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Sporting Odds New Downloads


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New updates to download from our good old friends Sporting(Disconnection)Odds:D . Entrepedation ensued so I waited for it to download then tried to log in:hope yep you guessed it "cannot connect to lobbyserver":rollin . After they have jazzed up their poker news pages(still with the wrong dates for the envy tourny:$ ) i was expecting something big after all the complaints but i can't find out yet:sad I remember my last download from them and the only thing that had changed was the ashtrays went from silver to gold what wonderous new things will be there now,Gold chairs or a dealer that sticks 2 fingers up at you when you get screwed by a muppet on the river:eyes . But the one question that gets me is when I can't log in how the hell are there 360 players at 31 tables.:cry

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Re: Sporting Odds New Downloads I had the new download as well Sharpe .... as you said .... builds the anticipation - have they finally got it right? No.......can't even connect now. I noticed the same as you though - still loads of players, so I sought out another BossMedia skin (www.totalpoker.com) and guess what? Had the same download, and the same error message. So I don't know how some of the players are connected - to be fair to SO though, this clearly looks to be a Bossmedia problem and not SO!!!!! Was looking through the bossmedia site - they are going to relocate from Sweden to Malta (for the benefit of maltese regulation - not sure how that impacts us!!). They also have a couple of New Skins on their way - one is swedish, the other is The Virgin Group......be interesting to see what promotions Richard Bransons Team come up with........ The other thing I noticed was, TotalPoker are launching versions of their software in other languages for those who can't understand English - what will that do for "non english chat"?

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Re: Sporting Odds New Downloads Well, got home from work at 3pm and logged into SO - new software was automatically downloaded but alas could not be connected. :cry Just tried again 5 minutes ago and new software was downloaded again!! This time though, got connected 1st time but 1 minute too late to register for $1000 freeroll for 200 raked hands in last 14 days. :lol I've registered for the Safety Net and I can't wait - it's going to be brilliant. :ok (or is it?) Received 2 e-mails from them today 'almost' admitting the fault was at their end now and refunds for my last 2 'dollar up' tourneys so that's a start. :welcome back The Quiet Man to Sporting Odds!!!:nana :nana Please give me a trouble free night. :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope

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Re: Sporting Odds New Downloads Also just got an email from SO after being locked out half way through the Dollar Up tournament last night. They apologised for the 'small' error with the server that their technichians have now sorted :rollin Also got a refund for the tournament fees last night, so anyone else who had problems last night its probably worth emailing to let them know of your problems, I know it's only $1 but it'll pay for next weeks entry ;)

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Re: Sporting Odds New Downloads

Anybody else notice but i aint seen any foreign chat in the rooms yet in the safety net
I think there's been a sharp decline.....didn't see much in the Dollar Up last night either. I have been emailing SO EVERY time I see non English Chat and later seen a few of them who appear to have chat bans - I would think SO have got most of them now (it's was frequently the same people - the SO user base isn't that high) ....... I think it's a battle that's being won.
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Re: Sporting Odds New Downloads It was brilliant...a WIN :notworthy S.O. must have fixed it for you after all your connection problems of late. More money for the Beer kitty. Paul.

I've registered for the Safety Net and I can't wait - it's going to be brilliant. :ok (or is it?)
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