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PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Pocket Lady

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Paul, thanks for your efforts mate in arranging this :ok . I`d say I`m 90% certain of being there and hopefully within the next few days I can add the other 10%. I`m in favour of a few STT`s myself but that appears to have been sorted anyway:ok I see this as just as much a social event than a serious poker match so I certainly don`t want to be sat at the table all night when I can easily be boring the pants off somebody by the bar :lol I think the blinds structure definitely needs looking at as things move a fair bit slower when live as they do online. We need to find the happy medium but I think that issue can only really be sorted for certain once we know how many people are turning up and we can then come up with how many will be at a table. Personally I don`t mind things being on the quick side so I tend more to go along with the 2k/2.5k starting chips and blinds up about every 12 minutes kicking off at 25/50. I`m fine with the buy-in and fine with the payout. We`ll get there eventually:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Legendkiller and Brael, it would be great to see the pair of you there:ok I'm hoping that if this one goes ok we can make it at least semi-regular so all being well it won't be long before the next one comes about. Pro: I really appreciate what you're saying, but as andy says we need to find the crapshoot/time happy medium. It's mainly a social thing, meet up with some people with shared interests, have a drink and play some cards. Hopefully we'll get a few games in and everyone can leave happy. If anyone on the night shows some interest in playing a game with deeper stacks and longer blinds then there's no reason why you can't. Nothing is set in stone. Last time we had some live PL poker the majority of us were shitfaced by the time we arrived at the casino and we still managed to get the game up and running in a matter of minutes (once the casino had found their chips:lol ). We're all fairly reasonable and experienced so any problems (should they arise) will be resolved pretty quickly. All you've got to do is turn up:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

as a veteran of travel, why not use the virgin service from southampton to birmingham direct? and only £20 if booked in advance, thats all the way to newcastle, so may be cheaper for ya m8 i may come, but as its 2hrs train and hotel, il have to see, as with maxim being the week after (ish) its gonna be costly
morls almost sure im going now and i can get corporate rate on hotels ,itll probly be about the same as a travel inn for cost but much nicer hotel(may be able to swing suites).anyone who needs a room post if you want me to check on prices etc and i'll get some more info in the meantime.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Hi There i am new to the Punters Lounge and know The Pro19, I will be up for having a private game if one is organised and you need another player! Which sites do you recommend playing on? Cheers
You're more than welcome to come, whether we need another player or not. See you there:ok
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Just a few thoughts from hosting friendly mates games 2000 chips is about right - if people are out first hand then they are mad! (plus there is the bar ;)) it also means you get a few games in during the night I would say 20 min blinds are better, purley for the deal and shuffle and the fact people will take a minute to decide whether to play/call/reraise etc If possible get 2 decks, so as one person is dealing the cut-off (previous dealer) is shuffling - this works really well and cuts down on time wasted. blinds 25/50 50/100/ 100/200 etc work well I would also keep the payout to 50 30 20 - it what people are used to Just my thoughts! Am in consultation with senior management as to whether I will be excused the night shift for this event - will let you know soon :) Also - do I need to be a member to get in, or can someone sign me in? If not is it still 24 hours before you can go in, or can i just turn up, sign up and play? Is there a carpark? Are we meeting anywhere beforehand as i have no idea where it is and no idea what any of you look like (or you me!) so I don't want to sit down at a table and end up buying in for a £100 HORSE game lol Damo :cheers

