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£100 a week???

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Hello Punters,(my first post even though Ive been reading for months) Since I read here everyday and have done for months I thought I better make my own contribution. To Keep it simple....I wont explain how my system works as I dont have much time just now.If it works(ie,this time next week I have an extra £100 in the bank)I will explain then.So just follow the post and wait and see or piss yourself laughing!!. You need a starting bank of £250 - £300 to get going.(Or money prepared to lose). BET 1- WEST HAM at 8/13-------£20 (10/12/04) BET 2- SCHALKE at 1/4----------£40 (11/12/04) Since Im doing it all in 1 week I will post my following selections almost immediately after the result of my picks. Cheers for now :tongue2 P.S-I have been doing this on paper successfully for 3 weeks now.....but I know everyone says that so thats why Im documenting it here. Wish me luck!

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Re: £100 a week??? Welcome to the board and good luck with your "system". However, can I just say that setting targets on a weekly basis maybe the wrong thing to do, especially when you are attempting to win 30%+ of your bank each week. What if you hit an unexpected loser, what if there are not enough qualifiers in that particular week? Will you raise your stakes or bet on games that aren't proper system qualifiers in order to meet your target? If I were you I'd settle for a lower figure than the one you are suggesting in terms of your bank. All the best Danny

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Re: £100 a week??? :welcome Hi, i would have to agree with Danny here, a weekly target so high will at one point or another end up with you chasing losses by putting bets on that you wouldnt of normally included with your system, Still, i wish you good luck with this system and hope you get some winners under your belt!!! :ok

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Re: £100 a week??? Hey Guys, Just a quick update to see how Im going on my conquest of 100 squid a week! Started on Fri 10/12/04 and to date have placed 4 bets. 2 wins and 2 loses. Starting Bank £300 Current Bank £340 So far then Im sitting at + £40......£60 to go!!......so on with the betting.... Bet 5 -----AJAX at 1/3 £30 (12/12/04) Cheers for now........

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Re: £100 a week??? Well done, you've made a good start! :clap Just one thing : Can you update your results and bank after each game please? The only reason I know you're winning most of these bets is because I'm having to do the work to find out. Some members on here won't make the effort. Thanks! Good luck Danny

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Re: £100 a week??? Hey Guys, Seeing as I now have some spare time on my hands I will give you all a "Half-Time" report on my £100 a week target! Thanks for the input as well Danny......as you know Im a "Newbie punter" so Im learning all the time.....I will list all my bets and account standings to date, so everyone can see how Im going! I started the £100 a week system on the 10/12/04 so I have till next Friday (17/12/04) to reach my weekly target! Bets so far........Starting Bank £300 BET 1- WEST HAM £20 Lost Bank £280 BET 2- SCHALKE £40 Lost Bank £240 BET 3- WIGAN £110 WIN Bank £280 BET 4- BARCELONA £120 WIN Bank £340 BET 5- AJAX £30 WIN Bank £350 BET 6- VALENCIA £30 WIN Bank £360 From the bets above Im sitting at £360,so i need to win £40 by 17/12/04 to succeed. The lowest amount in the kitty so far was after I bet Wigan when only £130 was left.....thankfully Wigan won which kept the bank healthy! I agree with the previous comments about maybe setting my targets a bit lower with the starting bank I have!...I reckon £1000 would be very safe but Im not prepared to lose a grand(espcailly with the presents still to buy)!......Hopefully come next Friday I will have a bank of £400 to start with! Cheers for now

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Re: £100 a week??? Hey Guys,

Well so far I have bet 8 resulting in 4 losses and 4 wins......The four losses have been unbelievable.....all four games lost goals in the final 2 minutes.....the games were West Ham,Schalke,Man Utd and Liverpool.........My bank is sitting down at £230. After losing 2 games in a row my system usually kicks in but I cant see any straight forward betting for tonight and tomorrow nights UEFA Cup matches to put it to practice!........So for this week I would have to concede defeat as there are not any games remaining that I would like to bet on...........and I’m definitely not betting just for the sake of it(If I were it would be a £100 on Stuggat tonight :lol http://www.punterslounge.com/images/smilies/laugh4.gif\" src="file:///C:DOCUME~1CCAMPB~1LOCALS~1Tempmsohtml1\01clip_image001.gif">).........I may well continue it onto a 2nd week then take an average from after the 2nd week(If winning of course)..... Cheers for now

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