wish you the best of luck mate. :)
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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? i don't actually think i'm blacklisted, just using it as a way to describe what it's like to go out in the early stages of 5 stt's in a row when i'm usually very quiet until the later stages, but when you get aces or kings you've got to play 'em. but getting kings at the same time as the person next to you gets aces is a horrible but all of a sudden very probable and regular situation. And also getting someone all in with their nines against your aces is very satisfiying until the inevitable nine comes out and rewards the fool. all this happens and you still havn't won a hand in 5 games is LIKE being blacklisted all of a sudden. and IF they were to fix cards then i believe it would be for the bad players because there are more of them and they wouldn't play any more if they thought they were playing a skillful game. and every poker site needs bad players, they are why we all play the game (mostly anyway).

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Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? The point is....... i hate getting playable hands now!!!! I dread having to put my chips on the line. But i know that you have to and do so. I should get playable hands and be able to be full of confidence. not so... i am waiting for the cards that make the muppets hands! I just had q j spades and felt awful calling the 300 blind. got k 10 on the flop and still felt shabby. got a on the turn... straight... one club will make the flush ..not mine....... so i have to bet big to stop it coming out and they fold. That is decent play isn't it? but that is the exception to the rule at the mo.. perhaps the luck has turned fingers crossed

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