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Division 1 - Season 3 Final Week 10 Selections

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  • 4 weeks later...

Final Result:

Sad to say we managed to produce the worst overall result of all the divisions, we were obviously overcome by the occasion of being in the top tier! :loon We wiped out half our overall bank and only 3 managed to stay in individual profit for the season although most of us did find at least one winner. But it looks like only our 1st place winner will be returning to Division 1 for the next season.

3 small wins this week plus an eliminating no show gives us a change to the top 4.  @Sterphyle is our well deserved winner by some margin with 7 wins over the season, a mix of double and treble picks. :clap@tonythepaint climbs up to 2nd place with a 5th win, and @Cauncie maintains his 3rd place.  @Jediknight was our other weekly winner and takes the 4th place prize although not in overall profit.   Well done to everyone for trying so hard all season, see you down in a lower Division next year. :lol


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