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GSOP Live Seville


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First post in the poker forum so please be gentle :$. Basically today I won a prize package for the above event... I'm a bit unsure of whether to go or not as I've never ever played in a live game before and hardly played a lot on the internet... Any information or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

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Re: GSOP Live Seville :welcome to the poker forums, we dont bite so dont worry lol Well done on winning a package to the event, the GSOP are great events and you can win a lot of money in them. Their not the easiest tho and I would advise that if you were to play in Seville, that you: a) brush up on your spanish, as the players will be allowed to speak either English or Spanish, so learn key words poker wise. b) play a bit more live poker (if you dont already) to get you up to speed and not looking like a rookie etc c) if you dont want to play or cannot for any reason, check out now wether or not you can either exchange your package for cash, or sell it on, or give it away for a profit share. Most of all, if you do decide to play, enjoy yourself!:ok

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Re: GSOP Live Seville Thanks dude... I won a ticket for an online final months ago and forgot about it, then I used it a couple of nights ago and got to the last table from 100-odd players, this got me another ticket for an online final which I won tonight - so I can't be that bad! But I have literally only been playing online for like 6 months and am not particularly ou-fait with all the terminology and have concerns that I would get found out in a live game... I'm pretty much fluent in Spanish so that's not much of a problem, explaining the whole shabang to the missus could be a bit tricky though :loon... Sent an e-mail to betfair enquiring about whether the ticket is transferable of exchangable for cash, but I doubt it is! Anyway, thanks for the advice... Going to sleep on it now and see how I feel in the morning

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Re: GSOP Live Seville I played GSOP Riga last year and I actually bought a package (buyin and hotel - he kept the expenses) from a Canadian who couldn't make it. Lost a coinflip around the bubble so just missed out on cashing in the live thing. They are great events though and well organised and all the players are friendly. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: GSOP Live Seville Calculus, I am playing this event too. I was fortunate enough to win a package in the "Sports Giveaway" promotion that Betfair ran late last year. Would be great to meet a fellow formite (although I'm a newbie) for a beer (San Miguel) etc. Send me a PM if it tickles your fancy. Sean

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Re: GSOP Live Seville Busted after about 6 hours on the first day, had quite a tough table to start with two super aggressive types behind me, so was forced into playing tighter than I like... Still had a great time and met some top people... Hope your friend does the job Sean and if you ever fancy a game of Chinese again Im your man! :tongue2

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