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**PL MTT Tourney** Monday 17th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up


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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 17th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up First of all, can I just thank everyone for their marvellous support. You are a credit to PL. Thanks guys.:ok :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap I had an excellent start, thanks to lbb ;), and then some idiot who called 3k in chips when I had a flush Ace high.:rollin:rollin:rollin He then had the cheek to call ME a noob.:lol I got nervous later on when I was on the same table as Big Andy, and then Heniek, for obvious reasons (Big Andy lives too close to me, for one. Heniek is Polish and as all of my in-laws are descendants I know what a mad bunch they are for another), and of course they are good players. :ok I was lucky to get the cards that got me to the final table, due to my chip lead, but once on there I didn't get too much. The money is obviously nice, but means very little compared to the camraderie shown by you all. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Thanks again, and can I have black stripes down my yellow jersey. :ok

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 17th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Actually, scratch that.:@:spank When SpeedHound (who won in the end, :ok) asked if I was a woman, and the chatbox filled with everybodies 2cents worth was fcuking hilarious, ya piss-taking bunch of buggas. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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