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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll okay silly question time again............. i won a $10500 package:) $2000 is for travel and accommodation;)

    June 15, 2007Friday12 noon25No-Limit Hold’em (3 day event)$ 2,000.00
    June 16, 2007Saturday12 noon27 No-Limit Hold’em (3 day event) $ 1,500.00
    June 17, 2007 Sunday 12 noon 28 No-Limit Hold’em (3 day event) $ 3,000.00
    the buy in`s total $6500 :ok that leaves another $2000:loon :loon :beer :beer :beer :gimme :gimme :beer :beer :beer am i reading this right?????????????
  2. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

    Well done Mate - :notworthy Enjoy the experience it was well earned. :clap :clap :clap ps - if you want your bags carried I know a bloke with a passport ;)
    are you trying to get rid of him???:tongue2 i dont want sloppy seconds:loon
  3. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

    When I won a trip to Vegas on Boss the spending money only came a few days before take off... ... and it has only been a few days... I wouldn't worry at all :ok
    cheers pene tbh,i am not overly concerned but just like to get things sorted sooner rather than later,,i hate waiting:lol :lol
  4. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll right,i have emailed them as well as speaking to them again,this could take another couple of days:@ i am just surprised that as this is a major prize offered by pokersatellites that they would do everything possible to make this a success,so they could make a massive pr advert,and persuade more people to their site. at this moment i am feeling very dejected and deflated:sad

  5. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

    have you tried this number Al? International: +(00)350-51710
    just phoned them and they say they dont deal with the tournaments, that is down to their poker-team who only use emails as a source of contacting people:eyes :eyes :eyes so will just have to wait and see........... cheers guys
  6. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

    Al, Is the $2,000 in your account yet? If not, I'd be worrying and not be booking anything. If so, I'd be booking my flights and hotel.
    not yet dave,that is why i am getting a bit edgy,,,,it is only 3 weeks away and if this is gonna happen it has to be soon.........
  7. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll okay,when do i start to get concerned.....?? after the initial automated (seemed like it) email,i have heard nothing:sad ...how long do i leave it?? i did send an email yesterday but nothing............

  8. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

    IIRC on the last hand - there was TsQs on the board He had KsJs and went all in (str8 and str8 flush draw), you called with AJo - Ace high and inside straight draw :loon He didn't get any help and your Ace high won!!!
    ta mate,, how did i get away with that one?:loon :loon :loon :lol :lol :lol
  9. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll i would like to say once again THANKYOU for all the congrats..didn`t get but a couple of hours sleep last night and woke everyone up when the tourney actually finished as they all thought i had gone mad,,it is just beginning to sink in that in about 3 weeks time i will be in LAS VEGAS playing LIVE with hopefully some of the big guns,:D , oh boy am i looking forward to it:dude ......... with regards to last nights game,i need to answer philossify`s question : Superb game, well done Alan :nana :nana :nana - one question when you were SB and I bumped it to 7200 as dealer and you went all in what you have? Had K7s and nearly went with your all in for extra 9K. the answer: ***** Hand 622726906 ***** 1200.00/2400.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - Sunday, May 20, 2007 10:53:08 PM WSOP Freeroll Finals (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: vegman (8340.00) Seat 2: rlpn40 (32730.00) Seat 3: PhilPL3 (23370.00) Seat 5: sir auron (16220.00) Seat 7: PLTQM1 (13840.00) sir auron post SB 1200.00 PLTQM1 post BB 2400.00 ** Deal ** vegman [N/A, N/A] rlpn40 [N/A, N/A] PhilPL3 [N/A, N/A] sir auron [Ks, Qs] PLTQM1 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** vegman Fold rlpn40 Fold PhilPL3 Raise to 7200.00 sir auron All-in 16220.00 PLTQM1 Fold PhilPL3 Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 16800.00 vegman Fold Win: 0.00 rlpn40 Fold Win: 0.00 PhilPL3 Fold Win: 0.00 sir auron By default Win: 33600.00 PLTQM1 Fold Win: 0.00 i hope that makes you fell better phil...... i did feel sorry for dave488, he was a massive chip leader at one time and got bad beat so many times:sad ..... BUT not too sorry:tongue2 it also looked like rosco was gonna win at one time,but he seemed to hit tilt,unlucky mate i thoroughly enjoyed last nights final table obviously,and i aint about to say sorry for any bad beats i inflicted especially when i was short stacked and went all in with k7 and hit trip 7`s,that turned it around for me, i honestly cant remember the winning hand and it isnt in my hand history so cant comment on the nice call given, TQM, you cracked me up last night,and with that kept me very relaxed :ok all in all .............VEGAS BABY:loon :loon :D :D :D

  10. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll oh my fecking god................................ ty all,i will post more tomorrow,,,,a bit speechless:ok justgot this Sir Auron,

    Congratulation on winning the WSOP Triple Play Freeroll. $2,000 will be credited to your account shortly. Please make arrangements to arrive in Las Vegas on 14th of June. You will be playing in three no limit hold’em tournaments on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of June. More info will be sent to you in the coming weeks.

    Again well done and we will see you in Las Vegas!

    Chris, Pokersatellites.com

  11. Re: **Poker Friday 18th May**

    Just kidding, really. I meant we might want to keep an eye out for him. (Though I realize he didn't necessarily play badly.)
    well it was difficult as only 2 could play out of the 6 and i wasnt one of them:eek ,but it was probably a good thing anyway with the way my cards are going at the mo :lol :lol i was just wondering if it was worth speaking to support to see if i could get my buy in back and wanted all your opinions first:ok
  12. Re: **Poker Friday 18th May** :loon :loon :loon i have just ``played`` a 6 seat super turbo $5.50 game on betfred and right from the start i couldnt play a hand.......it kept folding on me,same for 3 others,the other 2 could play,,as it turns out betfred support were aware of the problem and said for us to contact them,thing is i came 2nd with a profit of $4 :lol ,so i dont think i can say anything can i? i didnt lose any money,only the opportunity of 1st place... any thoughts anyone????

  13. Re: **Poker Tuesday 15th May** no poker for me for a couple of nights,need to get back in the `er indoors good books:loon , good luck to all playing and will probably see you at the tables friday:ok

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