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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog thanks guys and gals me and brian have just got back from imperial palace after playing in a $50 rebuy,of which neither has to do,and i finished 7th and brian 3rd:loon:loon anyway absolutely mcfooked and off to bed and so endeth the friday, better luck i hope in the crapfest that will be the $1500 event 27.. god it is so hot over here:loon:loon:loon:loon

  2. Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog :sadwell my 1st foray into the wsop has ended after 3 and half hours.. was doing well had more than my starting chips and a rep as a rock...have had one h/u with player before when my a/k beat his a/8,so he knows me and i have sussed out his play.. anyway here goes,and i know a lot of you will think wtf were you doing in that hand,but i was there:ok i am in seat 3 and get dealt 9/9 and the guy in seat 1 raises 2x blind (blinds are 100/200),i call and everyone else folds. flop is 2/2/3, i am thinking this is good:),cos there is no way he has either. he bets 400 again i go over the top with another 1k,thinking if he bets right off i`m folding..it takes an age and he decides to put me all-in to steal the pot,i have the read on him and just know he has nothing,i go all-in...he has a/8 and his face is a picture:nana:nana:nana:nana anyway the turn is a 6 and i`m thinking oh yes a nice double up:clap well now the poker gods think feck you matey,and the river shows an ace :@:wall:wall:wall:wall:@ you should have seen my face,,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. seat 1 is very apologetic and says he made such a bad call but didnt put me on a pair,i`m thinking you have watched me play for the last 3 hours wtf did you put me on,and if i see him again i will ask him,cos the last time we were h/u as i said i had him beat,anyway enough of that,i`ve now gotta get my head ready for the crap-shoot tomorrow which is the $1500 event 27. have a little time now to explore vegas,so gonna pop over to imperial and caesars... catch you all later:ok

  3. Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog thursday; met up with mcfook,who looked totally fooked,ranting about some fat family having 100 cases as big as them on his transfer bus from the hotel to the airport:rollin flight was uneventful,apart from coming in to land,felt like a bloody rollercoaster,,bloody women drivers:loon :loon met chris from pokersatellites and his brother in hotel foyer,who then gave me the key to our room,verrrry nice,,have a view of caesars palace,imperial palace. staright to the bar for drinks after freshening up,then dinner and bed by 8 ,4oc uk time 1st day endeth,

  4. Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

    teaulc, if you fancy a guest blog spot on Bluff Europe's website, we can arrange it. enjoy and good luck!
    a nice offer mate,wanna do an interview when i win the bloody thing?:ok
  5. Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas hadn`t realised brian had started this thread:eyes :eyes i am playing in event 25,$2000 no-limit holdem on the 15th,event 27,$1500,on the 16th, same as,unless i make the 2nd day of event 25 then i get the buy-in for event 27...and event 28 $3000,same as.unless i have made the final table of event 25 or 2nd day of event 27 where i will then get the buyin for event 28:loon :loon my head hurts now.... i believe brian is playing the $1500 event 27... i am not sure with martyn,i think it is the event 29 seven-card razz:eek :eek

  6. well i aint sure if anyone will read this but i am gonna try and keep a daily diary while i am in vegas. i have great company coming with me, MCFC (Brian as most of you know). we fly out at 11.25am thursday and arrive 13.40pm ,,vegas is 8 hours behind u.k. time. i aint very good at this sort of thing, so be patient with me:ok i expect my next post to written in vegas, alan

  7. Re: PL Blog Freeroll Final :unsure :unsure .....gonna have total jet-lag for this as me and mcfc dont get back from vegas til weds morning,, good tactics cloud:dude :dude any chance of putting this back a week mate???