Paul Starting Chips - I've got problem in principal starting with 1500-2000 chips, but you could find people dropping out 1st hand and then hanging around... not something I would relish if I had travelled a 100 miles to play a game. Again, based on experience, I would say a minimum of 3000-5000. Blind Structure - what is standard? If you're talking standard as online, will be 25, 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, and so on. I think it would normally stop at 4000/8000, but I doubt we would get that far. Level Interval Time - I think you will find that 8-10 mins is far too short. Don't forget you need to shuffle the cards, deal them out, and play the hand... could take about 3-4 minutes. The blinds would go up every 3 around 10,000 chips. Payout - not a big deal (and I don't mind using your proposal if everyone else agrees), but 50, 30, 20 is again more of a standard. Generally, those who win money will always make at least a little profit. Paul, not trying to dictate or make this awkward for anyone, just want to make sure everyone who comes, be it from 10 miles away or 200 miles, enjoys it. And I'm just trying to do that based on my experiences.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Just a few thoughts from hosting friendly mates games 2000 chips is about right - if people are out first hand then they are mad! (plus there is the bar ;)) it also means you get a few games in during the night I would say 20 min blinds are better, purley for the deal and shuffle and the fact people will take a minute to decide whether to play/call/reraise etc If possible get 2 decks, so as one person is dealing the cut-off (previous dealer) is shuffling - this works really well and cuts down on time wasted. blinds 25/50 50/100/ 100/200 etc work well I would also keep the payout to 50 30 20 - it what people are used to Just my thoughts! Am in consultation with senior management as to whether I will be excused the night shift for this event - will let you know soon :) Also - do I need to be a member to get in, or can someone sign me in? If not is it still 24 hours before you can go in, or can i just turn up, sign up and play? Is there a carpark? Are we meeting anywhere beforehand as i have no idea where it is and no idea what any of you look like (or you me!) so I don't want to sit down at a table and end up buying in for a £100 HORSE game lol Damo
you can join and go in on the night, the 24hr rule was scrapped a bit back, but you still need passport or drivers licence. There's a few carparks in the area, although I'm not sure of openeing/closing times of some of them. I think the train station carpark might be 24hr. Dunno about meeting up beforehand. I suppose it all depends what time everyone wants to kick-off. I'll probably go into town early for a few swift halves.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Need to know... Is the tourney on friday the 24th or on saturday the 25th??? ...do I have to get friday off from work, or will I be fine leaving Copenhagen friday afternoon???
I will leave the decision as to start time to others, but I suspect we won't be starting before 7pm UK time. So, unless you want to spend Friday night in England, I would say you could even travel on Saturday and still get here in time. But either way, there almost certainly wouldn't be a need to skip work. Guess that's not what you wanted to hear. I suppose the question is will you be flying or sailing?
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

I will leave the decision as to start time to others, but I suspect we won't be starting before 7pm UK time. So, unless you want to spend Friday night in England, I would say you could even travel on Saturday and still get here in time. But either way, there almost certainly wouldn't be a need to skip work. Guess that's not what you wanted to hear. I suppose the question is will you be flying or sailing?
If I leave on saturday I dont need to skip work, dont work on weekends... And I will be flying. Thx Pro :)
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Pocket Lady and I went to Stanleys Casino in St*ke last night for a taste of live poker before her big night in London. The tourney was a £10 rebuy, and we feared the worst, expecting people to play all kinds of crap for the first 90 minutes (the rebuy period). Well it was brilliant. It was 11 seat tables, but there were no all in arses at our table, which was made up of us 2, 2 young guys, 2 old hands and...............5 DANISH (bet365? employees) :rollin :rollin :rollin They could have drawn players a little more randomly I think ;) Pocket Lady played without rebuying OR add-ons, whilst I rebought once. She did VERY well, I think. Hitting trip A's AND QUAD queens. I managed to double up before the add-on period when I had A10 vs A7, and my pocket 8's held up against AK. My downfall came shortly after the rebuy ended:\ AK suited in mid position, with one caller before me I raise minimum only. The caller (one of the old hands) said, "huh, little raise eh? I re-raise big" for more than half my stack. "Are you all in with that?" I ask. "No" he said smiling. "Ah, well I am." Was my reply, pushing my chips over. He flips A 10, I my AKs Flop - 10 x x 10 x Bye bye.:lol I stood railbirding for about another hour or so whilst I waited for P-Lady. :$ P-Lady only played 2 more hands before she went out in the top 30 or so. Q9s on her BB which she lost, and then she went out to a big chip bully. She had AKo and flopped 2 pair, went all in and got called by this guy who was chasing the flush, and got it...:\ Certainly playing live holds no fears now, as the prize pool was £1500+ and final table got paid. Had some interesting chats about the local circuit. Apparently our card room is one of the toughest in the area, and if you can win here you can do well anywhere - which seems like a challenge. :) :D

