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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: William Hill £2000 Derby+Oaks Freeroll i am playing as ? what was he thinking?? :@ :@ :@ Game #4544394024: Hold'em NL (15/30) - 2007/06/02 - 19:15:09 (UK) Table "68" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Rache3010 sits out Seat 2: Barkermor (2400 in chips) Seat 3: Mic040141 sits out Seat 4: Fig_jam (1425 in chips) Seat 5: Dar240623 sits out Seat 6: _leeeeeeo sits out Seat 7: Vicman (710 in chips) Seat 8: Jrgg25 (250 in chips) Seat 9: ? (3080 in chips) Seat 10: Shogun777 (1415 in chips) _leeeeeeo: posts small blind 15 Vicman: posts big blind 30 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to ? [Qs Qc] Jrgg25: raises to 250 and is all-in ?: raises to 510 Shogun777: folds Rache3010: folds Barkermor: folds Mic040141: folds Fig_jam: folds Dar240623: folds _leeeeeeo: folds Vicman: calls 480 ----- FLOP ----- [5h 2c 9d] Vicman: checks ?: bets 300 Vicman: is all-in 200 Returned uncalled bets 100 to ? ----- TURN ----- [5h 2c 9d][Ks] ----- RIVER ----- [5h 2c 9d Ks][3c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- ?: shows [Qs Qc] (A Pair of Queens, King high) Vicman: shows [3h 2d] (Two Pairs, Threes and Twos, King high) Jrgg25: shows [6h Qh] (High Card King) Vicman collected 920 from Side pot #1 Vicman collected 765 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 1685 Main pot 765 Side pot #1 920 | Rake 0 Board [5h 2c 9d Ks 3c] Seat 1: Rache3010 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Barkermor folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Mic040141 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Fig_jam folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Dar240623 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: _leeeeeeo (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Vicman (big blind) showed [3h 2d] and won (1685) with Two Pairs, Threes and Twos, King high Seat 8: Jrgg25 showed [6h Qh] and lost with High Card King Seat 9: ? showed [Qs Qc] and lost with A Pair of Queens, King high Seat 10: Shogun777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  2. i got the new issue in the post today and although i cant find the thread, we were discussing the marked cards from mays issue,we got it wrong again...........the card discussed was actually the jack of clubs and not the nine,and when you look at it ,it is pretty obvious:loon

  3. Re: **Poker Thursday 31st May** out 12th in focus game,,strider and heniek still in..........was short stacked with a/8 spades go all in and 2nd place calls with a/k...these hungarians are so mercenary:rollin :D

  4. Re: Full tilt horse inside edge out 29th,,my trip queens got beat by trip 10`s when he hit f/house on river..............and then a/a/3 and a 3 on the next card got beat by trips on the river............suppose that counteracts the rivers i won by earlier:loon :lol :lol

  5. Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th many congrats on your win graeme:clap :clap , just sorry i couldn`t make it,i miss these meet-up`s....got absolutely soaked watching my son`s football games over the weekend,haven`t known such bad rain in ages:loon :hope i will be able to get to the next one:ok

  6. Re: Project WSOP 2007 - BELIEVE!!!!! is anyone able to explain ITIN ,cos i dont understand gobbledegook:loon do i need to fill one of these out? and where? i dont like like the idea of the hotels holding back 30% of any winnings i will make,

  7. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll woohoo:nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana this is better than i thought it was gonna be,,,nice one chris:D :clap :notworthy eat your hearts out guys and gals,,,,how fecking happy am i:loon :loon :D :D :D :D Alan,

    I have confirmed that $2,000 has been deposited into your Pokersatellites account. The prize package is $6500 in WSOP buy-ins as well as $2,000 travel money. The company that set up the tournament put the wrong amount on the tournament lobby. You can visit Pokersatellites.com to see the correct amount of the promotion. I am sorry about the confusion regarding the prize package amount. Unfortunately this was out of our control.

    You will be staying at the Rio Hotel and Casino, site of the WSOP. Your room is included in the prize package providing you wear Pokersatellites gear while participating in the tournaments. I will be there personally to buy you into the three tournaments and secure your lodging.

    If you should make it to the second day of any of the three tournaments, you will have the option of receiving the cash equivalent for the following day’s tournament or you can be entered into another tournament with the same buy-in amount.

    When you arrive at the Rio on the 14th of June, go to the Hotel lobby and call me on my mobile phone so that I can get you the room key and make arrangements to meet you the following day to buy you into the Friday tournament. Please print this e-mail and take it with you to Vegas.

    Thanks, Chris. Pokersatellites

  8. Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll hi chris thanks for posting and a very nice gesture to morlspin and the muffin man.:ok i got your email this morning,ty....reply has been sent.......:ok below guys is the email,it looks like i am already booked into the RIO if i am reading this right:nana :nana :nana :nana :nana Dear sir auron, I received an email from someone named Jeremy Rickard this morning. He said you had sent us an e mail and that you were looking for information regarding your trip to Las Vegas. I did not receive any message except for the one I replied to yesterday. Let me assure you that we will be in Las Vegas to buy you into the events. Please provide the information below. Also when you arrive at the Rio Hotel on the 14th of June, we will need to get in touch with you so that we can give you a room key and make arrangements to meet you in the tournament room on the following day. We will be in contact within the next week to let you know the procedure on this. Thank you, Chris. Pokersatellites.

    Sir auron, We have not received any e mail from you that was not replied to. I just sent you a message with a form to fill out. Please let me know in this space if you received it or not. The prize package consists of $6,500 in WSOP Buy-Ins and $2,000 travel money. The company that writes the tournaments made a mistake on the lobby. We were not too happy about that obviously. If you go on our website Pokersatellites.com, you will see the correct amount. I am sorry for the confusion on this. PLEASE BE ASSURED THAT YOUR PACKAGE WILL BE HONERED!!!!! Making sure you get into the tournaments is a great excuse for me to go to Vegas! I WILL BE THERE. On another note, can someone please tell me the nicknames of the two players who post on this site who were the first two players to win a seat into the WSOP Triple Play Freeroll Finals? I promised them something but we cannot retrieve the data from the first two qualifiers. I would like to put together a heads up tournament for them. Thanks, Chris. Pokersatellites.com
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