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Security Update Email from Hendon Mob


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Anyone else get this yesterday and able to confirm it's OK? Pretty poor from them IMO (this is how I would do spam if I were a spammer trying to hack an account).

Dear avongirl You have received a private message to and regarding your account on www.thehendonmob.com. Please note that all user passwords on our site have been reset, and you will need to get a new password sent to you using this link: (link removed) After receiving your new password, you will then be able to check your private messages, which we ask you to do as soon as possible: (link removed) The Hendon Mob
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Re: Security Update Email from Hendon Mob Hi H, I haven't received the email (although hardly ever visit THM so probably why), but I did see some reference to a hacking attack on their facebook page, it's still there with a link to their own forum. Wasn't sure if it was ok to post the link in here or not, but can do if it helps people. Made reference to them having to take the site down for a few hours as someone had hacked in and was able to use admin/moderator rights or something. I'd probably check with their own support first before doing anything to be honest just to be on the safe side. Bart

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Re: Security Update Email from Hendon Mob Joe tweeted a link to the following on Monday:-

Apologies for the inconvenience. We've identified the problem and you can post on the forum, check MyRakeback again etc. As a precaution, you will need to reset your password before logging in. Use this link to get a new password sent to your registered email address. This doesn't apply if you log in through Facebook, you can continue as normal. If you wish to change your new password, please ensure: You don't change it back to your previous password. Your password is unique (i.e. not used on any other sites). Your password is not easy to guess; the strongest passwords have a combination of letters and numbers, and include both upper and lower case characters. Of course, links to files can still be posted on the forum, including potentially dangerous executable files. If you see anything suspicious, report the post, don't download/run program files without being absolutely sure of what they are.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Security Update Email from Hendon Mob

Anyone else get this yesterday and able to confirm it's OK? Pretty poor from them IMO (this is how I would do spam if I were a spammer trying to hack an account).
Had received the same email, also have had a follow up today We are aware that some of our users have been targeted by "Phishing"emails.These emails look like they have come from The Hendon Mob when in fact theyare from a third party server and nothing to do with us. They usually askmembers to click on a link to receive benefits such as rakeback or toconfirm certain personal details details.What should I do if I receive a 'phishing' email?If you receive such an email, then under no circumstances should yourespond and do not click on any links in these emails as they may beviruses or trojans.You should forward the email to [email protected] so that thesource can be traced. This means that we can work to ensure the roguewebsites are closed down quickly.Please note, you won't receive a response from this mailbox but be assuredthe email will be actioned.The Mob
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Re: Security Update Email from Hendon Mob Yes, I've got that too. Not sure now whether the first email was a scam or genuine. I've not been on my account yet as I'm not playing the league or been on the forum but I'm not going to use the links in the emails anyway, will just log in the account and see what happens.

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