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Freeroll Saturday


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Re: Freeroll Saturday Yeah the Q8 hand which basically started off my mountain of chips.. I was doing pretty well, up to 40k in chips when it was my big blind. Someone in quite early pos raised it from 2k to 5.5k to go. He had about 38k behind him and the two of us were the biggest stacks at the table. It got folded around and I decided to defend my BB with the.>>>>>>&>>>> Now this is not a hand sklansky would tell you to consider playing nor is it ever a hand I would call a raise with on a cash table but I decided to play it for a few reasons. Firstly the guy has a lot of chips as do I - I play MTTs to win and possibly this is a chance to win a huge pot and propel me to the chip lead. Secondly although many good players make tiny raises with AA and KK trying to entice people into pots this guy has been not that good, I think he probably has two high cards at best (AQ is of course the hand I am most worried about) and if I do catch a flop I fancy my chances of winning a monster off him. So I call and the flop comes....

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Re: Freeroll Saturday Ended up 17/2500....60 dollars for my efforts Party poker seems to go hand for hand in MTTs far more than it needs to, not only that the tournament clock is not stopped during the time tables are stalled. This means the blinds get to a ridiculous stage compared to the average stack. I lost most hands I played after the bubble broke, and then very quickly the average stack was 90k with the big blind 15k. Technically this means most people are short stacks and the action is very forced. I still had 100k however when I got JJ on the big blind, reraised a mid pos raiser all in and he called with AA That was me gone Jez

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Re: Freeroll Saturday The hands I got lucky in.... With blinds at 300/600 I raised my stack of 4990 all in with A6s at the cut off. I was called by the button with QQ and I flushed him on the river :lol A guy raised UTG in another hand and I reraised him all in with AK.....he called with KK and I hit a straight (AKQJ10).... Jez

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Re: Freeroll Saturday Oh yeah and a small pot by this time but nonetheless amusing...... Folded round to me in the small blind, I have 120k chips and just flat call with !&!!!! -.-.-, The big blind has about 20k and he checks, 4k in the pot preflop. Flop : ? ££&££ '''''''''' Not bad for me at all, I consider betting but instead decide to go for a check-raise. The BB is a bit of a mouthy **** who thinks he is the macdaddy and surely he will step up to the buffet if I check. I check and straight off the BB goes all in for 20k! Woah I think....calling an all in is very different to raising all in (which is what I had planned) so I took a step back to think a second. The BB had about 10 big blinds left and there was just the two of us preflop. I really think if he had an ace he would have raised me preflop, infact I am sure of it. Normally this sort of bet would scream DRAW to me however there is no draw on this board apart from ridiculous inside straight draws (which he would have had cards he would have raised me preflop with to have). I can only guess that he doesnt really want called with this bet (I mean if he had slowplayed AA and hit top set with me checking to him he is hardly going all in is he?) and I must put him on a 7. I am a little worried he has a better king than me but I feel its 70% 7 20% king 10% Ace. After thinking this through I call his 20k all in bet cold, he turns over [}} ££££££££££ OOPS....this time I have got my read wrong fair play to him. Nevertheless it is only about 1/6 of my stack and I could still outdraw him I suppose. Turn : $$$&$$ :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin River : ]]]]]]]]]] :drums He goes out to my outdraw. Cue a chat box explosion on how bad I am and how terrible a call it was :lol . I tell him to stop whining and 20k is nothing to me anyway.....cue more frenzied explosive typing from mr mouth. I considering typing in the old rhyming classic "ace deuce.....no use" into the chat box but decide for the sake of any pets he might have to refrain. Jez

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Re: Freeroll Saturday Couldn't get on PL for most of yesterday, so couldn't post my progress (which is a good thing in most of these) but managed a 6th place out of 1000 in Betfred's $750 freeroll, earning a huge $20 :lol I was actually confident of winning and had been 2nd for all of the final table until I got a phone call + once I got back to the table I'd lost focus and played myself out.

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