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Entered an $11 express satelite to qualify for a $40k guaranteed rebuy tourney. Managed to get through that one and started the main tourney with 240 other players. 3 hours later and we're down to the last 11 players. I'm in 2nd place with 65000 chips. Get dealt QQ on the button. Blinds are 3000/6000 and the chip leader (80000 chips) raises in first position to 18000. Everyone folds and its up to me. Knowing he's played bullyboy tactics for the last 20 minutes and is playing rather loose, I raise all-in with my QQ. Thought I was a big favourite. He calls (leaving him with 15000 chips) and shows A10. Yippee I think! 10 on the flop, 10 on the river and I'm history. Got $410 instead of getting to the final table where the winner gets $12k! With the chip lead I would have had, I reckon I'd have got to the final 3 at least (3rd was $4920). Sat here and I am well pissed off! :@ In fact, as I'm typing this. the clown that called my bet has just won the tourney! :wall Sorry for the bad beat story but I'm hoping it'll make me feel better!

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Re: Bugger! Unlucky mate, I like your reraise all in - its a good aggressive move and I would figure him calling with lower pairs here but not what he did. He must have been very loose to call the reraise off a big stack with A10. You have been playing very well recently mate and had some nice results you just gotta take this one on the chin really :o (I hate that shit when it happens at such an important stage, its far worse than if you got bombed out first hand like that tbh) Jez

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Re: Bugger!

If you'd of won that pot you'd of won the tourney surely
That will make him feel better. :lol Unlucky Wayne. As Jezza said you have been playing some good cards recently. You'll take down the Punters Lounge tourney tonight and win $80 and be crowned champ I bet. See - Life aint that bad. :D
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Re: Bugger! :lol at Punter. You know how to make a bloke feel better dont you! :lol Opened the curtains and its a lovely sunny day. Another day, another dollar! Looking forward to tonight and I hope you're right Gett1n. However, I still reckon that the standard of players that play our tourney is sky high so whoever wins it, needs to be on top form. And there's quite a few on this forum that can claim that! Is anyone else trying to qualify for the LEOCOP tournies on Laddies in April? They've got 6 big tournies on consecutive nights followed by the Main Event on the final night with a $750k guaranteed prize pool! :loon I've played 3 qualifiers so far and won 2 to get myself into LEOCOP3 ($100k tourney) and LEOCOP5 ($70k tourney). Finished 2nd in LEOCOP2 qualifier ($50k tourney) and just missed in that one. But there's still plenty of time to get there.

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