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Dave Mardell

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Posts posted by Dave Mardell

  1. Re: Bored Yeah I aint played Ladbrokes for ages either. As you know I was in the ladders most of the time. Finished up the rest of my tokens and withdrew. Got quite lucky and cashed in 2 of the 4 "Level 4's" I had tokens for. Seems its gone a bit dead over there so I couldnt be arsed to keep going waiting all day for a game to start. Dunno about Brum. Probably not to be honest. With the footy season comming up I need to be a bit more froogal.

  2. Re: Bored Alright H1ghlander. Dave_M of Ladbrokes here. Long time no see. I wondered if you'd ever find your way here :)

  3. Re: Was i right??

    Look if I don't test you lot from time to time then you'll get sloppy... Top marks for observation. :clap :ok :clap :ok
    Uh didnt see someone had already pointed it out. My ooops
  4. Re: Was i right??

    IF I had Q5 I know that I would have the nuts, as it would be impossible for someone to have the quad 5's.
    QQ 99 88 Are all still beating 5's full The straight was losing to 55 QQ 99 88 5Q 59 58
  5. Re: Blue Sq bubble freeroll

    I usually fold till last 3' date=' then bet all but 1 chip every turn, and fold when someone eventually raises me all in ....... works every time :ok[/quote'] Exactly what i was going to say. Then just set yourself all for one chip every hand. Should be sound unless you get two people all in with you.
  6. Re: Apology

    No and I don't know why people care about the pokersites money' date=' they make enough as it is.[/quote'] Um, yes they do. They are a business. Businesses are supposed to make money. What you are basically suggesting is that stealing is OK so long as it is from someone richer then you. Not to mention the human aspects. If enough people cheat a poker site that site goes bankrupt. The people it emplys are jobless. Inoccent working class people with a higher moral fibre than you seem to have. Im sorry but personally, I think its time for you to go. :spank
  7. Re: What would you do here? Id bet half the pot. If I get called id be inclined to slow right down unless I improved on the turn (with a 2 not a Q as this could be what your opponent has.) If you get reraised you have to figure your beat

  8. Re: Limping for a minor amount on the SB I also dont advocate raising from the SB on a steal either. In the button you can raises 3xbb to win 1.5xbb and be in position if your called. In the SB you have to raise 2.5x the bb to win 1xbb and be out of position and completely in the dark if your called. Ive lost count of the times ive got myself in disasterous situations trying to steal from the SB, or indeed trying to defend poxy level 3 BB's

  9. Re: Limping for a minor amount on the SB For me the probelm with limping in the SB with trash because of pot odds is that your never going to win a big pot if you make something big, and you open yourself up to a busting when two freak hands collide. sa you limp with 5-2o and the flop comes 7-2-2. Your only going to get serious action if the guy had 77, another 2, or an over pair. If you bet here and your opponent comes over the top are you going to be supprised when he shows you A2, K2 or 77? You either win a very small pot that you may have taken just as easily with a pre flop raise, or you bust out :)

  10. Re: its bully time - so how to play KK? Id check it down. If he has any ace hes thinking hes trapping. If he has two big cards or clubs he has an opportunity to make a losing second best hand. Only danger is he might be on a rag ace and makes a better full house. I dont think he raises before the flop with an ace either. Playing to scared so you cant discount it. Basically with the near nuts you gotta give him a chance to hang himself. If he makes aces full well thats poker. Your still healthy and the low man is all in in the blinds for the next two hands.

  11. Re: What would you do...? Just noticed that this is a $1 MTT. Fish central Id be inclined to call. Give yourself a quadruple up and get into contention. Chances are there could be a lot of dominated draws in those all ins and if you are beaten by aces or a set you have outs. You would probably bust out here but you have a good shout to get some chips Id probably have a gamble. Its only a buck :)

  12. Re: What would you do...? First guy all in has a set. Second guy has two hearts. Third guy has the up and down draw maybe with one heart, maybe with 2, possibly two pair, KK or AA Looks to me like Q's is no good and your gonna need to draw to a flush, and the pot odds make this correct based on nine to come, but to be honest I dont think there are that many left. You could have as few as 5-6 outs. I wouldnt like it myself - but as valient says. Imagined horrors.

