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Racing Chat - Sat July 13th

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15:30   RIPP ORF
16:40   LIMATO

15:15   RISE HALL


Some tv interest only, 

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I know most punters use Racing Chat to share their tips of the day(and most appreciated it is too) but, i need to share my best day in horse racing thus far, and racing chat seemed the best place to do this.

I've had 15 winners, (so far!) none of which i loved more than one of my favorite horses Escobar, ridden by Jamie Spencer. Poetry in motion and such a sight to see jockey, letting the horse do all the work,gliding past Rising Hall and just riding it home in the final yards.

However, the reason i'm writing this is my 5 winners on ITV 7. (still only joint 26th) Weekender and Cape Byron were my only losers,and if it wasn't for Ryan Moore(who i don't like) i quite fancied Ten Sovereigns in the last!! Anyway i had a 5 fold on the 7 races so its been a good day.

As good a day as its been for myself, its always sad to hear of a horse that suffered a bad injury and had to be put down.? Beat The Bank was a fine horse and contributed to my lucky day, but i would gladly give all my winnings back for that to not be the case. R.I.P. (I started writing this before i heard the sad news...hence the happy start)


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1 hour ago, LeMale said:

I know most punters use Racing Chat to share their tips of the day(and most appreciated it is too) but, i need to share my best day in horse racing thus far, and racing chat seemed the best place to do this.

I've had 15 winners, (so far!) none of which i loved more than one of my favorite horses Escobar, ridden by Jamie Spencer. Poetry in motion and such a sight to see jockey, letting the horse do all the work,gliding past Rising Hall and just riding it home in the final yards.

However, the reason i'm writing this is my 5 winners on ITV 7. (still only joint 26th) Weekender and Cape Byron were my only losers,and if it wasn't for Ryan Moore(who i don't like) i quite fancied Ten Sovereigns in the last!! Anyway i had a 5 fold on the 7 races so its been a good day.

As good a day as its been for myself, its always sad to hear of a horse that suffered a bad injury and had to be put down.? Beat The Bank was a fine horse and contributed to my lucky day, but i would gladly give all my winnings back for that to not be the case. R.I.P. (I started writing this before i heard the sad news...hence the happy start)


Oh no, thats sad to hear. Had a good day as well (was also on ten sov's )  and that has wiped the gloss off, can be a cruel sport

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5 hours ago, LeMale said:

I know most punters use Racing Chat to share their tips of the day(and most appreciated it is too) but, i need to share my best day in horse racing thus far, and racing chat seemed the best place to do this.

I've had 15 winners, (so far!) none of which i loved more than one of my favorite horses Escobar, ridden by Jamie Spencer. Poetry in motion and such a sight to see jockey, letting the horse do all the work,gliding past Rising Hall and just riding it home in the final yards.

However, the reason i'm writing this is my 5 winners on ITV 7. (still only joint 26th) Weekender and Cape Byron were my only losers,and if it wasn't for Ryan Moore(who i don't like) i quite fancied Ten Sovereigns in the last!! Anyway i had a 5 fold on the 7 races so its been a good day.

As good a day as its been for myself, its always sad to hear of a horse that suffered a bad injury and had to be put down.? Beat The Bank was a fine horse and contributed to my lucky day, but i would gladly give all my winnings back for that to not be the case. R.I.P. (I started writing this before i heard the sad news...hence the happy start)


Hi LeMale,

Totally understand how you feel, i have had several bets this National Hunt season on horses who have paid the ultimate price (fell/broke down etc,etc) and it always makes me feel  guilty about loving this game so much.A horse broke down and had to be put to sleep when in front 2 out at Uttoxeter a couple of weeks ago and it just totally ruined the afternoon for me.

Although i am a racing fanatic,i am an animal lover too,and nothing annoys me more than when i see a jockey giving a horse an extra slap of the whip,"just to make sure",when its quite obvious he has the race already won.Personally i would be an advocate of hands and heels only races..

I was at York today and was quite surprised about how lauded Spencer was for his ride on Escobar(particularly after his rather average effort on Raheen House half an hour earlier).While Escobar can be a tricky customer, he was easily the best horse in the race and any jockey worth his salt would surely have won on him such was his superiority over his rivals.Not into jockey bashing at all,but there were several much better rides given today at York that in comparison hardly got a mention..

Anyway now i have got that off my chest,congratulations on your fantastic day,hope it's the start of many..:)

Edited by Systemight
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7 hours ago, Systemight said:

Hi LeMale,

Totally understand how you feel, i have had several bets this National Hunt season on horses who have paid the ultimate price (fell/broke down etc,etc) and it always makes me feel  guilty about loving this game so much.A horse broke down and had to be put to sleep when in front 2 out at Uttoxeter a couple of weeks ago and it just totally ruined the afternoon for me.

Although i am a racing fanatic,i am an animal lover too,and nothing annoys me more than when i see a jockey giving a horse an extra slap of the whip,"just to make sure",when its quite obvious he has the race already won.Personally i would be an advocate of hands and heels only races..

I was at York today and was quite surprised about how lauded Spencer was for his ride on Escobar(particularly after his rather average effort on Raheen House half an hour earlier).While Escobar can be a tricky customer, he was easily the best horse in the race and any jockey worth his salt would surely have won on him such was his superiority over his rivals.Not into jockey bashing at all,but there were several much better rides given today at York that in comparison hardly got a mention..

Anyway now i have got that off my chest,congratulations on your fantastic day,hope it's the start of many..:)

Thanks Systemight and i agree with alot of things you have mentioned. As for Jamie Spencer i also agree,he was just along for the ride on Escobar,the horse won the race and didn't need any help from the jockey.(only rode it home in last few yards and NO use of the whip at all that i could see which is good because it wasn't needed) So not knocking Spencer but you're right no praise needed either he just did his job well. Commentators said that is his STYLE of riding but i'm too inexperienced to know what that really means as i've not seen him in action that often. Anyway hope your day at York was enjoyable(and profitable) i'm sure it was...who doesn't like a day at the races!!!

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