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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Daily MTT Winnings - August have been playing some different variants and had a go at the $10 re-buy on pokerutd...made the final table without having to re-buy:) then my trips aces got done by a f/house pokerutd7yk2.png Shot at 2007-08-10

  2. Re: **Poker Wednesday 8th August**

    gutted tonight! Sky pokers 5k open tourney, 2 hands to lose the lot! A10 diams vs K10 clubs....i push for 6x bb 13000 chips, and he calls with 10000 , 4 clubs in a row and im down to 3k Next hand i get KK and push with blinds at 2k/1k, bb calls with AQo, A on the river and im sucked out on again! still won £16.20 for a profit of £6.20 but should have been much more!
    ul graeme,,feel for ya............at least you made some dough,cant even do that at mo:sadplaying tourneys,,,doing ok on sng`s tho;)
  3. Re: **Poker Wednesday 8th August** pocket 4`s every time:dude:dude:dude

    Just when I thought I was going okay, then in 2 minutes out of the focus game and the Poker player Sky tourney!! AA vs Sam's 44 in the focus game. A four hits...:sad In the Sky tourney, the villain hits an 8 to knock out my AJs:@. Good luck all in your pursuits tonight, I've had enough!
  4. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - August

    It's the people you talk to when you click on "Live Support"? They're the people who work for Boss' date=' not Paradise - the same people provide support for the entire boss network....[/quote'] but nobody answers emails trev,,,support is atrocious
  5. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - August

    Is this Paradise CS or Boss CS? Although Boss CS do represent the Paradise brand' date=' I think it is important to make the distinction[/quote'] paradise/boss......the old sporting odds mate
  6. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - August paradise can feck themselves,i have spent a few dollars on there and i aint doing it no more,,,customer support is rude,unhelpful and i aint taking it no more.............. good luck people,but count me out of this now,i know i won`t be missed but that aint the point.......... fecking morons

  7. Re: Paradise PL MTT League - August havent been able to play this for a couple of months what with vegas and holidays so will give it a go even tho paradise are not my fave site at the moment,customer support is absolute shite when you need them:@

  8. Re: **Poker Saturday 28th July**

    :@:@:@:wall:wall:wall:wall out of focus game and to say im angry would be an understatement' date='this tourney can be worse than a freeroll i'm not even gonna say what happened just that im out :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@ any1 dare take the piss and they'll get a PM up there arse :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin[/quote'] take a chill pill mate,,,,it`s paradise what did you expect????????????????
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