  13. Re: 3 X Big Blind Its also important in STT to consider the size of the raise in proportion to the stacks as well the blinds, especially against opponents who cant lay down big hands. I story if i may. In the first round of a SST with BB at 20 and 1500 starting chips. A player I have played with before makes it 5x the BB to 100. I figure this has to be Aces or Kings, maybe just maybe AKs. I find 22 and call. I know what your thinking. This is madness. However I know my man and I know that he wont be able to get away from his and unless there is a 4 flush or 4 straight at the turn. I figure my odds of hitting my set are 7/1 8/1 but if I can get him all in when I hit my set im implied to get 15/1 on the call (all his chips) I also play to check the flop to confirm my read of AA or AK. I know that he will check behind me if he has aces to try and trap me, and if he has AKs after all he will stab at the pot and I can set him all in. Flop: 27Q rainbow :loon Me: Check Him: Check Turn: 9 Me: Pot Bet Him: Raise Pot Me: All In Him: Call River: 9 Him: wtf you call a 5xbb raise with 22 you godamn fish at best you were a 50 50 against overcards blah di blah blah. Needless to say if I miss my 2 i fold and take a small dent to my stack. Needless to say I would be inclined to call almost any two cards against a "big" 5xbb raise in the opening two levels because the implied odds are so good. Needless to say I was unable to make a move for the rest of the game because of my table image, but I called action all game long on premium hands :)

  14. Re: its bully time - so how to play KK? Incidently, mick112 should have called automatically the hand before when he had 600 and half his stack was in the BB. He was getting 3/1 and you didnt have Kings :) He should really be calling now as well cos again half his chips are in the pot and this time he is getting 5/1 on his money. Even 72o is going to be getting near correct oodds against kings, and is the correct call against a random hand. Silly mick :)

  15. Re: Struggling One thing I would like to add hyper. I have been playing on and off for about 4 years now. I have the skill of someone of about one maybe two years experience however. Ther reason? I dont play ALL the time. I dip in and out. Poker is highly addictive as we know but it is my experience that to win you need to be in a certain frame of mind as much as anything else. If you have had a little drink, dont play. If you are tired from getting in from work dont play. If you have to be somewhere in two hours dont play. The list goes on. You should only be sitting down when you WANT to play and you KNOW your going to do well. If you start playing 6 hours a day for the sake of it chances are youll play badly cos your bored/tired/drunk whatever. It is better to play one STT a week and win it, than play 20 and show a small loss after winning 2 and losing the rest. Ah the Zen of poker. I almost sound like I know what im talking about :)

  16. Re: its bully time - so how to play KK? I agree you pretty much have to shove again. Your table image is "loose maniac cos he has chip lead". The second you call or make a small raise suddenly alarm bells will go off if they have even slightly been paying attention. IF they have woken up with a mid to large ace or any poket pair they are liable to call. If they fold you can show your kings which reinforces the idea that maybe your on some mad rush of cards allowing you to shove some more!

  17. Re: Your thoughts people ?

    I guessed most of us would feel the same way especially when you just got sitted into a freeroll and the first hand some bloke came along stating his hands out and saying he gotta go :loon :loon :loon :loon and keeps going all in after that . Who would actually risk their tournament line and go all in with them ?
    This is the oldest "trick" in the book. If the guy really had to go somewhere why wouldnt he just "check fold all" and close his poker client down.
  18. Re: anyone calling this? Incidently, while he is the lowest stack on the bubble he still has 20xBB in front of him, and while those are going to be comming round pretty fast he shouldnt be panicking just yet. My definition of a short stack is a lot less BB's and in a situation where if he does double though hes still the lowest stack at the table As has been said give him the 25 chips. If you both had a king in that spot and you double him up you would end up in a situation where you now have 3 guys with 2000 chips on the bubble with blinds at 50 - so 40bb's each. Basically its the distinction between the lowest stack, a short stack and a crippled stack. If he has 200-300 infront of him its a differnt story see...

  19. Re: $1000 PKR Freeroll limited to 500 players I was playing around with PKR just recently. Its good but: Its a bit resource heavy - need a good PC and multitabling would be rough! They also need to stop players "emoting" who are out of the hand. Its really annoying that there is this great "false tell" system in place but guys who have folded are whoooping it up and its just confusing.

  20. Re: Unused account balances will be forfeited... TruePoker.com gipped me the same way. Opened an account. Tried to play on of the 5 "newbie freerolls" that was promised. Was told my account was not eligable as it was one per person and apparently I have "dozens" of accounts registered with this PC. I asked them to send me the login details of these 24+ accounts so that I might begin withdrawing funds from them seeing as they conceded the accounts were mine. They didnt seem to want to do that as i could be "anyone". So which is it TruePoker.com, you bunch of crooked bastards!. Luckily I never gave them bank details! RacingPoker.com is also bent, but thats another story.

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