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888Poker Birthday Freerolls from 15th


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Re: 888Poker Birthday Freerolls from 15th playing as ShotCrusher , just got in for monster chip leader twice first lose AK vs QQ , then vs same player I raise AA he flats BB comes along board 885 I c bet the the other big stack comes over top I call , he shows tens , turn 9 and river 10 :( leaves me crippled with 64 left instead of cruising to a final table

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Re: 888Poker Birthday Freerolls from 15th and out in 6th for $26ish after get all in pre shoving my BB for another 4BB after get 2 limpers the SB calls with 10 4off happy with my play in this tourney didn't get many premiums apart from the ones mentioned above

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