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Sporting Odds Champions League


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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League I work for SportingOdds Poker and thought i'd clear up some of the confusions on how the Champions League works - much the same as every other site's is the short answer. For each Round of the SportingOdds Champs League the buy-in all goes to the prize pool of that tourney and is paid out the same as in any other tournament. On top of this points are accrued which go towards the Monthly table. The monthly prizes are paid for by the SportingOdds marketing budget. As we don't have a huge player base it basically means that the $6000 monthly prize pot which we add is split between the 40-50 players who have so far played in the of the tournaments. Our hope is that more and more people will enter as the tournament and site become more widely known about. However, for the first few months it represents very good value for anyone who plays in it.

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League I was warned that i may be opening myself up for a whole load of flack but in the end it's better to be told what's wrong with your site and try to fix it than carry on in ignorant bliss of why people are not playing with you anymore.

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League :welcome Joe - and go easy on him people!!!!! First the positive - The SO league on their web site was wrong and I emailed them about it this afternoon - Joe was quickly in contact with me, acknowledging two errors, and correcting one af mine, and updating the web site. As I've said befor - mistakes happen everywhere, and it is how they are dealt with which is important, and I could have asked for no more than the way it was dealt with this afternoon :clap :clap Joe - your attitude there is refreshing, and if I'm honest, totally different to that we've experienced from SO before. Can I ask what your role within SO is, so we know the kind of issues you would like to hear about. I'm guessing it's either technical or marketing.....

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League Rolling up my sleeves!!!!! Hi Joe! Now I know your name and know that you are the fab chap that has been giviing me a rakeback bonus! so you are a good un in my book! As you will be checking this thread I will try to sum up what people don't like about sporting odds. Not to whinge (too much) but just so that we can get the ear of a Sporting odder and get you to listen. All complaints so far seem to be heading in different directions. so 1) There has been an issue of the software failing mid game. The famous one is where you are told that the software has lost connection and will close the table after that hand. How can we see the hand out if the connection has been lost? Why do the Pokerresponse people claim that it doesn't happen? They blame it at our end but I for one have never had this problem with a connection with enything BUT Sporting Odds. 2) The amount of people who double register for tourneys, particulalry our hungarian bretheren. It is blatantly obvious from the names they use that it is the same person and they know that they can go all in on every hand because if they crash out, they pick up one of their other alias's, upto 10 at a time. Many many complaints have been sent and nothing seems to have been done to stop this. 3) The blatant ignoring of the English only chat. We know they are colluding but again, despite many complaints, nothing is done. 4) Can we have a clear and explained mthod of using an RGN. We know you use one but I for one have asked and asked who runs it, and how it is auditted. Simply saying Price Waterhouse Cooper is not enough. Browse the site Joe, see how many people are losing to miracle hands. I am always saying that your site is fixed, in truth I know it is vastly unlikely and I take the opportunity to wind people up with my rants! But I do get annoyed with the hands that I lose to as a conservative and relatively sensible player. I hope I am not blowing my trumpet too loudly btu I think some on here would agree that I am not a "bad " player so it would set my mind at rest if we could see an open and transparent attempt to calm peoples nerves about fixing and flops etc that mean you lose on great hands... therefore making you more likely to fire more money into Sporting odds. 4) Not something that has bothered me but I know it has bothered some others. When you log in after a nights playing and your bankroll is at E.G $40.00....the next morning you log back in and it is at $39.96. Some notice this is happening too often and worry that the few cents are mounting up now. That's all I can think of unless you can devise a bunch of software that means that muppets who call with rubbish never win a hand!!!!!! The reason people are so upset with Sporting Odds Joe.... myself in particular.... is that I like the way the site runs, looks and feels so much that I very very rarely play anywhere else. Like an old dog........ when you have been with your master so long you tend to carry on living in his house even when he has kicked you in the chops a few times!!! We like the site Joe.... iron out these and you will have dedicated and loyal punters in your lounge. Sorry about that..... punters in your lounge.... so lame. Dan Siron Danno375

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League :welcome Joelegge A brave man to introduce yourself here ;) seriously though - it will be great to have a contact here that will be able to hopefully provide some support/help with our queries. Back to tonights Championship league game, as stevie says expect it will be a small field tonight. I notice Scrat has registered tonight, I hope he/she plays a better game tonight and doesn't spend all night running the clock down again just to make the points, it really spoiled the game on tuesday :@

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League

I am always saying that your site is fixed' date=' in truth I know it is vastly unlikely and I take the opportunity to wind people up with my rants! [/quote'] :lol :lol :lol :lol Now we know Danno - YOU KNOW THAT THE SITE ISN'T FIXED!!!!!!!! :tongue2
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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League Hi Joe, Welcome. Most of us are very friendly towards Sporting Odds and (I hope) not overly critical of the odd technical problem. Having once got exceedingly inebriated on your marketting budget (hehe) and being well in profit from playing on your site then I am especially fond of Sporting Odds and am hoping for you guys to be around for years and years. Theres the odd technical glitch to be sure and the odd case of account abuse and speaking in non english (by all those Hungarian students) but generally its a great site. BTW I have nothing but respect for aforesaid Hungarians provided they play by the rules. As I write I'm playing in the $1000 freeroll and I'm sure some eastern european (sm0kee) is swearing at me in a foreign language :rollin . Anyway, once again welcome, you are amongst a bunch of your fondest supporters and harsh but fair critics.

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League

Joe was quickly in contact with me' date=' acknowledging two errors, and correcting one af mine, [/quote'] Just to clarify - my error was relating to StevieP's score and he actually has 5 points less than I said he did - sorry mate :sad
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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League eh? lol:) limping into the points is not enough ...u need the final tables. cant understand scrats play on tuesday. its totally justified with say 24 left and ur on 700 chips...but from the start of the game u are plainly asking for everyone to ur left to raise ur bb;)

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League

Now I know your name and know that you are the fab chap that has been giviing me a rakeback bonus! so you are a good un in my book!
Oi, wheres my rakeback. Is there some way for an existing SO player who joined before he realised how to get rakeback, to get on the gravy train (other than being sneaky and obtaining a new id?) Its not a fortune (yet) but every little would help particularly as I'm probably going to be a regular contender in the $10 mtts.
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