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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: why do i keep doing this?

    I don't play tourneys hardly but I can quite safely say I won't cold call raises with AJ without reason. What range are you putting him on? Is he really raising early UTG with less than AJ? And if he is even raising A10 say, you will still be behind his range. Probably should just fold really. I know what tourneys are like though, where you don't get a hand for ages and AJ looks like a monster. But really I would rather be opening 72o from the cut off than calling a raise with AJ in the same position.
    good pick up there rob,,i hadnt had a hand in ages and i was out to win this rather than just limping into the cash,my thought process was he was a stealer and i suppose in my mind i could get him off the hand,certainly i thought he had a/rag and nothing better,, i think i knew i should have folded and limped into the cash but i get this rush of blood and away we go...
  2. Re: why do i keep doing this? thanks,,,but i am 2 away from the money and less than 1 minute from the break,i always seem to go out around break time,whether it is coincidental or not i dont know but frustrating,,the play in these tourneys is quite bad and i have been very tight to a certain degree,top 18 get paid, was i wrong to push at this stage?

  3. Transcript for your last 1 games requested by teaulc *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #14023003640: Tournament #71174537, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2007/12/22 - 09:15:53 (ET) Table '71174537 5' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: jjunie (8819 in chips) Seat 2: das lekker (17082 in chips) Seat 3: dawgtee71 (15125 in chips) Seat 6: sgerrard4 (25171 in chips) Seat 7: teaulc (5422 in chips) Seat 8: Pret (12415 in chips) Seat 9: CEDOGL (5541 in chips) jjunie: posts the ante 25 das lekker: posts the ante 25 dawgtee71: posts the ante 25 sgerrard4: posts the ante 25 teaulc: posts the ante 25 Pret: posts the ante 25 CEDOGL: posts the ante 25 Pret: posts small blind 200 CEDOGL: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ah Jc] jjunie: raises 800 to 1200 das lekker: folds dawgtee71: folds sgerrard4: folds teaulc: calls 1200 Pret: folds CEDOGL: folds *** FLOP *** [Ad Ks 6d] jjunie: bets 800 teaulc: raises 3397 to 4197 and is all-in jjunie: calls 3397 teaulc said, "wd" *** TURN *** [Ad Ks 6d] [4c] *** RIVER *** [Ad Ks 6d 4c] [6c] *** SHOW DOWN *** jjunie: shows [Kc Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Sixes) teaulc: shows [Ah Jc] (two pair, Aces and Sixes) jjunie collected 11569 from pot Pret said, "vnh" *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 11569 | Rake 0 Board [Ad Ks 6d 4c 6c] Seat 1: jjunie showed [Kc Kh] and won (11569) with a full house, Kings full of Sixes Seat 2: das lekker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: dawgtee71 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: sgerrard4 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: teaulc (button) showed [Ah Jc] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes Seat 8: Pret (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: CEDOGL (big blind) folded before Flop If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

  4. Re: Poker utd!! Hi Player Big win for mhandley who won last weeks tournament, bagging $86 a Match Day Token and giving Nottingham Forest a 4-0 win over Northampton. He did especially well as the final 3 were made up of him and Brighton's finest... Brighton had a good day with a 2nd place for oddsoxmazz (Hat-trick) and a 3rd for teaulcsg. This resulted in a 4-0 win away to Swindon, put Brighton a point clear at the top of League One and kept teaulcsg's 4 goal advantage over spannerlj as leader of the Top Goal Scorers Table. Congratulations also to alloutmick1 and titiparisien for finishing in the money. Sweep: Well done to BABYSHAM who guessed that the winner of the Match Day Tournament would play for a League One team. He has won another Match Day Token. This is also the 3rd sweep in a row he has guessed correctly. Top predicting mate! This weeks sweep is to predict if it will be a white Christmas in England or not. Reply to this email with your answer. Bounty: Well played teaulcsg for knocking out the bounty player Dave2884. This week the bounty is on mhandley. Knock him out to win a Match Day Token. If no one does then he wins $20. Match of the Day: There are two fixtures that stand out this week: In the premiership we have Blackburn(2nd) v Chelsea(4th) League One sees Brighton(1st) v Gillingham(3rd) Bonus: The first team in each league to get 9 players representing their team in any one Match Day tournament will win their own private tournament with $250 added prize money. So that's 4 teams that can win. The first team to manage it will get another $100 bonus, so that they will win a $350 private tourney. Have a very Merry Christmas! POKER UTD Team

  5. Re: Daily MTT Winnings - December PokerStars Tournament #70560740, No Limit Hold'emBuy-In: $4.00/$0.40180 playersTotal Prize Pool: $720.00 Tournament started - 2007/12/16 - 13:00:47 (ET)Dear teaulc,You finished the tournament in 13th place.A $8.64 award has been credited to your Real Money account.You earned 60.59 tournament leader points in this tournament.For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site athttp://www.pokerstars.com/tlb_tournament_rankings.htmlCongratulations!Thank you for participating.

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