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Sin City Pt4


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Thursday. Start the day off as usuall up to the 3rd floor and tuck into the buffet :tongue2 Then its off for a walk around the othe hotels. 1st on the list Ceasars Palace. Huge huge place this...Something for everyone aswell. Shops shops and more shops for the girls and a huge casino for the boys!! Inside Ceasars.. dsc005437hs.jpgdsc005385mh.jpg It took about 4 hours to walk round all the shops :\ So when we had finished I whiske the GF off for a romantic afternoon at THE GUN STORE :loon Now its been a long time since i took out my anger on Tin Can Alley. We were met by a very over excited guy who took us around all the guns and pointed out all the pros and cons.. What a choice.. 1st up I picked out a Glock for my hand gun.."Very nice choice Sir" came the respone as if I had just piced a nice red to go with my meal :\ Then I picked out a machine gun ... not sure what it was M17 I think then off to the range with out new found friend..... Our guide talked us through the safety side of things and away we went.... ME ON THE RANGE dsc005791lf.jpg After the Gun Store we went back to Imperial Palace, GF wanted to go for a kip so I told her I would go for a game of poker....Time was about 8 at night. The Poker room was not very full so I sat down and just went through the motions waiting for it to hot up....Then about 1 hour later I got invited onto a no limit table by 3 other guys I had played against the other day, 30 mins of steady play and I was about $40 up then 6 yanks came and joined our table a little worse for wear with a big stack of chips each. This was one of the funniest games I have every played in the banter was very OTT and I had tears in my eyes most of the time, time flew bye and b4 I knew what time it was I had been playing for 7 hours and made just over $550 I made my excuses and left the table to go face the music :sad . It was now about 4.30-5.00 am in the morning, when I got in the GF sprung out of bed and tried to convince me that she had only had a light kip (I wasn't about to tell her what time it was and that I had been playing Poker for about 8 hours) so I said come on lets get a bite to eat...Off the The Boardwalk for the 24hr buffet :ok Still none the wiser the GF commented on how quite vegas was:rollin It wasnt till we left the buffet and the sun was rising that she finally worked out what had happened :spank . Ahh well todays another day.

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