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sandown favs

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hi, does anyone have the stats for favs at sandown. having done my brains in big style over the last few weeks i am going to try the fav game to try and claw some back. any advice please because i am close to packing it all in and to tears.

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Re: sandown favs phew took 13/8 so returned 472.50 - 270.00 staked = 202.50 profit :rollin first time at that and not recomended, unless you can stand 20 or 30 loosing favs which i can't. but tonight was the last throw of the dice and desperate time for me. anyway can sleep a little better tonight and have a bit of amo for tomorrow :ok

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Re: sandown favs would be nice if you could do that 5 days a week :D trouble is when you get to 7 or 8 down your then into thousands :loon so just went for it tonight with everthing crossed and for once luck on my side. think there is something there though if you can find the meetings that produce the most favs. but still a bit of roulette involved so don't think i will be going down that line again.

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Re: sandown favs Good on ya Scouseclap.gif ..... not sure if I could cope with the stress! Out of interest, what would you have done if one of the races had joint favs? Also, along the same lines does anyone know what happens when you back a winning un-named fav but it happens to be a joint fav.... Do you just get a return on half the stake?

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Re: sandown favs hi m8, had set myself a couple of rules before i started ie no odds on and no joint favs. as i posted will not be going down that road again as i know i would come unstuck, just threw a wobbler and went for it. not to sure on your favs question but i think if you back unamed fav yours is the first named down the list of runners, sure someone will correct me if wrong.

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Re: sandown favs

hi' date=' does anyone have the stats for favs at sandown. having done my brains in big style over the last few weeks i am going to try the fav game to try and claw some back. any advice please because i am close to packing it all in and to tears.[/quote'] Sandown is tomorrow & Saturday, here's the stats for favourites at the track over the last 5 years:
2yo31-82(37%)-7.08 5-14(35%)+4.63
3yo21-51(41%)+4.05 25-97(25%)+9.25
4yo+35-88(39%)+15.50 29-135(21%)-4.50

Total87-221(39%)+12.47 59-246(23%)+9.38
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Re: sandown favs

Also, along the same lines does anyone know what happens when you back a winning un-named fav but it happens to be a joint fav.... Do you just get a return on half the stake?
not to sure on your favs question but i think if you back unamed fav yours is the first named down the list of runners, sure someone will correct me if wrong.
Scouse is half right. If you back a unnamed fav and there's Joint Favs tehn your stake is split over the horses. So if one wins you get half stake on the winner and half stake as a loser.Co-favs, the same but a 3rd(or however many favs you got)on each horse. If you back an unnamed fav ON THE TOTE and you have joint favs then it goes on the one with the lowest racecard number.(like scouse suggested)
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Re: sandown favs This is madness mate. Favourites don't win as often as you think and they are always low in price so the amount you are chasing builds up RAPIDLY! They will go down 65% of the time. What if that 13/8f had NOT won? Ask yourself. If you must bet on races for fun why not do very small stakes doubles and trebles on fav's?? Spend an amount that won't cost you heavily. Better still, pick out 1,2 or 3 at the most serious bets a day and stick to them. Don't start chasing your losses mate. It won't work. Also put in a bit of research. Ask yourself why this horse is favourite? Has it shown abilty in a previous race, is it over the right distance? Is it drawn well? Has it won the going? What are the main threats to this horse? Is it better taking this low priced jolly on with 2 or more better priced animals? Put in the work and you'll be rewarded. Betting blind is the sure way to ruin your life. Danny

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Re: sandown favs

This is madness mate. Favourites don't win as often as you think and they are always low in price so the amount you are chasing builds up RAPIDLY! They will go down 65% of the time. What if that 13/8f had NOT won? Ask yourself. If you must bet on races for fun why not do very small stakes doubles and trebles on fav's?? Spend an amount that won't cost you heavily. Better still, pick out 1,2 or 3 at the most serious bets a day and stick to them. Don't start chasing your losses mate. It won't work. Also put in a bit of research. Ask yourself why this horse is favourite? Has it shown abilty in a previous race, is it over the right distance? Is it drawn well? Has it won the going? What are the main threats to this horse? Is it better taking this low priced jolly on with 2 or more better priced animals? Put in the work and you'll be rewarded. Betting blind is the sure way to ruin your life. hi m8, as i said a couple of times in my posts this was the first and last time i tried this, i have said not recomended and i ment it. i had a bad few weeks and all my good work had gone back to the bookie so just went for it and shared my experience on here. having been there and done it i can now share with anyone else that it's a no go and i am now back to building my bank up slowly. just had a 20/1 winner :nana as my two for today shows, posted this morning.
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