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Random Over Bet Shoves


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Been faced with a couple of these tonight and just wanted peoples thoughts on what they would have done in these situations; PokerStars - $10+$1|20/40 NL - Holdem - 9 players Hand converted by PokerTracker 4 UTG+2: 3,165.00 MP: 2,960.00 MP+1: 2,172.00 CO: 2,956.00 BTN: 3,112.00 SB: 5,070.00 Hero (BB): 2,935.00 UTG: 1,107.00 UTG+1: 3,843.00 SB posts SB 20.00, Hero posts BB 40.00 Pre Flop: (pot: 60.00) Hero has 9:heart: 9:spade: fold, fold, fold, MP calls 40.00, MP+1 raises to 200.00, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 160.00, fold Flop: (460.00, 2 players) 5:heart: 8:heart: 7:spade: Hero checks, MP+1 bets 1,972.00 and is all-in, Had very little info on this guy, other than he had limped and and called a raise a couple of hands before with Q6 off. PokerStars - $4.10+$0.40|50/100 NL - Holdem - 9 players Hand converted by PokerTracker 4 UTG+2: 4,435.00 MP: 5,900.00 MP+1: 2,145.00 Hero (CO): 4,595.00 BTN: 8,995.00 SB: 1,585.00 BB: 10,022.00 UTG: 4,635.00 UTG+1: 4,815.00 SB posts SB 50.00, BB posts BB 100.00 Pre Flop: (pot: 150.00) Hero has J:heart: A:heart: UTG raises to 300.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 300.00, fold, fold, BB calls 200.00 Flop: (950.00, 3 players) J:club: 2:diamond: 7:spade: BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets 555.00, BB calls 555.00, fold Turn: (2060.00, 2 players) 2:spade: BB bets 9,167.00 and is all-in This guy had a VP of 30, limped and called raise a lot with suited connectors, KQ, KJ etc, had quite a big range.

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I'd say.... Call - both times. Can't see your post but from memory, the first hand, he is either wreckless, bored or has just got lucky. 2nd hand - he might have hit 2 pair or trip 3s but don't see any advantage o going all in. Given his chip stack and the stakes he could easily be trying to buy it too. Call is right move I reckon. Not to say either one would have won!! I guess they didn't - hence why you're asking the question!! How Lon do we have to wait for the answer!!?! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Random Over Bet Shoves

Maybe it's become fashionable to bet air on the turn rather than the river like me' date=' but I cant see it working.[/quote'] Problem is in some tourneys because people want to stack up or move on they will do all kinds of strange shoves. Just had experience of that. 4th hand admittedly on a 2000 freeroll on Party. With AQ on a flop of 3Q4 rainbow guy shoves for 2000 with 85 off I call and he hits 2A to get straight
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Re: Random Over Bet Shoves One of the reasons I try to avoid strategy questions is the difference between play at all levels(that and the fact that the original posters don't respond to any input from other members) but I think at any level you shouldn't be losing 100bbstarting stack Oobs got slated for strange play early at SJ maybe he does this regularly and it pays long term

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