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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Home Game another quality evening hosted by richard this time,which i would like to say a big thankyou from connor and myself for his hospitality:clap :clap , and the food to die for:ok :ok ,i just love breaded mushrooms...... and the poker,my god what a night,it had everything from big bluffs to outrageous beats and poor old richard getting done by connor each time,especially when connor had a better full house:loon , the 1st game was wicked with deep stacks and blinds doubling every 15 minutes which ended up with a re-run from the 1st home game between me and eric,and i get my revenge;) . 2nd game saw connor taking me out when i had a/10 and a/j/10 on the flop,i`m all in which connor calls with a/k and i believe ben actually laid down a/k as well,the turn was a queen :sad to give connor his straight:ok ,so relegated me to dealer.i believe at on stage when i was dealing it must have been a good half hour before an ace hit the board,with some very interesting cards coming down on the board..once again eric made the heads up,this time with connor as his opponent and connor victorious:ok . in the 3rd game i got my revenge on connor,i had a/j and 2 more aces on the board when we were both slow playing with myself going all-in at the river and connor calling with a/7 ,sorry connor :tongue2 :tongue2 this gave me a great start to the game and got to the point after eric went out it really was all-in or nothing with both richard and gaz shortstacked,ending up in a heads-up bteween myself and gaz,only for me to win the last hand blind and getting called by gaz who unfortunately hit my pocket 7`s,,unlucky mate.. it was a great evening and even greater company,lookin forward to the next one:ok :ok :ok :ok

  2. Re: **poker Thursday 7th June** played paradise poker league,1st time in a couple of months and have just remembered why,,,absolute shite cards,not even anything to remotely try and bluff with and when i get my best hand of the evening k/js and push i get called by q/10o ,he hits his 10,oh well,,,gl all

  3. Re: what`s the focus game tonight gaf??

    Have voted yes but didn't realise it was a $11 game. Will see how I am doing on Paradise/MKOP before I decide whether to try so might not be in. Hmmmm, and when is the game the sat feeds into? If it's this weekend we'll be away in London anyway.
    it is for this sunday:ok
  4. Re: **Poker Tuesday 5th June**

    How do i qualify for the pokerstars living the dream freeroll? do i have to join something? ps. hey this is my first post :-)
    :welcome to punters stooonami,,, you need to be a subscriber to pokerplayer magazine or buy it in all good outlets to get the password :ok
  5. Re: William Hill £2000 Derby+Oaks Freeroll

    Nice bit of extra money from the bookies, I only made a bet to enter the freeroll: Congratulations on backing Authorised to win Saturday's Derby - what a spectacular performance by horse and jockey. http://redeye.willhill.com/email/jump70394.html While Frankie Dettori is celebrating his first win in flat racing's showpiece event, he isn't the only person with reason to be happy... As promised, because of the emphatic five length success of Authorized, William Hill have DOUBLED the Derby returns of all customers receiving this e-mail! http://redeye.willhill.com/email/jump70395.html Whether your returns are 50p or £500, you can look forward to receiving TWICE the value.
    got this as well,,,nice one :ok :ok
  6. Re: **Poker Monday 4th June** trev,,pocket 4`s rarely lose and i didnt put him on a pair,i had the chips and was a value bet as far i was concerned,,i aint losing 50% of my chips and the extra he had would have been a nice addition,,you have to gamble sometimes and i like to gamble,especially when a short stack goes all-in,,i know that will make you cringe but i aint a by the book odds player,i hate folding hand after hand and quite often i go by the gut which has served me well:ok

  7. You have been given free entry to play in the PokerPlayer £500 Freeroll at 8.30pm on Wednesday 6th June in association with Sky Poker. This email has all of the details you need to play:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    From tomorrow (Tuesday 5th June) you will be able to view and register for the tournament in the poker lobby highlighted under "Multi Table Tournaments" with the tournament name of "Poker Player".

    What do you need to do to enter?

    1. Go to Sky Poker and log in prior to the tournament with the SkyBet User ID you have supplied to Poker Player.

    2. Go to "Multi Table Tournaments" and find the ‘PokerPlayer' tournament.

    3. Register for the tournament and your name will appear in the tournament lobby.

    (Please note this is an invite only tournament and only players such as yourself who have been invited to play in the tournament will be able to register. If you are unable to play in this week’s free roll then we will do our best to give you the opportunity to play on another date.)

    Any problems, email [email protected]

    Grand Final

    Remember if you are the winner you will also gain a seat in the Grand Final where the twelve heat winners will slug it out for a massive £2500 prize!

    Good Luck!

    The PokerPlayer Team

    Dennis Publishing Limited - A Sunday Times Top 100 Best Company, 2007 NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged, unless stated to the contrary. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate that information. Any opinions or comments are personal to the writer and do not represent the official view of Dennis Publishing Ltd. If you have received this email and are not a named addressee, please contact [email protected] immediately by reply email and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or other defects, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Dennis Publishing Ltd for any loss or damage arising from the receipt or use thereof. Company registered in England No. 1138891 Registered office: 30, Cleveland Street, London, W1T 4JD
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