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**Poker Friday 24th November**


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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November**

I went out in 11th place :eyes I raised with A9 got re raised so i went all in. His 5 7 suited wins with a flush on the river :wall
Sorry Jomell - missed you - you have too many aliases ;) Unlucky ......
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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** Cheers Heniek and thanks :cow - but be careful if SO catch you playing favorites then they could get nasty. I was most happy the following hand to see my TT hold up against Ax. Playing against fellow PLrs (or my brothers) I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt - but if I think I have the goods then I'll warn em off with decent raise - of course when back is against the wall then all-ins with anything near decent is the flavour of the day.:) Anyway heres to the final. :cheers

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November**

I was on SB and phil was on BB he was on the one of the shortest stack (just before he doubled up). I folded QQ to him :eyes.
Well done guys :clap :clap :clap Heniek - It's a nice gesture (no - a great gesture!!), but I think you were wrong to do it. It's difficult - who wants to knock a fellow PL'er out? I've done similar things before, but it's not right (and I was wrong to do it) - if we do it, we lose the "moral high ground" in our complaints to SO for things like complaints about non english chat etc ..... we need to be careful....... I think we need to encourage a new moral code at PL - one where we play our full game against one another ........... and it'll be hard (and I'll find it as hard as anyone) - but we need to try and do it....... There have been 2 tournaments recently where things were on the edge of what was right (and there were almost consequences!!!) - some of you may have seen the PM's that were going round - we need to try and move beyond this ....... Sorry Heniek - I'm not singling you out (as I'm ashamed to confess I've acted similarly in the past) - you're just the example that was here....... We have a great spirit in PL, but we need to be careful we don't move that too far and into the realms of "cheating".
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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** Have to back GAF on this one - and the bugga tried to knock me out of the 'dollar up' in 11th place on Wednesday by calling my 'all in' with 2 9 suited when he was chip leader.:loon :loon (Ruthless he is, ruthless) I've no problem with that at all though - especially as I doubled up. :ok P.S - won't see you guys tonight, off on a boozy night out. Good luck all.

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** Missing another attempt to take the City boys money tonight. I agree with what has been said above. I think its great playing in these MTTs where so many of us playing, and that so many hang about to support after they have been knocked out. But at the end of the day we are in competition against each other during the tournament, and I would expect my PL opponent's to treat me as ruthlessly as everyone else does!!.

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** OK - lets change subject and talk poker....... Anyone in tonights PartyPoker.net ferrari qualifier? Registration has been open for 6 hours, but it is only half full - 1772 in so far (max 3500) with top 200 qualifying for tomorrows final. Looks like a great opportunity to get in, and doesn't look like it will be anywhere near full. If you're not sure what PartyPoker.net is, it looks exactly like the main PartyPoker site, but is 100% play money - no real money tables exist at all (not sure why - is it so they can circumvent laws in the US and advertise .net where they can't advertise .com which is for real money?) - so ANYONE can get in, there are no credit card details to complete or anything - just a Ferrari to be won :loon.

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** God knows how this has happened, but at the first break in the Bet365 freeroll (which I usually avoid due to being hopeless value), 10,000 plus entrants have been narrowed down to about 1500 - and I'm 7th! Some great strokes of luck plus good bluffing have helped, 260 get cash - cross your fingers please. :loon

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November** This is beyond undeserved luck, but check it out :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #139952282 at table: Safety Net Started: Fri Nov 25 19:37:19 2005 TigerTrees is at seat 1 with 2420.00 hateAA is at seat 2 with 1220.00 AApgyuriAA is at seat 3 with 1200.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 5960.00 vacsman is at seat 5 with 4785.00 Paradicsom is at seat 6 with 1350.00 koci is at seat 7 with 1350.00 lee1878 is at seat 8 with 1045.00 PoMacik is at seat 9 with 9500.00 petemaw is at seat 10 with 1215.00 vacsman posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: 5c, 2c vacsman: --, -- Paradicsom: --, -- koci: --, -- lee1878: --, -- PoMacik: --, -- petemaw: --, -- TigerTrees: --, -- hateAA: --, -- AApgyuriAA: --, -- Pre-flop: Paradicsom: Fold koci: Fold lee1878: Fold PoMacik: Fold petemaw: Fold TigerTrees: Raise 200.00 hateAA: Fold AApgyuriAA: Fold JadedJ: Raise 300.00 vacsman: Raise 400.00 TigerTrees: Fold JadedJ: Call 400.00 Flop (Board: 6c, 9c, 3s): JadedJ: Bet 400.00 vacsman: Raise 800.00 JadedJ: Raise 1600.00 vacsman: Raise 2400.00 JadedJ: Call 2400.00 Turn (Board: 6c, 9c, 3s, As): JadedJ: Bet 1100.00 vacsman: All in JadedJ: Call 2085.00 Showdown: JadedJ shows: 5c, 2c (high card, Ace) vacsman shows: Ac, Kc (a pair of Aces) River (Board: 6c, 9c, 3s, As, 4d): JadedJ shows: 5c, 2c (straight to the Six) Mainpot: JadedJ wins the pot of 9970 with straight to the Six [url=http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/rerawrasslin/]

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Re: **Poker Friday 24th November**

In 2nd place at the break in the Betfair game. I would have been a big chip leader if my AA would have held up against A7 suited :\
Nah nah n nah nah. As above but 1st, and no bad beats-well er Marek may disagree, sorry mate I stopped watching when I saw your flush.:$ See you later I hope jomell. Good luck.:hope
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