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Happy Birthday Renaan and good luck at WPT (UPDATES INC NOW)


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Re: Happy Birthday Renaan and good luck at WPT

Happy Birthday Renaan and best of luck' date=' if you make final table, can you wear a PL shirt and we'll fly it over for your rail!!:ok[/quote'] Unfortunately he is contracted to wear Virgin Gear as he won the package through them :( If he makes FT im flying over and ill rail in my PL top :)
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Re: Happy Birthday Renaan and good luck at WPT (UPDATES INC NOW)

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Got seat redraw up, was table 7 and seat 7 yesterday, today table 6 seat 4.... 50 BB's to work with so plenty of play left, 90min blinds when we restart.
:nana Good luck today mate:hope
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Re: Happy Birthday Renaan and good luck at WPT (UPDATES INC NOW)

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Got seat redraw up, was table 7 and seat 7 yesterday, today table 6 seat 4.... 50 BB's to work with so plenty of play left, 90min blinds when we restart.
go mate :hope:hope:hope:hope
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