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 A friend of mine from work went to Stanleys in Stoke last Friday (he lives in Stoke) and came 4th for £210... in only his 2nd attempt at a live game. There were apparently about 90 players last week. How about yesterday? Thought about going up myself maybe - it's probably no further than Birmingham from me.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Nice 1 Val Looks like you both had a good time anyway for a little outlay. You will soon get your first big win.
Thanks mate.:D We are certainly going next Friday. 99 players on 9 tables mate. Its slightly cramped at the start, you get 1000 chips, but the blinds go up much much slower than online. We also had dealers too.:nana But they rushed you more than I expected, which I found slightly annoying. A word of warning, a friend of mine was complaining afterwards that Friday night was 'muppet' night, although the players we played weren't really in that category, considering it was a rebuy.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Thanks mate.:D We are certainly going next Friday. 99 players on 9 tables mate. Its slightly cramped at the start, you get 1000 chips, but the blinds go up much much slower than online. We also had dealers too.:nana But they rushed you more than I expected, which I found slightly annoying. A word of warning, a friend of mine was complaining afterwards that Friday night was 'muppet' night, although the players we played weren't really in that category, considering it was a rebuy.
Maybe you got lucky and had a good table. Very occasionally you do get that Was the same for me a couple of Saturdays ago at Walsall. Only problem then is that when you do move tables, you find yourself very short stacked compared to the others on the new table because they've had tons of buy-ins. Anyway, may join you next Friday... as a birthday treat for myself (the following day).
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Just been on the phone to the casino again and we're on. Definitely got one table, all night, with a dealer.:nana He said he couldn't be sure about letting us have a second table, but they might be able to sort us out on the night if we really need one. I have to say I think it's brilliant of them to let us have this for absolutely nothing. Obviously they've got an interest in that they're getting nigh on 20 gamblers through the door but it's still top work. Nice one Mr. Stanley:clap:clap

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Hats off to Mr. Stanley :ok but ALSO :notworthy Mr PaulM :notworthy for all his work on the casino guys and :notworthyUbermonkey :notworthy for the hotel. IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ I was at STANLEYS in Stoke last week. Each member may only sign ONE guest, and preferably that guest must also have ID. It would be preferable to do the following; Either join your local Stanleys (if you haven't already) or Bring sufficient ID to join on the night. Thanks:ok ps Paul. What time?

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Start time. With so many of us and no guarantee of a second table I'd suggest we make a fairly early start so everyone gets a few games in. I'm thinking 7-7.30pm. They're open till 4am which would give us 8 hours (would be 9 but clocks go forward:wall) I think that's more than enough time for a few STTs. Membership/casino entry Everyone should know the law has changed, there is no 24hr period between joining and playing anymore so if you have your passport or drivers licence you can become a member there and then (think you get a free drink too). However, REGARDLESS of whether you want to become a member you WILL need your passport/drivers licence (photo ID) to be signed in anyway. So make sure you definitely bring it (unless you're a member there already). Alternatively you can go to the stanley casino website and sign up online (have to say I'm not sure how that works). I've also been told that their rules are now that each member can only sign in one guest. Where to meet: For anyone wanting to meet for a few drinks beforehand I suggest the Bacchus bar, which is downstairs in the Burlington hotel. It's a nice little bar and is obviously very close to where people are staying and the casino. I'll try and get in there for about 6 I think. If you don't want to meet up beforehand just arrive at the casino from about 7 onwards. Dress code: Official casino dress code is smart casual, I think that means Jeans are OK but they'd prefer no trainers. See you all there:ok:nana

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