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Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread!


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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I agree, and would like to point out that while I put in a considerable amount of time at the poker tables (> 20 hours per week), I will never contribute a significant amount of money to a single SO tournament or cash game while the connection and collusion issues persist at the site. Until this is rectified SO competitors will be taking my rakes. SO login: Aodn3

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Screen Name: Robilaruk There are stated rules saying "Chat in English Only" - Sporting are either prepared to enforce that rule or not - if Sporting are not then you WILL LOSE CUSTOMERS including me. Other sites enforce this easily, why cannot Sporting (Boss Media) do the same? Multliple user ID's - again simple choice you either close the 'other' acounts or you will lose custom as why should i as a PAYING CUSTOMER play against someone with multiple accounts? Its called CHEATING and is also covered in your terms and conditions. As we have a contractual agreement with you when we sign up, Sporting also has an agreement to keep their site as 'clean' and cheat free as possible - I believe that Sporting are not upholding their part of this to the best that they could possibly do at the moment - a little more work would mean a more positive response to Sporting (which in my opinion is one of the better sites out there) So sort out the chat, the multiple user ID's and the collusion (which does take place on a regular basis) and you will find us promoting your site and singing its praises to new punters and not warning them about the issues. In the long run you WILL make money by this Simple really Damian

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread!

About time this thread appeared, well done mate. I totally agree with everything you say. I have also had a couple of cents knocked off my balance whenever I log on and it doesnt half "pee me off". I have refused to deposit any more money to my So account and will refuse to do so until all the cheats and thieving has been sorted out. Arfur :@ SO nickname - KINGARFUR
After tonight arf, i am adding my agreement as discussed. chelskired GL at the tables all.:hope
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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! i agree screenname: rich3007 i have noticed a few cents missing but i think ive also seen them added (cant be certain). but i put this down to fluctuations in the exchange rate. like when you log out it changes back to pounds, then go back on poker next day and the rate from pounds to dollars has changed slightly. and i think theres a glitch in the dealing, how can anyone explain this. in 1 hour on 1 table there was (3) 3 of a kind flops, 2 of them was q q q the other 9 9 9. then over the next 2 to 3 hours i saw 3 more, of them was another set of queens and another set of 9s. apparently the odds of this happening once is 6,000-1. whats the odds of 6 in one night. this was about 2 weeks ago and i have seen this happen only once more. and i have had periods on SO in the past where theres too many pairs dropping on the flop too often. and too many suited cards. and too many low cards when ive got AK. lol.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I noticed the same thing rich. I even started a thread about it and was lambasted as a fool for saying sporting odds were fixing the cards. Lots are now joining my rants! http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22197 If you are a good player you will win more than you lose. so they say. I am not a bad player and just recently i have won about 2 in 20 games. My account is nearly empty and i can't see me putting anything in it. Sporting odds is feast or famine...either the game plays as we all know it should or you get ridiculous flops and absurd calls. Eg KK big raise called by Q 6 off suit and he gets trip Q. Every time I play. SPORTING ODDS IS FIXED I just can't figure out why they would do it.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! i have wondered why would they fix it and the only thing i can think of is that if bad players win with bad hands often then they will come back for more. if they were getting beat by good players all the time then they would not come back and the sites wouldn't make so much money. i had pocket aces in a multi tourney the other day, and deep enough in for the loony's to have been knocked out. i raised 5x the 100 bb, got re-raised all in by ace 4, the cards came out q,2,3,5 last card i cant remember didnt need to. but how can somebody think they are winning with ace 4 after a big raise. i dont give hands like that a second thought even if there is no raise. yes good players are suppossed to win in the long run and have an edge, but i like you am a tight player who try's his best to go in with the best hand, but being constantly outdrawn game after game with no break in the trend is making me wonder whether i should start going in with rubbish. its made me feel a sense of dread every time i go to SO and start playing because i know im gonna get beat by bad players. im managing to keep my funds even at the moment, but not too long ago i was always taking money out and have not had to deposit any since i opened my account with them a year ago.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Danno and TRNMF - I've been saying this for ages, but no one has been listening. And without actually seeing the software code, we'll never know what the sites are up to. I am 100% convinced that they 'fix' loose play to win; there are more loose players than good players... so why keep the good players when you make more from the crap ones. Bad play wins even in live games, but there are 2 main differences in my opinion. 1) the bad play does not win as often. 2) YOU CAN SEE THE CARDS BEING SHUFFLED AND DEALT... NO FIXING POSSIBLE. I love playing poker, as I'm sure everyone else here does too. I was first introduced to poker just over 2 years ago when I saw Late Night Poker on TV. They screened a whole series of games one after the other, including the final which the Devilfish won. It was fantastic. And although I realised there was a lot of luck involved, there was an element of skill. At the time, that was the only poker on telly. But with TV over-exposure and internet poker, the game is now 100% luck and no skill. It has bred a new type of player - one with more money than sense. I don't think we are ever going to get away from this now. I am normally a very tight player, but I have occasionally played very loose too, and overall, I've not been any better or any worse off, i.e. I've won some and lost some, which I think proves that there is no longer any skill in the game. Most sites say that poker pro's play on their sites, but has ANYONE ever seen any? I haven't. Find me a site where the pro's are playing (STT's or MTT's rather than cash tables) and I'll go and try it.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! well if it is fixed (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA like they would fix it!!) long may it continue, because as a TAG player its freaken lovely for me My BR has increased 20X since october - and all i play is good cards in good position. (this is not a faecitious [sp?] question) If people feel so strongly about this then why play on sporting? surely you all would be best to withdraw your funds and go to a site that you prefer? (bit confused here?) Just my thoughts Damo :cheers

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Virgin and SO use the same tables (Boss Media) for the majority (non exclusive) games - I think the Hungarians are mostly SO users ..... so the Virgin exclusive events should be "safe"........

