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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07 just got back and only 14 players this time:unsure:unsure:unsure think only 1 player went out before the 1st break,all very tight with most raises being folded,,was sitting in seat 5 with ben in seat 3 and mcgin in seat 6.. 1st hand after the break i raise with a/q and mcgin is all in as he is fairly short stacked,,he turns over k/k :(,flop doesnt help but turn gives me the ace :),sorry mate,,, then fairly quickly we hit final table.....i am bb with j8 and manage to see the flop with 2 other players,board shows j/6/7 and i raise, caller folds and sb raises all in with a call for me of a couple of hundred and he turns over j6 :sadturn is a 5 and i am praying for 4 or 9 but another 7 hits on flop..... this leaves me with about 1800 chips with blinds now 400/800, couple of hands later i have pocket 7`s and go all in ,,bb calls with k/10,, flop is 8/8/8 :cow:cow:cow.turn k :cry:cry:cry and river doesnt help,,out in 7th... was really pleased with my game today,made some good judgement raises and folds... unfortunately for ben i didnt have long to wait for him to give me a lift home,,his a/6 hit a/k,v ul mate.he finished 6th

  2. More Free Cash! $500 Holiday Frenzy Freeroll Escape from the Holiday madness this Saturday afternoon and get to work on stuffing your own stocking in the Doyle's Room $500 N/L Freezeout Holiday Frenzy Freeroll at 4pm ET (21:00GMT)! We're pouring on the egg nog and stacking the chips high for our loyal players this Saturday afternoon. Not a single action point or cent is required to get in on the real money action .

  3. Re: Poker utd!!

    Is that cause your top? Bet you wont bother when I go above ya!!!
    lol,,you gotta get there 1st mate,,you bottled it last week finishing 4th:tongue2:tongue2
  4. Re: Poker utd!!

    If people want to play there and there's value to be had, who am I to stop you, neither would I want to. It's well documented why I don't like the owner and I won't be going through it again. Of course, any really unneccessary advertising of them, I will put a stop to.
    which is why i have respected pauls feelings by not saying too much with regards to the league every week, if paul doesnt mind i would like to post league tables each week if that is ok ,,if not i understand
  5. Re: ** Poker Friday 14th December **

    no poker for me' date='will be driving down to london for pokergod on saturday :hope[/quote'] good luck mate,les says he is looking forward to stealing your blinds:loon no poker for me either as it is the wifes works xmas dinner,,chinese restuarant :D:D last time we went constantly surrounded by young gals eager to please:unsure;);)
  6. Re: Daily MTT Winnings - December PokerStars Tournament #63758314, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $10.00/$1.00 386 players $2700.00 added to the prize pool by PokerStars.com Total Prize Pool: $6560.00 Tournament started - 2007/12/11 - 15:00:00 (ET) Dear teaulc, You finished the tournament in 24th place. A $45.92 award has been credited to your Real Money account. You earned 80.64 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at http://www.pokerstars.com/tlb_tournament_rankings.html Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

  7. Re: Daily MTT Winnings - December PokerStars Tournament #69437694, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 14 players Total Prize Pool: $70.00 Tournament started - 2007/12/09 - 16:00:00 (ET) Dear teaulc, You finished the tournament in 1st place. A $35.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account. Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

  8. Re: Collusion or just helping a friend?

    As I understand it, most Pokerrooms can differentiate between someone who loses their connection and someone who just sits there and watches themselves sit out ..... we just dont know that and only the poker rooms can make that distinction..... How long was eggster sat out? (he was relatively short stacked too?) If it were at least 3 or 4 hands, then I'd be pretty certain it were a genuine disconnection, if it was just that one hand (and maybe one after) it would add to my suspicions a little....
    he was sat out for 4 hands total as far as i can remember which i did say in earlier post my personal belief is it was just unfortunate and things like this happen all the time,,even i have been the one this has hapened to,not nice but as i said it happens, like on paradise earlier this year,in reverse i know, but i go into the final table as massive chipleader and cant get back in,i get blinded out in 3rd i think,it is upsetting but you get over it cos it happens. eggster is a friend as is silver and a whole load of other players on the site,me and him being mods on another forum is neither here nor there,i back him wholeheartedly for his honesty,as i do all on here..
  9. Re: Collusion or just helping a friend?

