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Posts posted by erhaab1965

  1. Re: Synchronised ~ Would you run him in the National? Synchronised jumped well throughout but it was what happened afterwards which caused the injury. It is only highlighted twice a year , at Cheltenham and Aintree , when infact injuries and fatalities happen everyday. Its all part of racing , lets move on. If I owned a horse I would rather see it race round Aintree with plenty safety measures and medical help at hand then some races in Europe where the horses have to jump fences made from stone !!!!

  2. I was informed last night that Lad- brokes were going to go 12/1 for Synchronised for the Grand National . I waited for it to appear on their website till a little after midnight but it did not appear. I rang my friend to get on in the shops first thing in the morning as I was going to go to sleep and by the time i get up it may have been slashed. He rang me this morning and told me all I could have was £50 at 12/1 and the rest at 9/1 so he just accepted the £50. Obviously this comes as no surprise as this has been standard for years and years. Don't you think this is crooked practice . I didn't watch the Morning Line this morning cos it was on too early but I'm sure Lad-brokes got a lot of free publicity for being best industry price for this horse , when in reality we punters cannot get a decent bet on . A few minutes before the off Gary Wiltshire the betting reporter for the BBC claimed Ladbrokes laid a bet of £50,000 at 12/1 . All I could get on at that price was a bet a thousand times smaller , do you think there was a bit of b*llsh*t going on , on behalf of Lad-brokes ? Did anyone on here get more than £50 or were you the one who got £50,000 on .

  3. Re: Daily Racing Chat Thread This is the first Aintree I can remember for many many years where the form at the Cheltenham Festival has stood up in almost every race at Aintree . Traditionally punters would get shafted at this meeting if they backed Cheltenham horses ,most years whatever profit I made in March goes down the Aintree drain. This year being a bit more cautious I scaled down my betting but if I placed my normal sized bets I'd have paid for summer holidays. I think this year the long break between the two meetings is a major reason for this . I know it is determined by when Easter falls , but I think it would be better if Aintree was held in the middle of April each year. Doing this would potentially see many Champions being considered for this meeting , like Synchronised . If the National was held 2 weeks after Cheltenham then we would have been denied the chance of seeing him attempt the double.

  4. Re: Daily Racing Chat Thread Does anybody knows why Timmy Murphy was not booked to ride the David Johnson owned Chapoturgeon in the 325 Aintree ? Even when Ruby Walsh was not going to take the ride , it was given to Paddy Brennan ,even though Timmy is due to have a ride the National again not for Davis Johnson. I know in the past David Johnson had probably around 100 horses but this season I've only noticed a handful in his colours maybe no more than a dozen . Have they ended their partnership.

  5. Re: Racing Bloopers Joe Tizzard who was Paul Nicholls stable jockey before Ruby Walsh was aboard the fancied Double Thriller in the Grand National one year during the late 90s. On the day of the race he and the horse was pictured on the front page of the Racing Post , with Joe explaining he was going to do this and do that to win the race. I'm pretty sure he started favorite or very close to fav having won numerous races and being placed in the Gold Cup the previous month. I myself had a chunky bet on him too. At the start of the race , tapes up................fell first fence....... !!

  6. Re: When placing Grand National bets in store...

    Ah it takes me back to my days as a betting shop manager. I think my record in store was about 20 different 5p dual forecasts on one slip :o)
    In the 1998 Football World Cup I took the first 2 opening matches and trebled them all with one other selection from the other first round matches all on one coupon . It took the betting shop manager 3 days to calculate the return during his lunch and coffee breaks. Think he calculated 62 individual trebles then added them altogether , my method which I showed him later took 15 minutes.
  7. Re: Owner motivations

    Some join racing to make money. Some join racing to spend their money. Can't knock either of the type.
    I think Harry Findlay ventured into ownership to make money but found out that more was going out than was going in . I think he was secretly happy he got banned , so he could use that as an excuse to sell off his horses and quit losing money. Only my opinion , of course.
  8. Re: Has Ferdy lost the plot? I hope if Ferdy asks young James Reveley to handbrake the horses , he will refuse. Ferdy has a history of getting jockeys to finish miles behind in order to gain attractive handicap marks. Ferdy in the last 1 to 2 years received one of the biggest fines in the sport after being found guilty of instructing his jockey not to get the best possible placing . The jockey was given a suspension of a few weeks too. I can't remember who the jockey was , it was definately not G Lee , I think it was a young conditional jockey . Anybody remember the jockey it was very recent ?

