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I'm going to put the odds up now but I'm actually only just starting to go through last week's results.  (Going to be a late night!)  I'm sure you all know how your own bet went, so if I don't get through them all by morning I'll put up the selection threads and rely on you to size your new bets correctly based on how you believe your week 7 ended.  Hopefully I'll get it done, but if not, will update the threads as soon as I complete. :ok

Edit: All done and threads posted up :D


1 X 2  (Home Win / Draw / Away Win)

1 8 Win Pr 2510.JPG


1 8 Win Ch 2510.JPG


1 8 Win L1 2510.JPG


1 8 Win L2 2510.JPG


1 8 Win Sc 2510.JPG


1 8 Win Fr 2510.JPG

1 8 Win Fr1 2510.JPG


1 8 Win Ge 2510.JPG

1 8 Win Ge1 2510.JPG


1 8 Win It 2510.JPG

1 8 Win It1 2510.JPG


1 8 Win Sp 2510.JPG

1 8 Win Sp1 2510.JPG

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