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Here is an email i received today from Virgin Poker, who use the same media as SO. cheating and abuse Dear Graeme, Thank you for your e-mail regarding your poker account. We take this opportunity to thank you for your feedback. We can also confirm we will investigate the account and act accordingly. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, Sandra Poker Response Team

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! just playing the $50 tourney and was very short stacked... went all in with kj o .... hit the straight on the river jack high.... software crashed...... couldn't get back in..... eventually got back in and i had won........ but couldn't sit back in in time to call the qj dealt and would have won that too... then hit 33 and a 3 on the flop just outside the cash at the mo but surviving...... live help said they would refund if the server never ever came back on line!!!! i am arguing that i would be in a great position if the software hadn't crashed but i don't hold much hope!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I dont know if this thread is still on but I am with the e-mail eventhough i am a Hungarian person, i can assure you they are telling eachother the hands and they do chip-dumping. Debrecen is indeed a big uni city. I am from Budapest anyways. They are playing so much on sportingodds poker because there is a hungarian department and a hungarian sportingodds software called maybe supervegas...i dont know. They are the same. The same events on it. Actually there are some missing on the Hun site. I was lucky that i have found the original sporting odds first :) I have an account on the otherone. I had troubles with that. I have sent emails to an adress they told me in live help session and i have recived stupid hungarian answer from the hungarian dept. I have investigated throught almost hundreads of mails and hours of live support that this causing trouble. And i asked them to delete my registration on the hun one but they told me they can only to close it and make it inactive or something. So i still have that account. Other problem is that my fathers name is exactly the same as mine so maybe the count my new account as my fathers. I've just passed 18 in october and i made an own account about a week ago. Anyways, i have a good mate who is only playing with one reg as i do and we are talked about this bad beat thing. This is true. I cant tell you how many times did i lose with AA or KK against a nothing unsuit... ridiculous. And it is really true it cant be a coaccident. There are hundreds of examples and screenshots. And the AK nad AQ always looses. Almost always. I did not deposited there only played freeroll and then gathering money from the 12/25c tables. U can see that an 18 years old boy is happy with a weekly 50-100$. In hungary it is not much. 100$ is like well a weekly payment :) And i think the sporting odds site is really good and has a great feeling but not the safetynet or any kind of freerolls where those noobies could register. Personally i never register to a tourney that is for british players only. I am playing cash games 50up and safety net and 1$ tourneys my tablename is Gizdalord Cheers, i hope i could help

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread!

I dont know if this thread is still on but I am with the e-mail eventhough i am a Hungarian person, i can assure you they are telling eachother the hands and they do chip-dumping. Debrecen is indeed a big uni city. I am from Budapest anyways. They are playing so much on sportingodds poker because there is a hungarian department and a hungarian sportingodds software called maybe supervegas...i dont know. They are the same. The same events on it. Actually there are some missing on the Hun site. I was lucky that i have found the original sporting odds first :) I have an account on the otherone. I had troubles with that. I have sent emails to an adress they told me in live help session and i have recived stupid hungarian answer from the hungarian dept. I have investigated throught almost hundreads of mails and hours of live support that this causing trouble. And i asked them to delete my registration on the hun one but they told me they can only to close it and make it inactive or something. So i still have that account. Other problem is that my fathers name is exactly the same as mine so maybe the count my new account as my fathers. I've just passed 18 in october and i made an own account about a week ago. Anyways, i have a good mate who is only playing with one reg as i do and we are talked about this bad beat thing. This is true. I cant tell you how many times did i lose with AA or KK against a nothing unsuit... ridiculous. And it is really true it cant be a coaccident. There are hundreds of examples and screenshots. And the AK nad AQ always looses. Almost always. I did not deposited there only played freeroll and then gathering money from the 12/25c tables. U can see that an 18 years old boy is happy with a weekly 50-100$. In hungary it is not much. 100$ is like well a weekly payment :) And i think the sporting odds site is really good and has a great feeling but not the safetynet or any kind of freerolls where those noobies could register. Personally i never register to a tourney that is for british players only. I am playing cash games 50up and safety net and 1$ tourneys my tablename is Gizdalord Cheers, i hope i could help
:welcome Gizdalord I, like many punters were suspect about a hungarian joining the forum, By accounts all are welcome and everyone is very friendly. But mainly through sporting odds Hungarians have got a very bad name on here. Cheating is unacceptable on any walks of life. As we all suspected these goings on no-one was 100%. This just clarifies our point but doubt anything will be done. Although I suspect until a large amount of money is won Sporting odds or Boss media wont do a thing. Hope you enjoy punters Gizalord and will see you on the tables
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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I fully agree with the e-mail. I like the site as a poker site, but withdrew my money immediately and moved it elsewhere when I realised collusion was going on, and seemingly nothing was being done to combat it.

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