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PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - October - Monthly Final Tues 1st Nov


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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 To join the club, and to have a chance at winning a prize from Pokerstars.com Please follow these instructions: Download Pokerstars by clicking the blue Pokerstars Register for an account Join the Home Game Club using ClubId: 88257 Password: girlpunt PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PL NAME IN THE SPACE PROVIDED SO WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE BEFORE WE CAN ACCEPT YOU

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Dont see why not mate. Better off opening her own account though as if she wanted to branch out and play the Pokerstars own Ladies events, its all done via the sex you've stated when you signed up, so she would be able to play those too:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 So let's the fun begin!! :nana tomorrow.....:drums we will rock again :nana And hello Lisa, I hope you will find time to play every leg! My friend found a texas holdem poker book on a bookcrossing shelf... so be scared - she's just sent it to me...I will learn new strategies :):):)

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Now this is going to be a hard post for me. Probably in the wrong area as well, but I honestly did nor do I want to open a chat thread. And as most who have been missed me asked in last league ladies thread, I will just post in here, as most who missed me (from the very few who did) have been from Ladies league. So please bare with me, if a personal post is in here. I was away for a tiny bit or a long bit (depends on the view), as my life suddenly seemed to break in lots of pieces. I am ill since quite a few years now, which is to most no secret. I had to learn on a very hard way to handle this, and got used to over a while even though it affected my life in a very big term (like not being able doing my job anymore and such). But I got used to and did moan about very seldom. So with getting used to, I just started to replan and reorganize my life. When in July my doctor came up with diagnosing a second illness. Both are not curable, well at least not now. Before any speculations coming up now, I can't die of both of them. Nor is it a virus, so whoever wants to meet me, can happily do this, as I can not pass any of them to another person. Still it crashed me, as the symptoms sometimes are not easy, and other things came in, and I was suddenly sitting in a mess, which I would never ever have expected to come this worse. I now have to deal with a lot of things, and this was not at all easy, specially at the beginning when doc told me. So I basically did not want doing anything and had a lot of days where I not could do anything even if I wanted to. This was the reason for me being away. I am deeply sorry should I have worried anyone. As well deeply sorry for all those who I did let down or did feel I have let them down. I shall try to be regulary back now, but I can only promise that I try. Most my days are good days currently, but sometimes my mind goes on dark places, and I rather much prefer being on those all alone. Sorry as well for quite a very personal post. But I had the feeling I owe this some people who had been worried and more. All those who find it to personal, take my apologise for it.

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Like I've said to you on the phone today, poker is a hobby and your health comes 1st at all times. Wether you play or not, we'll be thinking of you and the hard work you have put into this league is testament to your character, look after yourself and play when you can:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Thanks for posting Gina, it's a very appropriate place for it in here. You have been missed by more than will have posted in the threads and a lot didn't realise you had not been well. We look forward (always) to seeing you here and playing whenever you can and when you want some female chat at the tables! Looking like a possible fairy tale return tonight ...

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Gina I think you are very hard on yourself! You don't owe anyone an apology. Most people have been through dark times in the past and should be understanding of others when bad times hit our friends. If anyone has been critical of your absence you should ignore them! They are not worth bothering about. As far as I know all those of us who have decided to play this league regularly feel the same as Graeme and Helen's sentiments above. You are a missed and valued poker playing colleague but ....you should concentrate on your health, join us when you can and let us try to cheer you up when you're at the tables with us! It's a hobby that should be a welcome distraction not a burdon. If you need help with organising people you should feel comfortable asking any of us and if we can, we will help. Please don't feel guilty for something that you clearly cannot be blamed for. It was nice to see you back and playing so well tonight - keep it up if you can! :D Love, Debi xxx

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Congratulations to all 3 girls who cashed yesterday!!! I couldn't support you till the end and I regret now as it seems HU were exciting :) Gina, We didn't push you to play, we just missed you much. You as a very, very nice person and you as a great poker player. Good to see you again and whenever you feel strong enough to join our table it would be great. It seems you've got stuck in a moment but fingers crossed the moment will pass for good. I know how illnesses can ruin life, been there before...but diseases hate our smiles, so smile a lot :) All the best!

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Thanks everyone and Gina for a great heads up battle, we both worked very hard for it. I don't know you and have only recently started playing in this league, thanks to being introduced by Donna. I am sorry to hear you have been going through a difficult time. I hope the poker league and chat's with the girls will give you some comfort and relief from the grinds of daily life. You should never dwell about anyones negative thoughts, just concentrate on the positive ones from true friends. You seem to have a few here. Hope to see you in another heads up battle soon :-) x

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011 Hi Julie :welcome. Not too late at all, we've only played one leg and it's best 5 from 7 anyway for the league. But just come along and join in the fun anyway even if you can't play every game. :ok Can you let us know what your PokerStars name is.

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Re: PuntersLounge Pokerstars Ladies League - Leg 1 starts 6th October 2011

Hi Julie :welcome. Not too late at all, we've only played one leg and it's best 5 from 7 anyway for the league. But just come along and join in the fun anyway even if you can't play every game. :ok Can you let us know what your PokerStars name is.
Thanks for the warm welcome. PokerStars name is jc150366.
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