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PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Pocket Lady

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Well - Correct me please guys if I get this wrong. We'd rather have a PL poker night than a PL entry into a tourney. If we did do a tourney a freezeout would be preferable. Buy in about £10. PaulM and Big Andy reckon we could get a table and dealer at a Stanleys ( as they did in the past), and we're waiting on that. A few of us smoke, but even though I do its tough titties if we can't, I think.

Would anyone be interested in doing it on a weeknight if we can get a cheap table?
2damn suggested a home game - but I pity anyone who has to put it on, myself. And once we get all that sorted, I'll get onto sorting transport from Stoke/Stafford etc., 2damn, I spoke to 'Rich-law' a mate of yours. Depending on the numbers I'll have room for 3 others in a car, but if we get more then a minibus could be used - cost can vary though.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? OK, Just been on the blower to Circus casino in Brum. If we don't have a dealer we can have a private table on a saturday night for nothing! I asked about a dealer and he said to call back tommorow, but we're restricted to either a thursday or saturday night because of their own hold 'em competitions and their mah jong. Anyone up for a game of mah jong?:unsure Anyways I'll let you know what he says about a dealer tomorrow.:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

OK, Just been on the blower to Circus casino in Brum. If we don't have a dealer we can have a private table on a saturday night for nothing! I asked about a dealer and he said to call back tommorow, but we're restricted to either a thursday or saturday night because of their own hold 'em competitions and their mah jong. Anyone up for a game of mah jong?:unsure Anyways I'll let you know what he says about a dealer tomorrow.:ok
As I said before, I'm happy to deal. Why waste money! Saturday evening preferably for me please.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? I'm thinking of a date towards the back end of march, 18th or 25th maybe? or maybe even first week of April (won't have blown all my money early on in the month:)) Train station would be New St. which is 5 minutes walk from the casino. Hotels wise your best bet would be the IBIS on ladywell walk which is even closer to the casino than the station, cheap on a weekend too.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Right, just been on the phone again and it looks promising for having a dealer too with plenty of notice, but he's calling me back. So if I give everyone plenty of notice and set the last saturday in march as the date (25/03) with the circus casino birmingham as the venue. Just add your name + the number of guests you'll be bringing to this thread (even if you've already posted on the thread) so I can get an idea of numbers.:ok edit:A location and transport arrangements for those North of Birmingham would be appreciated for Valiant23. I'll kick us off: PaulM+1

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 I'm in:nana Sold me Chels Ticket(Only the Blue Mancs anyway:tongue2 ) Soon as someone decides which Hotel we're invading, please PM me. I will be going Bournemouth/Southampton/London/Brum train wise so any meets on the way PM as well to arrange:ok CHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGE:cheers :cow

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

I'm in:nana Sold me Chels Ticket(Only the Blue Mancs anyway:tongue2 ) Soon as someone decides which Hotel we're invading, please PM me. I will be going Bournemouth/Southampton/London/Brum train wise so any meets on the way PM as well to arrange:ok CHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGE:cheers :cow
as a veteran of travel, why not use the virgin service from southampton to birmingham direct? and only £20 if booked in advance, thats all the way to newcastle, so may be cheaper for ya m8 i may come, but as its 2hrs train and hotel, il have to see, as with maxim being the week after (ish) its gonna be costly
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Guys, a couple more things to sort out before we get to it (my 'preferences' in red in brackets): 1) Buy-in amount? (£10) 2) Re-buy or freezeout? (Freezeout) 3) Starting chips? (10,000 - gives everyone a fair crack at winning) 4) Blind structure and level interval time? (Blinds as per normal Walsall Casino structure - I know what they are. Interval level 20 mins) 5) STT or MTT? (MTT if enough people want to participate) 6) Pot Limit or No Limit? (No Limit) 7) Payouts - winner only, top 3, etc? (Top 3, 50%, 30%, 20%... to nearest £5) Your thoughts?

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Guys, a couple more things to sort out before we get to it (my 'preferences' in red in brackets): 1) Buy-in amount? (£10) 2) Re-buy or freezeout? (Freezeout) 3) Starting chips? (10,000 - gives everyone a fair crack at winning) 4) Blind structure and level interval time? (Blinds as per normal Walsall Casino structure - I know what they are. Interval level 20 mins) 5) STT or MTT? (MTT if enough people want to participate) 6) Pot Limit or No Limit? (No Limit) 7) Payouts - winner only, top 3, etc? (Top 3, 50%, 30%, 20%... to nearest £5) Your thoughts?
Mate I respect your eagerness but it's a month off yet:lol Hazarding a guess, an MTT is going to be out of the question so if there are more than 10 we can have a few STTs. I don't mind sitting out 1 or 2 and I'm sure there'll be a few others who won't either. IF they're kind enough to let us have more than 1 table I'd opt for 2 STTs rather than an MTT as it's much, much simpler and I've already had 2 offers to deal so that won't be a problem either. Starting stack will be 1500-2000 with standard blind structure, increasing every 8-10 mins (10k stack and 20 minute blinds MTT would mean we'd still be there the following saturday:lol) Game will be £10 freezout, no limit with top 3 paid, 60, 30, 10. :ok PS. Bring anyone you like:) (I think mrs. Paulm03 will be putting in an appearance for a change and she hates the PL ;))
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Paul I know I sound eager... I am, but also I like to get things sorted ahead of time. I've organised many sports/games events in the past and there's nothing worse than not having set ground rules beforehand or not knowing what to do if a situation arises. A couple of points if I may... Firstly, I'm happy with with game type, buy-in and multiple STT's. However, I do have reservations with regards to starting chips, blind structure, interval time and payout. Starting Chips - I've got no problem in principal starting with 1500-2000 chips, but you could find people dropping out 1st hand and then hanging around... not something I would relish if I had travelled a 100 miles to play a game. Again, based on experience, I would say a minimum of 3000-5000. Blind Structure - what is standard? If you're talking standard as online, then which site as they are all different. For example, the Cryptologic sites start with 7 and 15. I think you will find that the minimum chip value will be 25, so 10/20, 30/60, etc would also be out the reckoning, hence why I suggested the same as Walsall (and most other casinos I presume)... 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, and so on. I think it would normally stop at 4000/8000, but I doubt we would get that far. Level Interval Time - I think you will find that 8-10 mins is far too short. Don't forget you need to shuffle the cards, deal them out, and play the hand... could take about 3-4 minutes. The blinds would go up every 3 hands or so, more of a super turbo game!. You've really got to have a 20 minute level as minimum. I organise home games every fortnight; they last about 3 hours and we have 13 minute intervals (but that's becasue we do it straight after work and people do want to get home) and we start with around 10,000 chips. Payout - not a big deal (and I don't mind using your proposal if everyone else agrees), but 50, 30, 20 is again more of a standard. Generally, those who win money will always make at least a little profit. Paul, not trying to dictate or make this awkward for anyone, just want to make sure everyone who comes, be it from 10 miles away or 200 miles, enjoys it. And I'm just trying to do that based on my experiences.

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