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Just One Goal.


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Determined to get to 50 and realize it wont happen picking 7, 8 games plus each day and hoping for the best in some cases, just need to be a bit more disciplined with this and a good run is possible. Changing up a few things, betting on games where under 2.5 is 1.8 or less and where odds are no more then 1.06 unless its a game i know well. Best score to date is 38. Bet 1 = Puerto Rico Islanders vs AD Isidro Metapan. £20 @ 1.06 :hope

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Re: Just One Goal.

Determined to get to 50 and realize it wont happen picking 7, 8 games plus each day and hoping for the best in some cases, just need to be a bit more disciplined with this and a good run is possible. :unsure For a minute there I thought you were being serious. :lol Then I saw your multiple selections again.................:p

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Re: Just One Goal. Taken from the RULES section. Notes on in-play bets: Intention of betting is to be posted before an event starts as otherwise one can place bets all the time and then just post the winning ones. In-play bets are often a matter of opportunity so as long as the majority are announced it should be ok. It is highly recommended not to wait to be asked for screencaptures but rather simply provide them yourself. Especially in case of an exceptional situation or a big winner. Requests for screenshots are made by moderators, not just anyone. If anyone has doubts about a bet and thinks a screenshot is in order he should contact a mod. ( if PM is not yet available to you use the email adress [email protected] ) You can create screencapture by pressing "ctrl" and "prnt scrn" , ( hold Ctrl down then press Prnt Scrn ) , on your PC which puts the screen at that time in your computer paste buffer. Then open an application like Paint and select "Paste". Cut out the part you want in your capture and save that as a .jpg file. Screenshots can be provided in 3 ways. Posted, email or proofing forum. email: When a mod makes a request he will/should include an email adress where he can be reached. (if not [email protected] can be used) posted: Create a new Reply and enter at least one character in the message. Go down the page where you'll find "Manage attachments" and there upload the saved file. It will appear at the bottom of the post. Alternatively you can use an image hosting website and put a link in your post. proofing forum: there is a forum where screencaptures can be posted. it is visible only to the moderators and those that use it. About 50 people. It's purpose is to allow people to post screencaptures but at the same time retain some privacy by not having those captures in full public view. Access is given by simply asking for it.

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Re: Just One Goal. Sending a copy is usually only required when a selection is/has been requested by a Moderator or sometimes by another member. It crops up when the validity of a bet is being questioned, sometimes there can be some very outlandish claims and it's in the Rules in order to prevent anything untoward going on. This is not the case here though, it's purely about the timing of the bet. Thanks for your understanding and acceptance of the ruling.

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