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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: POSTPONED - Monday Sep 24th - $1k Freeroll at Paradise Poker - Exclusive to PL!

    Well... I guess that you have to take into consideration that they want to give us $ 1000 ... customer support or not. It would be silly to turn down $ 1000 for the PL people wouldn't it? :)
  2. Re: POSTPONED - Monday Sep 24th - $1k Freeroll at Paradise Poker - Exclusive to PL! paul,,i appreciate all the hard work you have done to get this for us,,but any chance we could have it on a decent site other than paradise(hell) customer support is non existant,never lets you log in without any problems

  3. Re: Live Team Event Blackpool 13th Oct

    fancy a crazy golf skins game on sunday morning al:) forget negranu ivey and hellmuth playing 100k a hole,this is real pressure:loon 50p a hole and half a hour of piss take from brian:lol
    would have to be an early one,as i wanna get back to see the boy in the afternoon:ok
  4. Re: ** Poker Wednesday 12th September ** as per usual paradise is playing up again:@:@:@ no reply to emails (as usual),phoned them and they say got problems in antigua where they are based:wall:wall... asked them why they dont reply to my emails,they say sometimes emails from aol users will get lost in the system... really does get worse this site,,bring back the old sporting odds,,wasnt perfect but better than this crap

  5. Re: connor broke his leg yesterday thanks all for the kind words, connor is feeling pretty well fed up now and not in the best of moods,especially when the nurse came in last night and said one way or another he is having a number 2 today....:moon:cry he aint looking forward to that one little bit:sad from what we gather so far he is gonna be in traction for 6 weeks and then possibly 6 weeks in plaster:loon:loon

  6. Re: connor broke his leg yesterday

    Sounds awful' date=' hope he gets better soon... but in the mean time at least you can teach him poker until he gets back to school ;) See, every cloud... :ok[/quote'] hehe , me teach him poker :rollin:rollin he is better than most of here nade,;). he has already won about $1000 in on line tournys and won a couple of home games,ask ubermonkey and washman.. thanks all for the kind words,he says thankyou:ok
  7. hi all, just to let you know that connor unfortunately broke his femur twice yesterday at school. got a phone call while at work that he had had an accident and met gina at the school where he was lying on field with his leg in a not very nice position, he was surrounded by 4 paramedics,a doctor and also a helicopter pilot as they had sent that and 2 ambulances. poor little bugger. they dosed him up and straightened his leg before putting him the copter and flying him to brighton..he was very brave and didnt cry once. as there wasnt room in the copter we followed in the car,now it takes 10 minutes to get to brighton but half an hour to get through brighton to the hospital:@,and even then we beat the copter,,work that out. after a couple of hours and x-rays taken we were told that it is likely that he will have to spend the next 6 weeks in traction. he has a lovely room all to himself,with all mod cons and a bed for gina to stay with him. neither of us got a lot of sleep last night but connor had a comfortable night

  8. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - September

    Teaulc you defended your blind v me on the very first hand of the tournament - $20 blind with K5diamonds against my bullets dude' date=' so not brilliant yourself imo.[/quote'] appreciate where your coming from,nade,but a totally different scenario. you let me in cheap,and rightly so,when you had the bullets,and at the start of the game when any big losses can be made up. both jolly and jonne called a big raise pre-flop with nothing and put their tournament lives on the line with questionable hands,this is more in keeping with newbies. and you know by the amount of rants you have made since joining pl how frustrating that is...what i posted then was how i felt at the time and this post is to explain that:dude:dude
  9. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - September out to some bad calling imo at the end,,,especially jolly calling most of his stack preflop to my 10/10 with a/6:@:@ fecking a/6 ,,,what fecking blx.. i expect that from fecking newbies not from experienced players on this forum.......... anyway ,,rant over

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