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SO Boss PL MTT - April


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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Nice win Sam! :ok I was particularily impressed by your play here - there's not too many players I'd have laid this down to - I was convinced you'd a better hand than me!! :clap:clap **** Hand 590120338 ***** 75.00/150.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 18 April 2007 21:02:38 $1 Challenge (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: Adetrick1 (2190.00) Seat 2: the_cloud (4955.00) Seat 3: Teazz1 (1785.00) Seat 4: Brabham (1715.00) Seat 5: the croc p (3070.00) Seat 6: thehornet1 (1600.00) Seat 7: SSpiersey (5295.00) Seat 8: Griff505 (1040.00) Seat 9: PocketLady (3990.00) Seat 10: elmcroft (1810.00) PocketLady post SB 75.00 elmcroft post BB 150.00 ** Deal ** Adetrick1 [N/A, N/A] the_cloud [N/A, N/A] Teazz1 [N/A, N/A] Brabham [N/A, N/A] the croc p [N/A, N/A] thehornet1 [N/A, N/A] SSpiersey [9c, Ad] Griff505 [N/A, N/A] PocketLady [N/A, N/A] elmcroft [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Adetrick1 Fold the_cloud Fold Teazz1 Fold Brabham Fold the croc p Fold thehornet1 Fold SSpiersey Raise to 450.00 Griff505 Fold PocketLady Raise to 1050.00 elmcroft Fold SSpiersey Call 1050.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ah, 6c, Jd] *** Bet Round 2 *** PocketLady All-in 2940.00 SSpiersey Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2250.00 PocketLady By default Win:2250.00 Sam very kindly showed KK :cry:cry:cry It just shows the thin margin between success and failure in this game! :ok TQM
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April My temptation for "settlement" of this is to treat tonights game as "cancelled" but to let it stand, and the league table will be settled as it is at the moment. I can see arguments against this, but I can also see arguments against all other solutions ..... it's a tough one..... Haven't made a final decision yet, am open to (constructive) feedback - either publically in this thread, or privately by PM..... The alternatives I can think of.... Reschedule for next Wednesday and start the next league a week later - but some who are around tonight may not be able to make that, so not sure it is any fairer.... Reshedule for another night - not Wednesday - again, not fair on thos that cannot make a different night Don't reschedule, but count best 2 scores instead of best 3 - I dont like the idea of retrospectively removing scores that people already had counting.....
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April I say settle it now and be done with it. Boss have a great influence on results anyway as half the time people are "disconnected" and dont always achieve the results that they could have. That said its still my favourite out of all the options so we learn to live with and accept these situations. All this is easy for me to say though as I wasn´t in a winning position. Maybe it should be voted on by those that had a chance of cashing.
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April gazabroad;778305 I think that the views of those not involved are probably more objective ..... No reflection on any of the individuals involved at all, but I would expect that those at the top would want to see it settled as it is, and those just below would want a shot at winning it...... I vaguely recall losing one leg before ...... and we just left it as cancelled - was slightly different as it wasn't. IIRC the last leg, and it was a best 3 games from 5 that became best 3 games from 4 :unsure If I'm right (I'll try and find it), then we have a bit of a precedent.....
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April As there are 5 Wednesdays in May then playing it next week would be OK as the May league would still have 4 games but I am happy to accept whatever you decide. When is the freeroll tournament that winners are due to be invited to played?
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Hedonist;778325 It's next Wednesday .... so that makes it difficult..... I'm moving towards the opinion, that we set the precedent before when we made it 2 from 3 and we should follow that precedent ..... (I won't put a revised table up yet as what the result is shouldn't impact what peoples views are....)
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April [quote=GotaFancy?;778329]It's next Wednesday .... so that makes it difficult..... I'm moving towards the opinion, that we set the precedent before when we made it 2 from 3 and we should follow that precedent ..... (I won't put a revised table up yet as what the result is shouldn't impact what peoples views are....)[/quote] The problem with that GaF, is that if any of the top 10 fall out of a prize place through no fault of there own, its not very fair edit: just worked out i may move up a spot, but my above comment stands!
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April [quote=morlspin;778334]The problem with that GaF, is that if any of the top 10 fall out of a prize place through no fault of there own, its not very fair edit: just worked out i may move up a spot, but my above comment stands![/quote] I honestly haven't looked at what impact it has (I dont want to risk being influenced...) As I said originally - I think that arguments can be made against all solutions - your comment is valid, but I think equally valid arguments could be made against including 3 results (for example - what about those available to play tonight who missed one of the other legs, so currently only have 2 counting scores but were destined to get their third tonight .... should they be denied their top 10 spot? What I'm thinking is more important than anbything is a degree of consistency if at all possible ...... and finding the previous example I think makes the decision a lot easier :unsure
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April my opionion for what its worth would be to settle it as is maybe you could work out the top 10 with the best 2 out of 3 and twist SO/Boss's arm for some more entries in the $2500 freeroll ( or another one if this has its full aollocation) i wish i could spell
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April I reckon it should just be left as it stands (not that 2 results rather than 3 would make a lot of difference to me). Some people will moan no matter what decision you finally come to...it is human nature to rebel against authority, more often than not just for the sheer hell of it.
