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Currently on the poker channel


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Re: Currently on the poker channel Yeah, feels that way don't it? It's because each heat has DIFFERENT sponsors for the British Poker Open (instead of just playing the heats online on their corresponding websites' software, they're got the fellas into a studio and televised 'em instead). Sporting Index were even offering a 50-25-10 index on Thursday's heat. I'm personally gutted that I didn't back against Willie Tann because he has shockingly bad luck on televised tourneys. :sad Thursday night was no different when his AKo lost to that pair of jacks. Well done HÅKON WÆRSTAD, an online qualifier who won just before midnight (read on the Betfair Forum that someone lucky bugger backed him at 5s for a £100!). I think there are three consecutive nights of live heats on The Poker Channel starting on Tuesday 26th as well.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel Cheers Steroman for that explanation, suppose thats why all the guys were in suits and ties and accompying shades last night, compared to some heats where they just wear owt and its obviously not live. They keep advertising the 'big' three yanks, any idea when they play or if they got invites or how the pro's qualified. Just interested on the structure of these tournaments.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel I believe that the Full Tilt Poker heat will be on next Thursday on April 28th. It'll feature Andy Bloch, Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and three online qualifiers (bit of a bust but what can you do?). The Poker Channel's TV schedules say different though and say it's going to be a repeat of Thursday's BetfairPoker.com heat. http://www.tvschedules.tv/scripts/digigate_listings.asp?sid=95&sName=&date=2005-04-28 There's three live PokerStars qualifying heats from May 3rd to May 5th and one will be featuring Greg Raymer.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel Hoo-hoo! The Devilfish and Gus Hansen will feature on Wednesday's live heat. :clap Probably at the same time, Andy Bloch, Chris Ferguson and Howard Lederer will be in the Gutshot Club for some cross-promotional Full Tilt/Gutshot tourney type thingy. Tuesday's live Betfairpoker.com heat was won by Bengt Sonnert.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel Jesus Christ! Did anybody see the Virgin Games heat just!? Gus Hansen called Matt Born's AQc all-in with a Q8o! And Matt Born wins! :rollin Unbelievable. Both of them had 300,000, Gus makes a small raise, Matt goes all-in, Gus notes that they probably have the same number of chips, figured Matt might have been on tilt and trying to scare him and Gus calls! Tomorrow's heat should be a cracker though.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel Yeah thought Gus was over reckless making poor calls. A bit different to the bold raises that he makes. Devilfish was funny on commentary after gus has dealt a bad beat on a baby flop with a 5 on it gus went all with 5 7 when the fish has queens. Gus caught his 7 and the dave was not a happy chappy:lol . So for about an hour he slagged him off with Jesse May on commentary. Btw is Jesse on the most programmes of any person in this country. He is on 3 maybe 4 thing simultaneous at the mo. Ah well he entertains me.

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Re: Currently on the poker channel Anybody watch the Full Tilt heat yesterday night? Was it me or weren't the pros' hearts much in it? Howard goes out with top pair on the flop and a low kicker (he had 89o)? Andy goes all-in with a pair of 3s? Forget what Chris tried to do (I missed his exit). Obviously they were there just to promote Full Tilt but seemingly really dodgy play from the pros. ....well done Michael Moore though but he had some luck with the rest of the players playing so damn badly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Currently on the poker channel Very, very annoyed that I missed the semi-finals that were happening on Sunday (didn't even know they were on!). Exact same format as Ladbrokes' Poker Million with a freezeout when three get knocked out of each semi-final and whatever chip counts they have, they'll take into the final. Who have we got for Monday night's final? Odds are from Betfair. Matt Born (340k) 3.5 Adam Dujmovic (281k) 4.4 Haakon Waersted (258k) 4.4 Andreas Harnemo (132k) 7.2 Greg Raymer (128k) 7 Robert Hill (68k) 15.5

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Re: Currently on the poker channel What time were the semi finals? I flicked it on about half 5, and kept checking every so often and they were just showing repeats of the heats. I knew the final was tonight, so presumed the semi's would be shown.....

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