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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong??

    I'll shove with 32o in the right circumstances :ok As M falls, then cards become less important (eventually to the point where they are totally insignificant) and situations are the more significant factor.... M isn't desperate yet in your game, but it's not exactly deep stacked either...... Have you seen the kind of hands The Mole is playing (and winning) with? And that's in a deep stacked cash situation.....
    yeah ok,,after 2 years i am still learning and still playing most of the time abc poker,contary to what most of you think,which is probably my weakness,,which is why i am asking questions,feedback is taken on board but to play like the muppets we moan about is hard to do
  2. Re: w.t.f. what did i do wrong?? i know where your coming from,,but j8 to me is unplayable no matter what,,i have raised preflop and yes i committed myself to an all in,which the way the cards have been tonight was good to do...i just dont understand the re-raise all in with j8,,he was putting his tourney life on the line as well,,my play on the table is rock like and if i had lost to what i call a good hand,i have no problem..but ,oh i dont know,,why do that with j8????

  3. Hand T4-55412021-244, Started at 12/6/2007 10:08 PM (GMT+0) Table 'Panchiao': 2,000-2,000 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: teaulcsg (18,948 in chips) Seat 1: NFLDREBEL (18,716 in chips) Seat 2: denahay1 (13,220 in chips) (on the button) Seat 3: crislima13 (16,104 in chips) Seat 4: Sammakko113 (25,525 in chips) Seat 5: Kostek1917 (11,780 in chips) Seat 6: Breakerbg (87,404 in chips) Seat 8: -Harlequeen- (14,214 in chips) Seat 9: Fuller696 (34,811 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : crislima13 : Post Blind (1,000) Sammakko113 : Post Blind (2,000) Dealt to teaulcsg: Jc Dealt to teaulcsg: Kh *** Pre-Flop *** : Dealt to teaulcsg: Jc Dealt to teaulcsg: Kh Dealt to Sammakko113: 8h Dealt to Sammakko113: Js Kostek1917 : Fold Breakerbg : Call (2,000) -Harlequeen- : Fold Fuller696 : Fold teaulcsg : Bet (6,000) NFLDREBEL : Fold denahay1 : Fold crislima13 : Fold Sammakko113 : Raise (23,525) Sammakko113 : All In (25,525) Breakerbg : Fold teaulcsg : Call (12,948) teaulcsg : All In (18,948) *** Flop *** : 7d 2h Ad *** Turn *** : [ 7d 2h Ad ] 2s *** River *** : [ 7d 2h Ad 2s ] 8d Dealt to teaulcsg: Jc Dealt to teaulcsg: Kh Dealt to Sammakko113: 8h Dealt to Sammakko113: Js Sammakko113 : Show Cards teaulcsg : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 47,473 | Rake: 0 Board: [ 7d 2h Ad 2s 8d ] teaulcsg lost 18,948 Shows [ Jc Kh ] (a pair of twos) NFLDREBEL lost 0 denahay1 lost 0 crislima13 lost 1,000 Sammakko113 bet 25,525, collected 47,473, net 21,948 Shows [ 8h Js ] (two pairs, eights and twos) Kostek1917 lost 0 Breakerbg lost 2,000 -Harlequeen- lost 0 Fuller696 lost 0

  4. Re: ** Poker Thursday 6th December ** mansion $2500 invite,,2nd break sitting 49 / 128 200 paid,but cant see the payout structure on this network,,worse thing mansion done was moving to this:sad had 1878 starters so pleased to get this far,got average stack at mo,so some hands i had at the start would be good:)

  5. Re: tonights 32red everyones a bounty

    Hi Goodfella, I have passed your query to the poker manager who is looking after this - I'll get back to you shortly. teaulc, got your email and checking this out too... hate it when good things go bad - it's a manual process crediting the bounties and it looks like we have missed a couple... not a good start :(
    but the sign of a good site is the boss doing something for the masses,so thanks for looking into all this Mark:ok
  6. Re: tonights 32red everyones a bounty thanks for your email mark,, i have received $3 for the 1 bounty but nothing for the other 2.. can you clarify how the bounties were supposed to be paid,as it seems that those that got a free ticket from the night before had no bounty on them which seems to defy logic in the game title...

  7. Re: tonights 32red everyones a bounty

    Yep, I had the same thing. I took one player out and didn't receive a bounty. I don't feel that's right. Even if they got a free entry because they played last night. The lobby says 'EVERYONE's a bounty. Allready sent of an e-mail to them.
    let us know how you get on :ok
  8. playing this tonight and as advertised it says EVERYONE`S A BOUNTY,, NOT TRUE!!!!!! i took out 2 players and didnt get a bounty,that aint right,,something about last night and people getting a free buy-in,,,should still be a bounty on them surely???

  9. Re: Sunday 2nd December

    Just had hilly on my table onladdies reckon you boys in kent were a bunch of nutters lol
    i had the pleasure of taking mr hilly out on pokergod :lol:lol:lol,his chips lasted me quite well,,but then i just got donked by some tosser who hit his runner runner k9 to take me out after i had re-raised on the flop with jacks
  10. Re: Teaulc vs Morlspin Heads Up Challenge wd gra,,,knew you were bullying but i had nowt to fight back with,,well given you a head start so the real fight back starts now,,couldnt believe it when i had full house and it froze on me...story of the night really... you played well in the 1st couple of games,,must admit i was in jaded mode but not taking anything from ya :clap:clap

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