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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: You're not alone!!! what was he doing calling with k/j????? ** Game ID 768678826 starting - 2007-06-11 21:46:33 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 20 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (600.00|1200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $24500.32 [Dealer] - MRT0AD87 sitting in seat 2 with $10937.63 - uglykid sitting in seat 3 with $22222.11 - siggesagge sitting in seat 4 with $10800.00 - Dezmo sitting in seat 5 with $56008.93 - mighty_mini sitting in seat 8 with $22836.00 - DonEgo sitting in seat 9 with $23398.32 - jutteman sitting in seat 10 with $7116.73 MRT0AD87 posted the small blind - $300.00 uglykid posted the big blind - $600.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds siggesagge folded Dezmo folded mighty_mini raised - $4800.00 DonEgo folded jutteman folded teaulcpl raised - $9000.00 MRT0AD87 folded uglykid went all-in - $22222.11 mighty_mini called - $22822.11 teaulcpl went all-in - $15500.32 mighty_mini went all-in - $13.89 uglykid shows: Jack of Clubs, King of Clubs mighty_mini shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs teaulcpl wins $27.78 from side pot 1 uglykid wins $68766.33 from the main pot End of game 768678826

  2. Re: **Poker Monday 11th June** gaf gonna hate this but i dont care:tongue2 ** Game ID 768678826 starting - 2007-06-11 21:46:33 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 20 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (600.00|1200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $24500.32 [Dealer] - MRT0AD87 sitting in seat 2 with $10937.63 - uglykid sitting in seat 3 with $22222.11 - siggesagge sitting in seat 4 with $10800.00 - Dezmo sitting in seat 5 with $56008.93 - mighty_mini sitting in seat 8 with $22836.00 - DonEgo sitting in seat 9 with $23398.32 - jutteman sitting in seat 10 with $7116.73 MRT0AD87 posted the small blind - $300.00 uglykid posted the big blind - $600.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds siggesagge folded Dezmo folded mighty_mini raised - $4800.00 DonEgo folded jutteman folded teaulcpl raised - $9000.00 MRT0AD87 folded uglykid went all-in - $22222.11 mighty_mini called - $22822.11 teaulcpl went all-in - $15500.32 mighty_mini went all-in - $13.89 uglykid shows: Jack of Clubs, King of Clubs mighty_mini shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs teaulcpl wins $27.78 from side pot 1 uglykid wins $68766.33 from the main pot End of game 768678826

  3. Re: Brighton Live Game - Sep 15th didnt think it was fair to wait til i get back from vegas,so have been in touch with the rendezvous and is a definite date of the 15th september, i have yet to finalize all the details and when i have those, i or paul will post. so hopefully by wednesday everything will be in place:ok :ok

  4. Re: **Poker Sunday 10th June** i hate v-points,there are so many bad plays on there now,it is nothing like it was a year ago,or maybe that was because i was a worse player then:lol :lol ...........or i`m worse now:unsure :unsure :unsure

  5. Re: Brighton Live Game - Sep 15th i would just like to say a big THANKYOU:clap :clap :clap to Paul with regards to this meet:notworthy . as said in 1st post i will be away pretty much til the 20th june and will confirm everything by the 24th june,so this will still give everyone a chance to find somewhere to stay,even so it might be worth getting your memberships sorted out soonest http://www.rendezvouscasino.com/brighton/ i look forward to meeting as many of you as possible,old friends and new:ok

  6. Re: **Poker Sunday 10th June**

    alot of us play the poker league so why have virgin freeroll as focus game when u know we cant play both at once any game not on boss gives us a chance to play both just a question im not being spoilt just asking
    why not do what a lot of us do,,register for v-points ,play ur poker league game and when you are knocked out early you can then go back to v-points:tongue2
  7. Re: Paradise Poker New World Tourney

    normally of course i would, nothing worse than people not sharing good value but i registered 2hrs before hand and was playing 3 cash tables, along with an stt on bodog, the game just opened and when i checked entrants i was shocked, hence im telling people now
    just a typical tight-fisted northern git :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :lol :lol :lol
  8. Re: **Poker Saturday 9th June** i am so fecking stupid...i raise with a/5 suited,1 caller ....a/q/rag rainbow...i push and he goes all in.....i dont even think about :sad and hit call ,,,,he has pocket queens............i am so stupid........... oh well a lesson to be learnt

  9. Re: Full tilt horse inside edge

    he's won a hoodie......what a tit' date=' i reckon im in for a night of these texts[/quote'] :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin at last check in runadrum was chip leader:ok
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