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Final stages of MTT's

Sir Puntalot

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As I put in the "In Play" thread, I finished 12th out of 329 in a Betfair tourny last night, but good grief, how the game changes when it gets down to the last 20 or so. It's literally "All In" central. :lol There wasn't a great deal of bluffing going on either, certainly an experience, gutted to lose to a straight on the river as I really had a great chance of winning it, but I'm learning. :ok Got $40 anyway. :cow Is it always like that in the final stages of MTT's, well thinking about it, it must be. Heniek seemed to do the same in the bet365 freeroll that he won. ;)

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Re: Final stages of MTT's couldn't agree more. recently won my 1st MTT and it was exactly like that. last hand saw something like my J.6 reraise his opening raise and the flop goes 2,6,9. he goes all-in and just as i'm about to fold, i notice to 3 cards are all different suits and think wtf-nothing wrong with second place ohwell.gif you guessed - Pair of 6's wins ( He has 2,3o) Wnaker laugh4.gif

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Re: Final stages of MTT's Hmmm depends on the blind structure. If the blinds are such that the avg stack is less than 8bb this is bound to happenn as any raise pot committs you. Therefore you might as well stick it all in, as it is the only play you have. However i find that alot of MTT's on laddies and bet365 go very passive and tight because the blinds don't hit that hard. So therefore everyone waits for the premium hands. This has been a part of my game i have improved recently, my results have improved as i have become a bit of a bully now at this stage. I would say on recent final tables i have won the most hands out of anyone on the table cos im constantly at it. Don't win all the time but consistently making final 3.

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