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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm


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Guest gazza271

Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm LOL, just done it again with AQs, how come it does it on the decent hands but whenever i get 72o its happy to leave me in play:@

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm

AL' date=' if you're XP try the advice I gave Boof earlier in this tread - download SO and see if it's any better. :hope[/quote'] Thanx for the advice but I've just spoken to a friend who is also in this tourney, and the same thing is happening to him. Some other PL'ers seem to be having the same problems. Is it possible that this is a problem common with all of us or a problem at SO's end. I suspect the latter.
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm Live help,NO HELP. Just told me they were aware of a problem and to send in an email. emailing now and going to ask for my dollar to be refunded

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm

Maybe the Pl'ers have been rumbled for taking too much money. SO have their revenge!!! (funny how it does seem to be the PL'ers having problems though!!)
Yeah, and the buggers have been dealing me rags all night too.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm out in 67, on button with AK, one caller before me go all-in, SB and BB call as does caller. one had king rag, the other 2 A rag and one of the rags paired:@ Sums my night up, totally unenjoyable and not because I played like a muppet this time.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm Hey Paul - i was on your table. I was the one with K9 with pair 9's after the flop Beaten by A9 Totally crap site - sorry to those that like it, but i've had nothing but trouble with it. Twice disconnected for over 10 min.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm

Hey Paul - i was on your table. I was the one with K9 with pair 9's after the flop Beaten by A9 Totally crap site - sorry to those that like it, but i've had nothing but trouble with it. Twice disconnected for over 10 min.
Aaah, that was you that was disconnected for so long:) Sites ok, but for 2 of last 3 weeks I've had disconnection and lag problems and it seriously wrecks my enjoyment as I can't concentrate for wondering wether I'm going to be able to get a bet in or even see my hand.:@ One cosmetic annoyance I have with it is the chatbox is far too small.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm Was doing quite well in the Betfair so sat out the first 30 mins Probably finished higher if id sat out the whole thing not too sure where i ended up but went out of both at he same time i cant really hack playing two tables at once its too much like hard work might be easier on two computers table did some weird things, got booted off once and couldnt get back in think the software got me confused with Gazza and delt me his cards by the sound of it

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