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Saturday Night Poker 14/12/13


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Re: Saturday Night Poker 14/12/13 I had a great time over there, but unfortunately didn't get much joy in the poker. Spent the whole of day 1 very card dead, had to a lot of stealing and very light 3 bets to keep myself afloat, made it to day 2 35th or 36th of 40. Then on the second day I lasted 10 hands... On my BB the chip leader to my right moved all in with K7o and I glanced down to see a joyous 66 and called in a flash. Flop came out 6AQ and I was ready to punch the air, but managed to restrain myself, which was a good job as the turn was a J, the river a 10. A few gasps round the table later and I was stood in the lobby wondering what the hell just happened. The chap that knocked me out went on to win the tournament though so I suppose my chips went to good use! My final position was 35th. Least I had more time to go and get merry in a couple of bars and have a look round the Xmas markets :)

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