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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: New job

    :hope for the new job mate. How about a story on internet players that win into live events ? The success stories. :nana
    counts me out then :sad:sad
  2. Re: New job good luck in your new job, jon:ok:ok:ok trev, this was taken from flush forum for your information;) Hello all I just wanted you guys to be the first to know that my time as Flush Editor has come to an end. Thanks very much for all your participation and support. If you want to follow my adventures you'll have to turn on your TVs or fire up www.skypoker.com I am on every week night at 8pm with a new show called The Club, as well as my usual work on The Open (catch me tonight with Helen Chamberlain in fact!) So, thanks again for your help. Happy hunting. Matt B

  3. Re: teaulc is now sponsored just a couple of minor things had to sort out,but gonna start with a little one and play the apat qualifier this saturday,,is difficult as not a lot on around my neck of the woods so having to find things further afield,,ie london

  4. Re: apat regional qualifier/brighton 10th november

    You can't play' date=' you're a pro. :tongue2[/quote'] not yet mate,,,long way to go for that:unsure:unsure i still work for a living:puke shuby,,they target about 6pm finish so the evening games can then be prepared,,,there was only 25 entrants in the last one so about 4 hours
  5. Re: teaulc is now sponsored

    Congratulations Alan .... :clap:clap Does that mean you'll can now make the £11 buy-in at Chesterfield you said you'd come and play one day ;)
    you gonna put me up???
  6. Re: teaulc is now sponsored

    Well that's easy then.... Aussie Millions in January WSOP in July WSOPE in September What else takes your fancy :tongue2
    lol,,not quite that high to start with,,but you never know:loon
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