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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. after days of emails to and fro i still cant gt into this goddamn pokersite if it can call itself that.... this is the latest i got from them,which is exactly the same as the last one i got.:wall:wall:wall Dear Sir,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Thank you for your email. We apologise for the inconvenience that you experiencing at this time. Unfortunately we are currently experiencing difficulties with our third party Internet Service Provider which is causing disruptions and intermittent crashes of our site. Our technicians are working hard to rectify this matter as soon as possible. Once again we apologise and we thank you for your patience.

    If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us quoting your username

    Kind Regards


    Customer Care Team


    Email: [email protected]

    Telephone: 08000 727 727 (9am - 8pm BST Monday to Sunday) getting beyond a joke:@
  2. Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship

    Well done guys :clap but does the TD need to brush up on his math' date=' I thought 10% of 23 would have given 2 seats :unsure[/quote'] it is rounded up to make it even,if 34 runners it would be 4 seats etc
  3. Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship all i can say is i wasnt the 1st one out:loon:loon there were only 25 runners including myself,and i also met up with jonathan woodfield (inside poker razz winner who i met in vegas) who was looking well............ 1st player out lost big with pocket aces...i was second out,i had a/q with q/rag/rag and pushed to steal the pot of 1k,,oooops i lost to pocket kings. still always next month. we had to self deal to start with,until there was only 2 tables then the dealers would come into it,so only 3 places would qualify with such low numbers. not a bad little casino,and being so close to the hospital connors at ,gave me time to go see him today:)

  4. Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship

    that's worrying... wonder how many other venues have started taking registrations now? It's a 2 hour trip for me to Edinburgh... don't fancy getting there to find out the seats were all gone in advance. :unsure
    might be worth giving them a ring now:ok
  5. Re: ** Poker Monday 1st October **

    :nanai just won the blue square freeroll' date='London here i come:cow[/quote'] finished 12th when millbet`s pocket aces done me in:cry nice to see my chips went to the winner,,,but you could have folded them;)
  6. Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship

    might see you there then dude ' date='its probably just as easy to get to brighton as it is for the london ones:ok[/quote'] cool,look forward to seeing you again,,,,i might even be able to make next saturday,,,gotta speak to my bro-in-law
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