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Torque last won the day on June 6

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About Torque

  • Birthday 05/09/1910

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  1. Another heavy fav bites the dust.
  2. Doets the latest to show how not to double. That said, Smith looks ripe to be beaten to me - he's not pulling up any trees.
  3. Anything in, say, the 1.25 to 1.50 range @harry_rag
  4. I reckon the numbers would improve significantly if only heavy home favourites were looked at. Tonight's match between Tottenham and Manchester United is the wrong odds profile for what I'd be looking to do.
  5. And this is supposed to be the pinnacle of the sport. Surely there are a hundred-odd darts players in the world that can double at least 4 out of 10 on a regular basis. If there isn't then it shows how far the sport has to go before there's no more room for players to improve.
  6. Now Lukeman can't hit a double
  7. Like chalk and cheese. The worst performance so far followed by easily the best. Grbavac just lost 3-0 with an average of nearly 100. He must be fuming - would have beaten every other player that's taken to the stage so far with that performance.
  8. At last. A couple of players on the stage playing as though they should be there.
  9. I was too generous. 3 out of 28 checkouts
  10. No idea what that was from Landman. That's the worst performance of this tournament so far by a mile. 3 out of 23 checkouts. Never held his throw after winning the first set and never broke his opponent once and his opponent was a massive underdog.
  11. Such a shame. And it seems like it's almost impossible to fully get over once you've had it.
  12. Aspinall just about crawls over the line. I won't be in a rush to back him soon after those struggles. Without his doubles he'd have been out for sure.
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