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April OK. I haven't played in 1 game this month. Here's my hopefully fair suggestion. The players who would qualify for the freeroll as is, at the moment, put their names forward, so at least some PL's get to play in the freeroll. For the prize money element, the players still involved in April's league, could you not have a double header for them. The first game in May (on the Wednesday) counts for the players in Aprils, and also forms part of their May score. At least that way the 'you're playing the 4th leg on a Friday', and I can't make it, have no cause for complaint cause it's still on a Wednesday. If the above is not workable, then the two from three seems a tad unfair, as the rules were best 3 from 4. If you decide theres not going to be a leg 4, then the players best 3 scores from 4 are as they are now.
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April spireitedaz;778354 As you saw, my gut feel initially was to leave it as the 3 results, but if the way we did it before was to change it to best 2 from 3, then I'm struggling to see reasoning why this should be dealt with differently ..... as I said .... above all I think consistency where possible is important.... The difference last time was that it was leg 2, so everyone knew where they stood with 2 legs to go ...... this time it's happened with leg 4, which makes (any) settlement look harsh for someone, but I'm struggling to see why the principal that was established that time should be changed :unsure I'll sleep on it rather than make a decision tonight (but I think you can see which way I'm tempted to go).....
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Taking the best 2 from 3 also makes it easy to know what happens the next time ..... if I leave this one as all 3 results then we have a mixed precedent and it makes the decision next time all the much harder ..... The fairest result (long term - not just this time) is one that everyone can see what it should be without any personal judgements coming in to it :unsure It's pretty easy for me to make an impartial decision (whichever way I go) here as I'm not involved ...... but if I were right up there, it would be tough .... and the next time I would much rather a clear precedent make the decision easy - whether I'm there or not :unsure Am I persuading anyone? :unsure
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April yes, 2 from 3 has already been done and would effectively set a precident, so go for it and dont worry, your the poker gaffer and we will all live by your decision also..ive already won a seat to the final of 50 up, so feel free to give my seat to someone else
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April I'm sitting 3rd having only played in 2/3 games, so I thought I had a great chance of winning this league tonight :sad, but these things happen and I can see that the precedent exists, so I'd be happy to accept GaF's decision :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy.
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Completley unbiased view - as I didn't enter this months- but if you stick by the rules in the 1st post "Your best 3 points totals over the months games are totaled for your final score - the winner is the player with the highest points total " [SIZE=1][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][/SIZE] Then you should settle on what it says i.e The best 3 points over the months games, as there was only 3 games this month,then those 3 games should constitute 'The months games'
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April [quote=GotaFancy?;778388]As you saw, my gut feel initially was to leave it as the 3 results, but if the way we did it before was to change it to best 2 from 3, then I'm struggling to see reasoning why this should be dealt with differently ..... as I said .... above all I think consistency where possible is important.... The difference last time was that it was leg 2, so everyone knew where they stood with 2 legs to go ...... this time it's happened with leg 4, which makes (any) settlement look harsh for someone, but I'm struggling to see why the principal that was established that time should be changed :unsure I'll sleep on it rather than make a decision tonight (but I think you can see which way I'm tempted to go).....[/quote] just thought i'd add my opinion in the champs league comps run by spodds and paradise, its your best 5 out of roughly 13 games. however for instance if you counted in 4 but they were all victories and still qualified for the money - you are not disqualified for not having 5 counting scores. i think if you stick to this rule not many PLers will be able to dispute the decision.
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Ok - First off - most people here have expressed support for whatever I decide - even if it's not what they would have decided/to their benefit - thanks for that - it's greatly appreciated :ok VoJ comment was persuasive, but it was intended as "best 3 from 4" rather than best 3 over the month....RandR's comment highlights the other side...... At the end of the day I can see valid arguments against any decision....it's a situation where there just isn't a "right" answer that settles everything ..... so I've decided that I will go for "establishing a precedent" to ensure it's more transparent/clearer in the future ..... I will arrange for this to be settled as best 2 from 3...... apologies to anyone who does not benefit through this decision :sad
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April GotaFancy?;778992 Its always difficult to make these decisions,but someone has to,I've been in similar situations before and don't envy you. Just one note about making your precedent of best 2 from 3 what would happen if for some unforseen reason you can only play 2 games 1 month ? - you would you make it best 1 of 2 ? Although when I run tournaments of any kind at work I always make the last rule as 'My decision is final' - which covers all eventualities ;)
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April 3 from 4 was 75% of games counting.... The options were then 2 from 3 (67%) or 3 from 3 (100%) - the 67% was the closest to 75% :ok If we only had 2 games played in a month, then it's tough again!!! I think I'll cross that bridge when I come to it (and hope it never happens!!)
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April An update on the 50Up Final Status..... gazza271 and Pocket Lady had entries carried forward from last month. The 10 above have won an entry this month. Pocket Lady has a duplicate entry, so her entry will be carried across to next month :ok Morlspin has qualified independently for the 50 Up so his entry will be carried across to next month. Any one else think they have already qualified? Hodgey will not be able to make the final, so I have requested that his entry be delayed a month.
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