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Poker countdown clock


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Re: Poker countdown clock have neither a PDA or a laptop, so I guess ill have to come up with something else... Edit: played a "homegame" at a school once (isnt it as ironic as doing your homework at school? :D) where a guy wrote the new blind levels and stuff on the blackboard...Where can I buy that kind of a guy ? hehe..

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Re: Poker countdown clock When I play a live game ( home/work game) we have a novel idea for blind increases that doesn't use a clock. Not sure how you would all feel about it but/.... Say you start with 10 players........ every time one gets knocked out... the blinds go up. This leaves the blind small and makes more fun and involvement when more are in and makes the knocking out of someone a boost and and bind. If you are getting short stacked and someone goes you need to make a move! It mean that there is no clock watching....works best with chipsets but makes it fun, understandable and easy. Danno the inventive

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Re: Poker countdown clock thats just what we do - tho we only play with 4/5 max - but with only 2K in chips and blinds 25/50 the blinds soo catch up even heads up Damo ps if anyone fancies a game in the leicester area anytime give me a shout - pm me on this site

When I play a live game ( home/work game) we have a Say you start with 10 players........ every time one gets knocked out... the blinds go up. This leaves the blind small and makes more fun and involvement when more are in and makes the knocking out of someone a Danno the inventive
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Re: Poker countdown clock Not bad Danno, but I think you need to start with fewer chips than my games do for it to work. We generally start with a few thousand chips, and if the blinds start at 25/50, I don't think we would ever get to level 2. I guess we could start with higher blinds, but that then defeats the object of my games... to spend 2 - 3 hours having a good game of poker. What I have done up to now (and it has worked because we have not had more than one table) is to increase the blinds ever time the button reaches the seat where the button started. That way, the blinds go up slowly initially, but as people get knocked out, it goes up pretty quickly. the good thing about this is that if you are planning on playing more than one game, those who go out of the first game don't have to wait too long. This can't work on multiple tables because blinds have to go up at the same time. Thanks for the suggestion Danno, might try it some time.

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Re: Poker countdown clock I just have - looks good worth it I reckon - esp as it is free......:ok Damo :cheers

Looks like some good work there Pro :clap :clap As well as tournament director, there is also a free one you can download at Europoker - have never downloaded it though, so don't know if it's any good..... http://www.europoker.com/en/PokerClock
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