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Latest Table - March 2020

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18 hours ago, BillyHills said:

Mar 18

Thanks for supporting the competition:ok

I will be playing.  Although not from the likes of Greyville based from my paper bets yesterday.  (1 from 8 wasn't too clever and it wasn't my paper NAP).  Beut Dundalk tomorrow so I should be back for that.   Having said all that I am having another paper go at Greyville Sunday in the hope I can improve my intelligence, so never say never.

Congrats to those giving it a daily shot and "wow", "incredible" to those of those who found winners. 

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4 hours ago, Kingdom for said:

I will be playing.  Although not from the likes of Greyville based from my paper bets yesterday.  (1 from 8 wasn't too clever and it wasn't my paper NAP).  Beut Dundalk tomorrow so I should be back for that.   Having said all that I am having another paper go at Greyville Sunday in the hope I can improve my intelligence, so never say never.

Congrats to those giving it a daily shot and "wow", "incredible" to those of those who found winners. 

Not everyones cup of tea I know and dont blame people for giving racing a break.

Thought i'd try and keep it going for those like me who have nothing better to do?

Should be a few Irish meetings on now at least.

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Final Table

An exciting end to a weird month! Saddlesore nicks the top spot with a 13/2 winner on the last day:clap

Unlucky to Pete who held the lead for a long time but his sit and wait tactics didn't pay off, they rarely do in this game.
BBBC and Ken fill the spots with superb totals and amazing 36 players ended up in profit.

**Those 36 players will play in the KO Cup in May as we are having a month off due to the lack of choice at the minute.

84 players had 1499 bets and we ended up with a 27pt profit and a S/R of 18%?
I guess we wont see the same sort of numbers during April?

Prizes (Top 3 can claim PL Merchandise)

£80: Saddlesore
£40: Pete1971
£20: BBBC
£10: Kenisbusy
£30 Cup: Internetmails

PayPal details to: [email protected]


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Well done @Saddlesore , nice last day winner to nick it, ohh @Pete1971 gutted for you but good 2nd place. Congrats to @BBBC and @kenisbusy for finishing in the money in a difficult month. Well done and thanks to @BillyHills for somehow keeping it all going.:ok

Sorry @internetmails forgot the KO Cup winner, it's been (an) emotional (month)

Edited by LeMale
forgot ko cup
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