  9. Re: Has Ferdy lost the plot?

    I actually think James Reveley is a good young jockey who does very well on the Northern track boots plenty home. If he were my son not so sure i'd want him involved with dodgy Ferdy!
    Funny you should mention that . It is an observation I too have noticed over the years. I'm pretty certain he featured in the Panorama or Kenyon Confronts programme about 10 years ago. He was secretly caught on camera admitting to the undercover reporter that he engages in illegal betting activites. Jamie Osbourne ( flat trainer ) in the same programme was filmed saying he is prepared to cheat and had an " inhouse jockey " to pull off the jobs . ( can't remember who it was ) Both were subsequently fined by the racing authorities.
  10. Re: The Jockey Thread

    But to be fair Erhaab' date=' she has achieved nothing. She rides the horses she trains. She has had only 17 winners in 13 years... She ruins the horses she get's into the yard.[/quote'] She is living her dream. Its a bit harsh to say she ruins the horses. I'm sure each horse receives more love an attention than some of the bigger yards . The results have just not gone her way with the facilities she has.
  11. Re: The Jockey Thread

    Poor Pawan could have been a much better horse had he been ridden by anyone else
    She owns and rides the horse for herself , not for the punters. Much the same as the Long Run , SWC debate. What's the point in saying she's the worst jockey , she's fulfilling her dreams why can't we be happy for her.
  12. Re: The Jockey Thread

    Sarcasm i gather? Lol
    Not at all . I enjoy watching top class jockeys as well as the ones at the bottom of the ladder. Infact sometimes I have a bigger smile on my face when I see the Anne Stokells ,Marc Halford's , Saleem Golam's etc have winners. She is obviously not a top jockey or even one worth following from a punting point of view. However I do applaud her persistence in the sport and it gives hope to the ordinary man in the street that they can achieve what they strive for with determination.
  13. Re: Owner motivations If I could afford a horse , then it would be for pleasure . If i can manage to pull off a gamble at the same time then that would be a bonus. I guess you would need a minimum of £20,000 + to purchase a horse and pay for training fees and other associated costs for a season. It would be more prudent to gamble that £20K if your sole intention was to orchestrate a gamble.

  14. Re: Racing Bloopers " Godolphin to train National Hunt horses " An exclusive story in the Sun by Claude Duvall in the late 90s. He claimed Godolphin was going to spend in winter in Britain in an attempt to win jumpings biggest prizes having tasted success in the Champion Hurdle with James Fanshaw and Michael Stoute. Obviously Claude Duvall was stitched up and must have had the piss taken out of him in the press areas.

  15. Re: Derek 'Tommo' Thompson The original post was published well over 10 years ago , so the performance figures may well be significantly different a decade on. It mentions that Pricewise was about to launch his own private tipping service on the back of a fantastic 2001, it ended up being called Priceless Advice which was rubbish and lasted a little more than a year. Melvyn Collier subsequently went back to the Racing Post as a weekly columnist.

  16. Re: Has Ferdy lost the plot?

    I actually think James Reveley is a good young jockey who does very well on the Northern track boots plenty home. If he were my son not so sure i'd want him involved with dodgy Ferdy!
    Totally agree , he's a promising jockey and i'm sure he will be top 10 jockey in years to come . This is only a stepping stone to better things. And agree that Ferdy is a bent character .
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