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Well done Bart(UK) - Genting Poker Series Winner!


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Re: Railing

well done bart and well done all supporting him here railers fantastic result quite unreal but about time you got a big mention :clap
^ This Still speechless, started clicking the Thanks button, but too many, so please take this as a big thank you to you all. Will write more tomorrow when my head stops spinning, but massive thanks for your support, which means the world to me, more than £ itself. Couldn't have done it without you all. Will arrange something for the forum in due course as a thank you no doubt. With grateful thanks Bart GPS Online Champion 2012..... Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Innnnnnnnnnnn!
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Re: Railing What a great result Bart, had been railing you for a good while, i remember you losing a big 3 way pot on a board, that someone had rivered a straight with there k-q and the other guy had 2 pairs 10-j, you folded and had gone from about 70k down to 26k and things did not look so good. In the next couple of hands you doubled up with AA, Which gave you about 6ok with the blinds. think that was about 50-60 left. You just went from strength to strength after that. What a result Bart, well done fella again!!!

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