  8. Re: **Poker Wednesday 13th June** no poker for me tonight,flying out to vegas tomorrow so spending time with the family if i can remember who they are:unsure :unsure good luck in whatever game you are playing over the next week and may all your winnings be big ones:ok

  9. Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet Select WSOP Tournament

    Event 15, No-Limit Hold'em

    • Buy-In $1,500
    • Entrants 2,628
    • Total Prize Money $3,587,220
    • Date Jun 9, 2007
    • Final Day Jun 11, 2007

    PlaceTop Money FinishersPrize Money
    1.phil helmuth (teaulc)$637,254
    2.Andy Philacheck$394,594
    3.Rick Fuller$247,518
    4.Morgan Machina$161,425
    5.Scott Clements$112,997
    6.David Simon$82,506
    7.Fabrice Soulier$64,570
    8.Ut Nguyen$48,427
    9.Taylor Douglas$38,025
  10. Re: You're not alone!!! what was he doing calling with k/j????? ** Game ID 768678826 starting - 2007-06-11 21:46:33 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 20 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (600.00|1200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $24500.32 [Dealer] - MRT0AD87 sitting in seat 2 with $10937.63 - uglykid sitting in seat 3 with $22222.11 - siggesagge sitting in seat 4 with $10800.00 - Dezmo sitting in seat 5 with $56008.93 - mighty_mini sitting in seat 8 with $22836.00 - DonEgo sitting in seat 9 with $23398.32 - jutteman sitting in seat 10 with $7116.73 MRT0AD87 posted the small blind - $300.00 uglykid posted the big blind - $600.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds siggesagge folded Dezmo folded mighty_mini raised - $4800.00 DonEgo folded jutteman folded teaulcpl raised - $9000.00 MRT0AD87 folded uglykid went all-in - $22222.11 mighty_mini called - $22822.11 teaulcpl went all-in - $15500.32 mighty_mini went all-in - $13.89 uglykid shows: Jack of Clubs, King of Clubs mighty_mini shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs teaulcpl wins $27.78 from side pot 1 uglykid wins $68766.33 from the main pot End of game 768678826

  11. Re: **Poker Monday 11th June** gaf gonna hate this but i dont care:tongue2 ** Game ID 768678826 starting - 2007-06-11 21:46:33 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 20 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (600.00|1200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $24500.32 [Dealer] - MRT0AD87 sitting in seat 2 with $10937.63 - uglykid sitting in seat 3 with $22222.11 - siggesagge sitting in seat 4 with $10800.00 - Dezmo sitting in seat 5 with $56008.93 - mighty_mini sitting in seat 8 with $22836.00 - DonEgo sitting in seat 9 with $23398.32 - jutteman sitting in seat 10 with $7116.73 MRT0AD87 posted the small blind - $300.00 uglykid posted the big blind - $600.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds siggesagge folded Dezmo folded mighty_mini raised - $4800.00 DonEgo folded jutteman folded teaulcpl raised - $9000.00 MRT0AD87 folded uglykid went all-in - $22222.11 mighty_mini called - $22822.11 teaulcpl went all-in - $15500.32 mighty_mini went all-in - $13.89 uglykid shows: Jack of Clubs, King of Clubs mighty_mini shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs teaulcpl wins $27.78 from side pot 1 uglykid wins $68766.33 from the main pot End of game 768678826

  12. Re: Brighton Live Game - Sep 15th didnt think it was fair to wait til i get back from vegas,so have been in touch with the rendezvous and is a definite date of the 15th september, i have yet to finalize all the details and when i have those, i or paul will post. so hopefully by wednesday everything will be in place:ok :ok

  13. Re: **Poker Sunday 10th June** i hate v-points,there are so many bad plays on there now,it is nothing like it was a year ago,or maybe that was because i was a worse player then:lol :lol ...........or i`m worse now:unsure :unsure :unsure

  14. Re: Brighton Live Game - Sep 15th i would just like to say a big THANKYOU:clap :clap :clap to Paul with regards to this meet:notworthy . as said in 1st post i will be away pretty much til the 20th june and will confirm everything by the 24th june,so this will still give everyone a chance to find somewhere to stay,even so it might be worth getting your memberships sorted out soonest http://www.rendezvouscasino.com/brighton/ i look forward to meeting as many of you as possible,old friends and new:ok

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