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**Poker Sunday 27th November**


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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** This is getting embarrasing (2nd time this week) - guess who won tonights TV Challenge - one of my brothers (paulr222 on several sites but who also plays as paulross on SO) - I wasn't watching but he ended up with 4 6's on the final hand :clap . Typical :lol I teach them nearly everything I know, give em my old computers, act as their technical support and they get jammy. Anyway, if you watch it on TV then Paul is the large guy who looks like an Irish Farmer (its his 52nd Brithday tomorrow - only been playing about 3 months and the least likely of my brothers to join PL) cos he has no computer skills at all). Generally only plays 1 game per night on Betfred (the $500 added one) but seems to regularly make the money - also plays el cheapo fixed limit tables on SO and the SO dollar up (so if you see him in the dollar up tomorrow say happy birthday) Will now trawl the site to see what the prizes are that he's up for. I need to win something substantantial soon to get to the top of the family bragging tree. :cheers

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Wow that's incredible mate - big kudos to your family!!!!! So we "know" three of the four internet qualifiers for this - unvelievable!!!! And I'd noticed PaulRoss and thought we had an imposter :lol :lol

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** If the real Paul Ross wants to make my brother a decent offer then he might be prepared to give up his place :D . At least he hasn't got far to go as he lives in Gerards Cross. Pity theres no room in the studio I'd go up and support him :D . Anyway have told him to say hello to Fenner.

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** christ quick finish we went from 4 - 1 in 3 hands!!! The chip leader took the other two out. First hand heads up iwas dealt 5-5, was BB, she called i raised, she put me all in and turned over K K but $175 to the good what a fcuking week!!!! :cow :cow :cow :cow :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Paul Ross knocked me out in 6th place. He played really well and very aggresive. When i raised half my stack with pocket Jacks he called me with A4 offsuit.Something i would have never done in that position but it paid off as the flop produced an Ace. Good luck in the final Paul :ok

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November**

If the real Paul Ross wants to make my brother a decent offer then he might be prepared to give up his place :D . At least he hasn't got far to go as he lives in Gerards Cross. Pity theres no room in the studio I'd go up and support him :D . Anyway have told him to say hello to Fenner.
dont give him anymore poker lessons hes obviously getting a bit good
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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November**

Going back to BlueSquare' date=' as some of you watched, at 22 ppl left I was a chip leader, but went to work. Have just checked and I finished 5th :lol.[/quote'] Heniek - you were taking chips off me when you were on your BB when there was 12 players left so I had to fold when it was your turn. :rollin :$ 2 Damn - well played :clap - couldn't stay up to watch all of the final table.
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