    I've just googled him - I see you and him are mods on the same forum - sorry Al' date=' it REALLY doesn't look good (no accusations - just telling you how it looks!!)[/quote'] of which i am friends with about 20 others playing on the site as well, am i being lambasted now ???? a bit unfair i think
  10. Re: Collusion or just helping a friend?

    I could be wrong what do you think? nice little tournament lots of PL'ers play it We have reached the final table and are on the bubble two are in danger the first in danger calls all in with 625 the second in danger and small blind folds his 300 so BB who has already put his blind of 600 and is well clear of danger FOLDS it would have cost him 25 to see a pot worth 1525 the second one is now in dire straights and soon goes out also you should have said silver that you were the other player any thoughts?
    this was me in danger and all in,,the other guy is called eggster and got timed out with a dodgy connection,he was also out of the next 3 hands and the blinds were 300/600 so the blinds are gonna hurt him too. if you are gonna post something like this get all the facts out at the same time,he came back on in an irate rant cos of it and said he had his chat blocked cos of his language.. i hope you are not accusing me and eggster of collusion cos there wasn`t any also silver was the other player who was on the sb and soon went out,,
  11. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong?? thanks for all your comments guys,,all is noted and one reason i posted it,, looking at it now,i can appreciate the initial raise by me was wrong,and maybe the old brain cells were dulled by the rum :) at the time.. i still think he was wrong to put his tourney life on the line with j/8 and i didnt get through nearly 1700 players by not noticing a re-steal.. i do admit though i wasnt in the best of moods last night,it has been a very bad week at work,and in hindsight maybe i shouldnt have posted straight after the game

  12. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong??

    Sorry, Al - But honestly I think you should re-name the thread w.t.f did I do right ? You haven't told us much about the lead up to this and how near, or not you are away from the bubble. I think your being very unfair on the guy callin him a muppet. You've had the biggest stack on the table limp in before you - thats fair enough he can afford to, then you put in a nonsense raise of 6k ? Your not going to force the Big Stack off the hand even if the BB folded ? The 5k in the pot would have added about another 30% to your stack so push here if you think the Big Stacks limp is weakness. The BB has done exactly what you should have done - if you had gotten a rock like image then that would have added even more creedence to the push.
    cheers martyn,,understand what your saying and the others,,it was the wrong play at the wrong time,,early on in the tourney plays like this worked fine,,i am in the money but below average stack so was looking for a call i suppose to see the flop,,i knew his all in re raise was his attempt to push me off the hand and that is why i called,,if i had won it,i would be in an excellent position,,i have to admit that mansion is not my fave site and am trying to play through the software.. i am always looking to win the tourney but still have the tendency to play myself out of it,and that is what i am trying to fix...
  13. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong??

    We're not - the muppets do it when they're deep stacked.... The most important skill, IMO for MTTs is the ability to move through the gears - to know where you are in the tourney and be playing appropriately to the circumastances..... Short stack play requires a very different approach to deep stack play - MTT's are constantly moving your position within those extremes - you need to play according to your situation....
    i have found that,,,i get a really good start in tourneys and then tighten up too much when it matters,,is my bug bear atm and that is why i posted this,,i need to find my weaknesses as well as my strengths,, i am not after sympathy,,i am after good advice :ok:ok
  14. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong??

    if you know he was wrong to do what he did why the hell are you posting this like some hand history where you want advice' date=' all you want is for someone to get their hanky out for u. suck it up, its happened to everyone.[/quote'] your wrong totally mate,,i dont post hh very often but when i do i want to learn from it,,
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