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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: APAT regionals extra info

    still lasted till 7 oclock tho:loon
    well played ben and thanks for the lift down :ok i finished 11th after i had played a hand quite badly when i was raising big with aq preflop/flop and the turn,the muppet was chasing a flush after i had convinced myself he had a low pair and i checked the river after hitting nowt he went all in and i folded,,if i had bet or called i would have won the hand:sad bit later utg who is short-stacked goes all-in i am bb,all fold and i call with aq (again),he shows kj..i hit ace on the flop then he runners a king then a jack to stay in..... i go out when bb with k8,all fold to sb (jonathan who cashed the razz in vegas from insidepoker mag freeroll)) and he calls...flop is k/2/3 , i bet 500 he goes over the top of me for the rest of my 400 chips so i call,,he has k/3 :wall as it was when we left it looked like jonathan was just about to win it.:clap very disappointed for APAT with so few runners,it was good to meet Lee, the south representative,but expected so many more to play this month,it had gone from 25 last month (expected low turn-out cos of rugby) but to get only 17 this month and that included 3 that i know of from london,was quite bad. a big thanks to the grosvenor who had laid on 4 dealers this time,and for the food:clap
  2. Re: New job personally,i know hold`em is the most popular poker game out there,but how about some in depth on the other variants,razz,draw,horse..... and i like the idea of getting poker clubs around the country on board,,in sussex it is dead and trying to find out where any are is a nightmare

  3. Re: Hilly's Home Game

    gazza can't make it al he is working:sadthe bloke who was hu with washy is bringing his son. and yes hilly is gonna get a bit of a shock i think :loon we should all act like total fish and keep asking if 2 pair beats trips:lol:lol proper hustle him:dude:dude
    are you telling me 2 pair doesn`t????????:dude:dude:beer
  4. Re: Hilly's Home Game i hope washman don`t mind me posting this, we are playing this on monday the 12th november,8`o clock ish. players are: washman, teaulc, ubermonkey, galronix, heniek, gazza271, the guy washy was heads up with and of course hillythefish,who aint gonna know what hit him:dude:dude:dude:gimme:gimme:gimme:D:D:D

  5. Re: ** Poker Wednesday 7th October **

    Just came 9th in the Oceans 13 freeroll. :ok Was doing very well but the hands dried up after the 2nd break. Very short stacked and had to push with 44 only to run into AA. :lol
    ul eric,,,you did well,:ok see you on monday when we kick hilly`s butt:dude:dude i was pleased to finished 27th considering i was down to about 270 chips at one time....it was nice to see rednutt on the tables;) good to see you again..
  6. Re: paddypowerpoker odds calculator

    In March we migrated over to the Playtech network which proved to be quite a challenge. We knew it would take months of preparation and months of work afterwards to make the transition work. In the meantime we had a little tournament called the Irish Open to operate with the lofty goal of doubling the guarantee for the event. Prep work for the Irish Open begins in MAY for the following year :wall. So basically the team resources were stretched to the limit, we felt doing a tour on top of this might have a negative impact on the core business. That would be a very long winded but honest answer for ya :\
    no worries,thanks for the info...... will there be another tour in the future??
  7. Re: New job

    :hope for the new job mate. How about a story on internet players that win into live events ? The success stories. :nana
    counts me out then :sad:sad
  8. Re: New job good luck in your new job, jon:ok:ok:ok trev, this was taken from flush forum for your information;) Hello all I just wanted you guys to be the first to know that my time as Flush Editor has come to an end. Thanks very much for all your participation and support. If you want to follow my adventures you'll have to turn on your TVs or fire up www.skypoker.com I am on every week night at 8pm with a new show called The Club, as well as my usual work on The Open (catch me tonight with Helen Chamberlain in fact!) So, thanks again for your help. Happy hunting. Matt B

  9. Re: teaulc is now sponsored just a couple of minor things had to sort out,but gonna start with a little one and play the apat qualifier this saturday,,is difficult as not a lot on around my neck of the woods so having to find things further afield,,ie london

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